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About Soraalam1

  • Birthday March 13

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    I tried it.
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  1. Whoa, look at this thread Thanks for the kindness everyone. Appreciate the love! Just to be clear, I say in the video I absolutely think KH3 can be 2017 and I don't think there is any development hell type of stuff going on, but you seem to understand either way.
  2. Maybe he pauses and goes to the "Equipment" menu.
  3. Yeah, its the first I heard of it. But I don't really have any strong feelings towards the movie or the world itself.
  4. Oh hey look what's on KH13. Uniphication beat me here . Yeah I am very interested in seeing everyone's thoughts.
  5. Just wanted to let you know I LOVE your Youtube Channel! :)

  6. Its the best I can come up with through rationalization. Of course, Japanese voice recording has been revealed, let's not forget the E3 teaser, and that was almost a year ago. I have seen other games before have trailers VAed before the actual games recording, with completely hypothetical scenes in those concepts. I'm not saying anything we may see in 2015 will be hypothetical, but considering Haley Joel Osment last year refused to speak on Kingdom Hearts 3 and now this, I'm just saying this time around I don't think they are slacking with English voices. After all, this is Square Enix's second biggest title they have upcoming on the horizon, they (hopefully) will try and localize as soon as possible.
  7. I theorized in my coverage that he was getting it confused with Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded work he has done. And since he answered yes to Re:Coded, I think its safe to say. But, he insists on something for 2015. I'm taking everything he says with a grain of salt, but a very rational explanation (because he keeps saying he is finished "as far as he can tell") is that he recorded voices for a Kingdom Hearts 3 TRAILER set to be revealed in 2015! This makes perfect sense. Of course I am not saying anything at all is even close to being 100% confirmed, but I have been on this story for the last 12+ hours, and this is the most plausible conclusion I have come to for why Bill insisted it is Kingdom Hearts 3 numerous times.
  8. Now that I have used it more, its worse than my original impression. Takes 5-7 seconds on average for me, but it also kinda freezes the game for a split second before the transformation comes out. Not cool.
  9. I really haven't run in to any freezing issues. Load times are noticeably a tad bit longer than my KH2 PS2 disc. Nothing unbearable. It might just feel longer to me because the spinning heart isn't there to reassure me half the time (before some cutscenes?) like it was with 1.5 (which I personally had no problems with loading screens). Testing the Valor form. On average takes about 4-5 seconds for me... definitely more awkward than the PS2 version but I can deal with that. I have an original 60GB PS3 with HDD upgraded to 500, if it matters.
  10. Guys, this is happening over a pre-order bonus when we should instead save this campaign for something that matters way more, like to get Kingdom Hearts III to release on the same date worldwide. But the KH3 campaign shouldn't be happening anytime soon, I'm just saying this movement at the moment is over pre-order bonus of all things. The pin isn't even that bad.
  11. Thanks a ton! I will take it into consideration.
  12. I mean, I know there isn't much character development, but I still think he grows with each new experience.
  13. I guess this fits into guides. Well, I recently started a Let's play Kingdom Hearts 3D and I wanted to get some extra feedback from you guys . Here is the latest episode. (I'm not sure how to embed it here.)
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