Welp sorry I had to jump onto this as well because I don't know man it just bothers me. Anyway, this is going to sound really mean or something but it doesn't matter how much effort you put into your work for the contest- like the judges weren't looking for how much effort you put in you know- they just wanted to look at the results. You could've worked on something for like 20 years and come up with the same product but everyone's going to look at the product the same way no matter how much effort you put in. It's kind of like some people complain about how the art that they've but the most work into isn't noticed by others while the really rushed ones are the ones that people like the most. Yeah that's all I had to say.
Anyway congrats to the winners! I didn't have time to add an entry because go procrastination wooooo
Oh and Kiri do you possibly have a deviantart or pixiv or something that I could stalk? U: