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Everything posted by Raziel

  1. Hmm...Cause the way I'd have it is everything minus the waiting. lol.
  2. LOL SAME. To OP: Ventus/Roxas is awesome, I'll give you that!
  3. we might get some new info and/or some small gameplay clips, but I highly doubt we're getting a trailer...That would mean they already started the JP voice acting, since every single KH trailer has had voiced scenes so far, and they're not even CLOSE to the point of recording voices yet. It would be a miracle if they were able to pull off a full blown trailer next year.
  4. Even a 1 minute trailer would satisfy me. o.o As long as it's 100% new footage, we get what Sora's new costume looks like, and we see someone else besides Sora, Donald, or Goofy. I WANNA SEE A NEW FACE.
  5. All you have to do is find a job. Obtain two paychecks. PS4 in two weeks. You're old enough to get a job next year, (this year with a job permit) which is still 1-2 years away from the release of KH3. And jobs are usually easy to find if you apply at a fast-food drive-thru or become a waitress or something...It's easy stuff. If there's a Steak n' Shake in your area, take advantage of it. They hire EVERYONE on the spot. All you do is punch some orders into a computer, cash their money and give them the change. And when it's slow, you can just goof off. Or if you apply to be a waitress somewhere, you make $14 an hr or more.
  6. Do you think we will get a new trailer at E3 2014? As in, a full blown trailer?
  7. Whoever made that article is literally retardded. (Not blaming you, it's not your fault. It's theirs for posting information that is FAR from true.) SE said they would be satisfied if just 100k people subscribed to FF A Realm Reborn, and almost one MILLION have subscribed so far. And it costs close to $15 a month per person. That would literally give them profit from developing it in the first two months of release. It also broke the world record of most users online on any game at the same time, ever. With 218,000 online at once, which is insane. They're making 10+ million a MONTH on this game.
  8. I've never in my life heard "Kaiso". I've always seen people say Sokai in various sites. So it's safe to say that is incorrect. Although technically, a made up name can't be incorrect, but you get what I mean.
  9. Yeah, it would be a miracle if it came out by 2015. But it's still possible in my opinion. Nomura did say we get one game a year and it's a fact that no new ones are coming out after 2.5 until KH3. Which wouldn't make any sense if it was any later than 2015. But Nomura has screwed us so many times so I'm not going to believe his "promise". But one can still hope he will stick to his word.... And Ultra HD, please.
  10. And I'm sure we're all going to have to wait an entire century for KH4 as well. Nomura: "We're busy on FF15-2/FF16! PLEASE BE PATIENT." >:[
  11. I knoooow. I would love it! If they did, I wonder if they'd leave out the Wizarding World of HP...Probably. At least we wouldn't have to wait in a 4 hr long line. Gosh that sucked in the 110 degree heat.
  12. I would UTTERLY. DESPISE IT. if they somehow managed it because MILLIONS of people would create ridiculously over-powered pokemon with 999 in every stat or create abilities/moves on pokemon that are impossible to have, etc. It would COMPLETELY RUIN the online competitive game...................FUKC that. Just, NO. NO!!!! >:[ I SPENT TOO MANY COUNTLESS HOURS ON LEGIT POKES FOR THAT BULLSHIT. I don't think there ever will be though.. Nintendo would patch it up every single time they re-patched the AR to work on the 3DS, so the effort wouldn't be worth it since not many people buy them anyways. Which, I'm pretty sure, is the main reason they don't do it anymore in the first place. It would be extremely tough and laborious work to find a crack to thousands of lines of security coding once a month or more. It took them almost a full year to get the regular AR updated to work on it.
  13. Next time, you might want to stick to what you say lol. But yeah, that would be pretty sweet. Although I think the rides are purely attacks, so I don't know how it would work, unless they actually make Disney World/Land a playable world. Which I doubt, unfortunately.
  14. As long as you focus on leveling up, Critical is hardly noticeably harder than Proud, in my opinion. It's actually pretty easy once you get the hang of it...Not counting lvl 1 runs, it can get a lot harder, trust me.
  15. Which is why I'm NEVER going on the internet once it releases in Japan until I beat the English version of the game unless by some MIRACLE it gets released everywhere at the same time.
  16. I'll admit, I'm extremely impatient. But one tends to be waiting on the best series in existence!
  17. I am well aware of the fact that they sell an AR named "AR 3DS", however, it does NOT work with ANY 3DS game. The only reason they created it was for it to be able to work for old regular DS games on the 3DS, because they patched the 3DS to make the old ARs unusable on it, hence the new "AR 3DS". You can look it up yourself and find the same result. So, technically speaking, it doesn't exist. And most likely never will or else there would be one by now.
  18. Good point, but what I meant to say was it feels even more childish than Disney characters. No offense. Just my opinion I guess.
  19. Raziel


    They were infected because that's what Pokerus does. Pokerus infects every single Pokemon in your party almost instantaneously. The exact same thing happened to me on every single Pokemon game I have ever played every single time I get it, and the same thing happens to everyone else that gets it. So no, it's damn well not even close to impossible. Sorry to burst your bubble. But what WAS close to impossible was you getting Pokerus in the first place. It's 1 in 21,178 for a pokemon in the wild to have it, and even then you have to either attack it with a physical move or capture it. So you're EXTREMELY lucky. (To put it in perspective, getting pokerus is almost equivilant to how many people are at a major-league baseball stadium and getting a single winning seat #) That's insane. It's also 2.6x rarer than a shiny which is already 1 in 8100+.
  20. It's only hopeless if you don't actually know how to chain. I can get a chain of 40 almost EVERY time in X and Y no matter what. It's easy as hell.
  21. They didn't hack it. They data-mined it. It's a very large difference. Action Replay for 3DS games doesn't exist, and never will. Or else there would be one by now. Action Replay DS came out the very year the DS was released. And Nintendo updates the 3DS very often, which would make an Action Replay 3DS impossible.
  22. It looks a million times more like Oathkeeper than any other Keyblade. The first one I thought of was Oathkeeper when I saw the gameplay, too. I don't even know how you DON'T see that.
  23. Interesting...Maybe Chernabog is going to have some sort of canon impact to the actual story instead of just sort of "being there".
  24. All I want is to have it by June. Which is an entire eight months from now. That's an extremely long time just to translate some words. They told us 1.5 would be in English but we got that 5 months after JP got it. Meant to say 8 months. = June = Early Summer. That's an extremely long time from now. Japan is going to get it 4-5 months from now, so it wouldn't be asking for much getting it 3 entire months after them. 3 months is still a very long time just to translate...
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