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Everything posted by Raziel

  1. You can't say for certain because it's BEEN CONFIRMED by NOMURA that what we saw so far was "FAR" worse looking than what the graphics are going to look like in the final product. And those two trailers DO look pretty close to CGi; THE ONLY differences are the metals aren't shiny (YET), and it looks just A TAD more cartoony. The clothes themselves still look EXACTLY just as good, with no jaggies, etc. AGAIN: We still have yet to see the final product.
  2. That doesn't make any sense. Final Mix's HAD NOTHING TO DO with system capabilities. The PS2 was able to handle EVERYTHING KH2 had to offer as well with KH2FM being on a single disk, and ALSO bringing the PS2 to ITS' fullest limits, so you make no sense.. They just made them to make fans want it by making new features, thus $$$$$$$$ in their pockets...That's IT...
  3. Oh be quiet. If they did it right, it would be awesome. But even THEN it's one of the ONLY chances that we ACTUALLY GET interviews from the main cast of Kingdom Hearts about the game. Have you any idea how scarce those are? If there aren't any for KH3 like they did with KH2, I'll be pissed.
  4. Whatever floats your boat, but no MATTER WHAT, at least the metals in this game NEED to be realistic and shiny because metal is supposed to LOOK like metal when it needs to be. Not plastic. If they dumb that down it wouldn't make any sense whatsoever because in their "real life" metal things are in FACT metallic, obviously, so that's how it's supposed to look. Especially considering the graphical capabilities of next-gen. It would just be pure laziness on their part. If they keep the same art style that's fine, but just making metal things actually look metallic wouldn't hurt anyone. Just imagine looking at your shiny Keyblade/clothes glisten in the sunlight. It can't do that when it looks like crap. This isn't the damn PS2 anymore.
  5. I agree. I cannot wait until we actually get to see what it looks like for real. This wait is so messed up. D:
  6. Yeah I don't really get why some people don't like the idea and say KH doesn't need it since no one has ever completely died out yet so I don't see the problem of having it happen at least once. Having a universe full of people that live eternally isn't very interesting lol. "Until the end" was added onto that though, and if he dies at the very end of the final Kingdom Hearts epic series conclusion (oh wow, that game is probably going to be even more epic than KH3. #Mindblown) wouldn't that still match with what he said?
  7. I just remembered that a few months back I think, you said that you believed one of TAV will die. What made you change your mind?
  8. lol I doubt it too I was just basically trying to see what everyone else thought about it
  9. Not to nitpick or anything but this opening is by far graphically superior to even the second KH3 trailer released. If you look closely in the second KH3 trailer, ALL metals in the trailer such as the Kingdom Key, his zippers, his necklace, etc. are literally just grey. Zero realism whatsoever. But in the DDD opening, everything that should be metal actually LOOKS metallic lol. Even the hair looks better in DDD's opening. Maybe you didn't watch it in HD. PLUS: Nomura even said himself that the graphics we've seen so far in those two trailers are "FAR" (exact word used) from what it's finally going to look like on-console. Meaning better. Much, much better. You didn't see that interview? : o
  10. Yeah, when Nomura added the part "He will be the protagonist until the end." it got me thinking. Why else would the Kingdom Hearts series end? Theoretically, Sora's story should keep going on and on throughout his life. I doubt everything would be smooth sailing from how they end it, because as adult Keyblade Weilders they're BOUND to come across even vaster adventures. Nomura: "Kingdom Hearts is Sora's story and Sora's alone." But if Sora dies...That would indeed be the end to Sora's story, and still also match what he said about the "until the end" part. lol just my random thoughts that has a 99% chance of not happening. But it's fun to throw out KH ideas when you're bored. Apparently you didn't see the rest of the conversation where I was correcting her and the other guy about that. I said very, very clearly it could happen in the FINAL Kingdom Hearts game ever made, at the very end. Not before the KH series ends. Not in KH3, not even in KH4. The LAST game. Yet. Has Nomura actually confirmed that death will NEVER happen in the future, either? If not, then you can't assume it. Simply put. You can say "It most likely won't happen because it still hasn't yet" but you can't flat out say it's not a thing when it's never, not even once been confirmed. Is this not correct?
  11. (My apology was directed towards you as well, just wanna make that clear.) "Nomura has said he will always be the main character. Always." Are you implying that he means even after the entire Kingdom Hearts series ends completely? Just want to be sure of what you mean by that. If you could put it in a spoiler, what happened in FF LR ending so I can know what you mean?
  12. Yup, it indeed means that he won't die in the next saga, as long as it's not the very LAST game. But I was talking about THE last game in this entire series. At the VERY end. Sora can't be the main character of a game that doesn't exist anyways so he could possibly die in the SERIES conclusion, not the Xehanort SAGA conclusion. I repeat myself just so everyone who reads this knows exactly what I mean lol. Make sense now?
  13. It's cool, and I apologize for being kinda rude it's just you both said the same thing to me at the same time and it stroke a nerve lol.
  15. Nomura is the creator; he can make up whatever kind of Nomuralogic that he pleases to make sure that doesn't happen lol. Example: He implements a rule that we don't know about yet that you can only be brought back once. This has yet to be confirmed because everyone that we've seen die, has only "died" once. x D
  16. I'm calling it; At the VERY last game in this entire series, Sora is going to sacrifice himself FOR REAL this time to save the ENTIRE UNIVERSE ONCE AND FOR-ALL and won't be able to be brought back. Riku and Kairi, along with everyone else will cherish his memory forever. For example, everyone will gather at Destiny Islands, looking out to sea, and say his name in his memory, except instead of a happy hopeful "Sora...", just like Birth by Sleep's ending where everyone says his name, it will be a very depressing yet thankful one; mirroring BbS. I'm coming back to this thread 10 years from now yelling told-you-so's when that game finally comes out; KH 5 (or whatever numbered title is the final game).
  17. KEEP IN MIND WHEN YOU ANSWER THIS: Nomura said that the graphics that we've seen so far in KH3's trailer #2 are, and I quote, "FAR from what we want to accomplish for the final product." Thoughts?! I NEVER saw one of these threads before, surprisingly.
  18. I SO WANT SORA TO BE A VILLAIN. Then, RIKU could be the one to save Sora THIS time around like Sora saved him!! It would be so firetrucking EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Think about it: If this comes to happen, a cool way to do it would have Sora be the villain throughout the entirety of KH4 so that the whole game we're rooting to get OUR their best friend back!! And just when we think he's gone forever ( omg T_T ) Riku and Kairi try one last way to save him not knowing what will even happen and Sora's like looking down panting, and he looks up....and cracks a joke or does something silly related to the situation like always. x D like faking to be all evil still and slowly walking towards them all suspenseful-like while maybe saying a fake evil line; something like "you really thought that would work, did'jya?" but intentionally making it sound all corny, then just be like "Haha! Did I fool ya? xD" Riku&Kairi: "WTF Sora!! >: O..........O_O............OMG!!!! SORA!!!! : D" *ORGASMIC happily-ever-after Kingdom Hearts music ensues*. *Rainbows SPEW out of every firetrucking crevice from my body*. Am I alone in how obsessed I am with this series? LOL
  19. I don't "think"; I KNOW and can GUARANTEE myself that these WON'T be in KH3. Really? These are the next-gen consoles we are talking about here. Graphics capabilities are years ahead of just keeping a flat face which wouldn't even make any sense. The remasters don't count because they wanted to make the game look exactly the same with just a higher resolution and sharper textures. No high-end game in existence has flat faces PS3 and up. Of all games it would make way more sense for KH3 not to have them not just because of the previous reason, but because Square always and every time try their best to push the system's graphics capabilities as far as they can go. They won't stop that pattern for their most anticipated Kingdom Hearts game so far...Put two and two together; common sense.
  20. (I know, misspelled just for the title, lol.)
  21. You clearly didn't see the "JUNIOR" part in Bowser Jr.
  22. Awesome trailer. But this whole game firetrucking disappoints me. NO firetruckING BOWSER JR. A LACK OF BOWSER JR. IS CLEARLY EVIDENT... I hate Nintendo.
  23. YX doesn't even HAVE a heartless. Older Xehanort's heartless looks like Terra because HE TOOK OVER TERRA'S YOUNG BODY WHICH THEN TURNED INTO A HEARTLESS. So NO, it's NOT "just like" why YX looks like Riku. THAT'S a COMPLETE coincidence (as far as we know so far), while the latter has a direct REASON for it.
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