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Everything posted by KH4Real

  1. I guess it will be there the whole September cause we are celebrating tje Japaense KHx anniversary.
  2. Nomura said that BH6 will likely be in the next trailer that will be on September 10th in Japan.
  3. Huh? I got mine previous month. Hm but I might have ordered from a Japanese store.
  4. Yeah no wonder that Goofy is always pissed when he sees an organization member. They need to ask how many Disney worlds there are left to be revealed.
  5. I had really a great time at Gamescom. I didn't expect that you need to wait hours for a demo. But KH3 was fantastic there Here are a few pics:
  6. We might see one Saturday there is then a cosplay contest aswell. But I don't think this will be private or it was appeared before even if it is it will be recorded.
  7. I would choose Toy Story it's my favorite Disney movie. We will start with Olympus to gain Sora's powers.
  8. Yep you will need to restart your ps4. Kingdom Hearts doesn't got autosave.
  9. Dang that could have been the release date for Kingdom Hearts 3.
  10. I think Beauty & the Beast should get their own tv series. Frozen likely Rapunzel got one aswell.
  11. You shouldn't skip any mission in GTA5 you will mss then trophies aswell.
  12. Would be nice but Nomura did say that Sora will be running or gliding this time on the cover. So I doubt it will be this one.
  13. Forget it bro my highest is 60mil you can only get Sora&Simba with all the medals that got 21%. Mayby even that isn't enough you might need extra attack on Phantom. This video can help you:
  14. He said next trailer I think and he wasn't sure about BH6 but we will see it likely appear next.
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