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About KimV

  • Birthday May 27

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  1. Congradulations to all the winners, they all look fantastic! ...I knew I should've put a meow wow in mine...
  2. I'm scared...and hungry

    1. King Riku

      King Riku

      No, hurry, eat this sandwich! We can't let you die!

    2. SolarFlare12


      *hands a cookie*

  3. MuaHaHaHaHaaa

  4. ew, I start school on monday

  5. I really loved the music in symphony of sorcerey, La Cité de Cloches, and traverse town
  6. hehe every time I log in here I see my chances gets slimmer good luck to everyone
  7. still trying to wrap my brain around the inception of KH3D xD

    1. Ethan Minero

      Ethan Minero

      right? it was insane!

  8. Ok, finally finished my entry. Here's a fresh one just for KH13 http://kh13.com/forum/uploads/gallery/album_18/gallery_40240_18_248286.png
  9. KimV

    Symphony of Sorcery

    Look at these two bums just chillin during their exam! But the symphony of sorcery is such a beautiful world, I could hardly concentrate my self!
  10. Symphony of Sorcery is so beautiful, and the music is perfect. I loved it.
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