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Everything posted by Gooby

  1. i am bak wit scrambled eggs 2 feed wurld with wisdom from me. gooby pls

  2. if i had to choose one i wuld chose ps4. foget the exclusiv microsoft cant mayke the gams good no madder wat.
  3. Gooby


    Whalecum to the forum
  4. i wanna know secret! ow bout i gve u imajinary money
  5. o shits, *activates button to make bad grammer make puppies healthy* HA
  6. i do, i have 1 as a matter of fact. im sticking to gooby grammer.
  7. ur point? i dink bad grammer is da cure to everytin, n plius is point of da joke
  8. u becum old n wrinkley and play golf. also u thing in yo pants dont work if u a guy, and u havev to buy viagra just to do it, which will never happen sadly. lol bein old sux
  9. o yea this gonna be last post for couple days, ( made enough already tbh )
  10. well its done. i made the puppy dead thingy it only takes too sentncesss. 2 people bangin eachother widout condom, and den da dude gets hiv from a prostitute whos over 50. da end
  11. crashrobot55 has suggested i write about this. Wen da puppeh see da bad grammer, its blood races to its kidney, the kidney then explodes. the puppeh then cries in sheer pain, while the owner of the puppeh brings to hospital, the bad grammer disease goes to stage too.at staege too the puppeh has lost all of its teef. its spleen has shranks to the point of u needin a microscope to see it. the blood stops racing for about twee days. teh puppeh now has dimensia, poopin itself evereh 10 minutes. stage twee then kicks in.at stage twee, the puppeh goes blind and deaf, digs holes around to sleep in, and goes completleh bald. it groes 2 big teeth like a rat or mouse, but it sticks out all da time. it diigs multipleh tunnels, puppies around it got the disease as well and joined it. stage four out of 5 begins shortly after.stage 4 kicks in, and the puppehs spleen disappears, and its heart enlargens about 3 times its original size.the puppeh body enlargen about 3000 times it size, and it gets a rampagin anger. the puppeh attacks everythin includin da twees! y da twees man?! and da us military has to nuke da place, and the whole world gets nuked, den da people build machine of time and time travel and kill all da puppehs to prevent it from happenin again. stage 5 begins.now dat all puppehs r dead, all cuz of grammer bad, the gooby goes bak in teme an brings em back, makin sure that they turn into to turtle puppehs. and dats how bad grammer klls puppehs. turns em into a monster and peepoles kill ems. also rhinos got feet due to alien peepoles. RHINOS USED TO FLOAT AROUND IN MARS AND SHIT EVERYWHERE, THATS HOW MARS GOT RED BTW! cuz rhonos have red poopy. da end meh, not meh bestest work, but it will doo
  12. i like how the grammer kills puppies, i can go into detail wiith that
  13. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png waht?!
  14. Hai gooby here an i got new job! i dr. gooby. is yo havin problems wit things that u can fix like a cold? well gooby doe it worse so it bedder.problems wit things like...... like....... ummm.....nvm bout dat but i have a 15 dollar certifikate fo doctars degree. so u no i a profeccional. hats a 13 deller sertificatre peepoles. im best doctor! A QUESTION: wat u guys want gooby to write bout? its somethin dat i want to try, some will have spelling thats over a preschooler ( finally ) i like tryin to get to know peepolez on forums n such. danks for readin dis!
  15. Gooby


    dum is fun da end of da dory
  16. nobedy guessez? pokemon fire red was it btw... ty for all da repliees, gooby apreciate!
  17. Juust bien gooby n such, sincurly urs gooby

    1. theultimatesorafan


      Hows you doing goobs?

    2. Gooby


      gooby does finey

  18. (*insert word here that has nothing to do with the post itself*) POOPY
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