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Everything posted by LunarMadness

  1. Haha right right. I know. People like dat ass. Go... for it?
  2. That's part of his charm. Death has been cheapened in the KH universe. All the main bad guys keep coming back. But Vanitas died 10 years ago and he's still dead. He's a one shot villain and is one of the few to show that death isn't cheap and being evil doesn't pay. I love Vanitas, but I actually hope he's gone for good.
  3. I'm a nerd. A character nerd. I remember characters. Characters are my obsession.
  4. Yes too long. I was referring to story. i.e. I think Kingdom Hearts II might be too long sometimes. About 75% of the time I'm in a Disney world I just wanna win and go... advance the plot.
  5. Nomura is a money-grubbing bastard... oh wait, it's UNpopular opinions... my bad.
  6. I'm at 45 and haven't even fought Secret Portals or Julius or whatever. I used to be amazing at KH games but now I just suck.
  7. Or maybe I'm just a boy who likes women. *lights candle and pours dark grape juice* I'm not sure whether it's morbid curiousity or pervertedness... but I wanna see a female Meowjesty.
  8. We need to wait like... 2 years. I don't want my soul mate to get arrested.
  9. Those objects you are nestled between look quite round and firm.
  10. Oh and another thing... Vanitas was probably put in the game so he could be put in the trailer so there would be better sales... due to his popularity.
  11. I've already said that I could "dig" something like 5 times in my 48 posts... and here you are saying it too. THIS IS WEIRD.
  12. Oh. Well... I mean look at him. 1) He just looks like a flatout crazy Kooma Panda. 2) I guess you weren't too far off on the Gacy part. Monster Clowns. 3) My humor is random and sporadic so that was off the top of my head anyway.
  13. Well... 1) Zelda is more monumental and legendary than Kingdom Hearts is. It's completely iconic and is one of the first series of its kind. 2) 25 is 15 more years of specialness than 10. Not saying the 10th anniversary couldn't have been more special.
  14. I don't think you could've dug any deeper and still find nothing. Uh... That doesn't make sense. Anyway I like that Meowjesty has Mickey pants. I also imagine the Avengers theme is playing everytime I see Sora charging into battle with Kooma Panda and Meowjesty by his side.
  15. To each their own. I don't care too much about seeing the old games in HD. However, playing BBS on a console and maybe getting the additions that the Final Mix games got... I could dig that.
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