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Rayne the Relentless

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Everything posted by Rayne the Relentless

  1. Thank you for the greetings everyone, it is enjoyable here and I find myself getting a bit deeper into the series than I have been.
  2. The few times I actually managed to see it pop up I'm already in the middle of a killing blow, it's HP was too high for me to kill it, or my dream eaters kill it while I'm trying to survive and get back to the middle it appeared for and making sure it's HP it just low enough without accidentally delivering the final blow.
  3. I'm trying to get the Reality Shift for final world but it feels like even when using keyblades that grant a higher chance of it happening the chance of it happening on Critical Mode is far lower. What makes matters worse is the game doesn't record it happening if the reality shift doesn't kill the dreameater (and at level 1 on critical mode reality shifts are not instant kill).
  4. I feel like Dream Eaters have been better support for me on the battle field than Donald and Goofy have been. Least for me a critical mode at level 1 there is a noticable difference on just how useful they are.
  5. You can also use 10 40 or 100 DP after you drop to slow down the Drop Guage. I believe it's called Drop Decelerator. Though depending on the "weather" in the world the drop guage may drop a bit faster than usual.
  6. Speaking of these tiny things did anyone pick up the Sora was combatant 13 in The Grid? But digressing aside I don't know how much control Saix would have being part norted or if Xehanort would be able to detect the slightest hint of deception but does anyone think it possible Saix/Isa is trying to get as close to the plan as possible to maybe turn things over in the end, in which case he'd have to deceive Axel/Lea?
  7. Wasn't my intention to make it sound like so nor do I think it is. This could be used as a place just to vent out what could have been bothering us with the game.
  8. Maybe we can try and round up some people to do this as a community but I was wondering if we could have x number of people try and level x number of dream eaters to find out when they learn certain moves? I feel like detailed things like these make a huge difference on Critical Mode, even if you started from Proud. Just as a side note, still on Dreameaters, have we found out what combo assist does? Nevermind, I don't know if you know it and/or added it/plan on adding what support abilities are and what they do but I think combo assist boosts the strength of normal A attacks.
  9. Just ran into another one maybe? Fighting one of the Beagle Boys (the one in the last room). I knocked him over the boxes toward the dressing room and he keeps running into the boxes (not attacking me at all) like his only target is my dreameaters maybe?
  10. I'm just your average KH Fan and maybe a bit of a hardcore gamer. Was driven to come here by KH3D's many glitches and somewhat more complex system with how they integrated the abilities with the Dreameaters. Been around the KH3D Boards for a couple days giving a little bit of my input here and ther and helping out a bit where I can. I've played KH since the beginning and the storyline does interest me but the challenge KH can provide also catches my attention. I'm not quite sure I notice as much story based stuff as other fans here might but I certainly like to think I like to challenge myself a bit more than most. Currently doing a Level 1 Critical Mode run in KH3D. I partially did it in BBS (only Terra's playthrough but not the final boss). If I still had the game I would maybe go back and try it again with everyone (I was having a competition with a friend on who could complete the game first). Don't really know what else to say but if you've other questions just ask and I'll try my best to answer. I'll probably still be roaming around the KH3D boards seeing what help I can provide (though do note my help might lean towards stating the minimal requirements probably needed. I don't like games being easy so my methods don't tend to make things as easy as they can be.)
  11. Drop System really hinders my deck on my Critical Mode run. My damage is so abysmal (I'm level 1) that I need to carry around Drop-Me-Nots in my deck just to get through boss battles and some scripted normal battles in time.
  12. I feel like the Cure, Cura, and Curaga might be a bit excessive. Maybe I'm just about making it feel as challenging as possible but I'm level 1 and half way through story on Critical and I'm only using 1 Cura. But as someone said do make star ranked Dream Eaters. It is a huge difference. My non-starred ranked Dream Eaters (These are ones I thought I had no intention of using), I ended up having to use to have a better party for Sora and they just keep dying (and the more they die the longer it takes to bring them back. Highly increases your chances of death). Your collected materials are not carried over, your dream eaters go back to level 1 and their command board is reset. So it's best to use your current save to get better ranked dream eaters and get a decent affinity with them while you still can. Another ability I recommend (and maybe this is why I'm living off of 1 Cura) is Reload Boost. The moment you get 25% HP or below your commands begin reloading a lot quicker making Curative spells much more readily available if needed.
  13. Typo, sorry. I read what you quoted me on as Gargoyle as well. And I couldn't think of it's actually name and was in the middle of a battle so I couldn't check.
  14. I don't know how I did it in Proud but in Critical Mode (on my previous attempts with those 3 bosses) I couldn't even attack the Wargoyle because that area is just way too small for the Wargoyle's Size and the size of it's attacks. So I suppose I'm a bit grateful for it.
  15. In Prankster's Paradise I hadn't even gotten 1.5 bars down on the boss and I already got the option to reality shift to make Monstro Float and finish off the boss. In Traverse Town when Sora is supposed to fight the 3 bosses again it skipped the Wargoyle after the Monkey and when straight to the Lobster and the fight was done after only 2 boss fights. Has this happened to anyone else?
  16. I didn't know that and that's probably why I've yet to see those buffs yet. Thanks for the information.
  17. The 2nd time he jumps off the building and after just go back to the command that was already effected (what I did was had a command in there I purposely sacrificed so it didn't hinder my strategy) so the rest of your commands will stay safe.
  18. Think I've known about this for a while but what made me come here was looking for information about the special portal glitch in KH3D.
  19. What about when he starts controlling lightning is the issue for you and the slam isn't blockable nor have I been able to dodge the one from him jumping from the wall. If you have second chance / once more just make sure you have a little bit of HP left so it can't kill you,
  20. 90 Hours 100%ing Proud minus 3 trophies. 28 Hours currently on Critical (Still 100%ing and doing level 1 Run). Half way done with story.
  21. Sword I've looked at your guide for what spirit uses what support spell but ever since I got to Critical Mode my spirits no longer use Combo Asssit or Spirit Roar, do you know if this is a limitation of Critical Mode? I'm doing a Level 1 Critical Mode run and the bosses are in states that make them run away a lot more and with how little damage I do even with Don't Drop Me Items I barely have enough time or don't have enough time to kill the bosses. Side Note: When in the proper disposition they will use things like Protect and Shell but never any offensive support spells when in the proper disposition. Edit: I noticed that after a certain part in the game (I think it's more after my Lord Kyroo reached a certain level but I think either might could be the reason), he started using haste on the same disposition I've been waiting for him to use offensive support spells on.
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