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Everything posted by KH4Real

  1. They probably got two different teams. I guess also that Nomura is most of the time with the KH3 team.
  2. Ofcourse. Sephiroth was already predicted for KH3 since it is a numbered game. Must be the final so Cloud might die here.
  3. Possible to be in a future side game but KH3? No please. They need to avoid animal movies mayby just mayby one animal Disney classic like Dinosaur, Robin Hood, Jungle Book. However in Jungle Book Sora will be Sora won't really count.
  4. He is so smart that he want to keep dreaming . Vote nr3 .
  5. Oh right so probably no ZeldaU. Well didn't expect Sun and Moon.
  6. I will spending mine with Pokkén . It must be a ZeldaU trailer.
  7. Zelda anf FF can think of names easily. This company is very serious about thinking titles. I know it is selling good. 1000 pokémon could be also the max.
  8. I highly doubt they can go anymore further besides those are good titles to end with it.
  9. This must probably be the last generation. Be prepared. Pokémon Moon .
  10. I am also for Pokémon Moon I just doubt about the logo why form of a bat? Will get used to if those logos are true but still.
  11. Well Pokemon Gray could mayby be a weird name. Z might still coming. Cause of the borring color the sales could fall. Or cause of the originality.
  12. Lol I was thinking of sunset, noon and dawn or something like that for gen7. Looks it is going to end .
  13. You are kidding. PS2 consoles are cheap. Go find one with games for $30. Or play the oldschool Runescape .
  14. Maleficent will be for sure in KH3 she is still looking for the book of prophecies.
  15. The code name Pokémon Rainbow or the 7th generation.
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