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Everything posted by KH4Real

  1. Well it might show how great the game will be. Still I prefered the design before Unreal Engine 4.
  2. For me it is hard to choose between Poppilio and Litten. I guess I go for Poppilio .
  3. Nicely draw I hope to get Black Coat Mickey and KH2 Kairi.
  4. I mostly care about the opening, dearly beloved, the Keyblade War and ending. Those will be probably be very great so other things won't really matter.
  5. Not sure if you knew but the final boss was called ??? but is in fact Roxas. Correction Data-Roxas .
  6. Hm not sure. I think I had better deals before. I should save up for Org XIII.
  7. I think more now are heading to Moon . I think I will go for water type it will own Rowlet so much with ice beam .
  8. Oh wait with lifetime I meant once in a lifetime. If it is a discounted offer they should mention it. It is possible though it might be able to purchase again next year.
  9. What means those are mayby going to be a lifetime offer. I got Nick but dam I am not high enough to weild it.
  10. Yeah but still If they want to promote it more. All attention needs to be on ZeldaU now I guess.
  11. Hmm that would be epic! Now in KH3 they need to make it with more lovely instruments .
  12. Wait what? No Pokémon Sun and Moon? It is going to be out this year.
  13. I think we will get a dark shadow as a secret boss . Kind like darkside but then in shadow form.
  14. Yeah.was a bit relieved. But April Fools is long ago you know . So you never know now.
  15. Let's pray the release window in the next E3. Can't be happening. It may explains why Lea hasn't voiced yet.
  16. Even in the screenshot he does sadly but can likely change Kairi aswell.
  17. Not really a demo you play 4 chapters . It is half of the game lol. Should be 2 chapters.
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