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Everything posted by KH4Real

  1. Yup but if you are in the middle of nowhere the app won't detect anything.
  2. Well that is your problem when you're make a new acc and had Aqua on your old acc. Nop mayby next year but I think they were permanent for a limited time.
  3. You were referring to the keychain or? I checked the X-blade and that is for sure .
  4. Yup I believe also in summons for both Nick and Judy. For a world I think that is to late.
  5. Yeah for a moment I though the player found a player from Poké Go. But who would die for catching a Poké while swimming.
  6. Np. daily deal is a better chance for me then the small deal . Got Sephi anyway. Had him once with the Epic Carnaval though.
  7. Wait you can get Sora and Pals in the Daily Deal and Sephi in the Small it is listed.
  8. 2 or 3 times. It may run slow cause of the space or cause of the EU server.
  9. Yup I knew I have read 1,5k for 25k and 3k for 50k. Ye we were close to 50k.
  10. You guys need to try again? I had it also. But it looks like it is running slow.
  11. Dang it goes slower now. I hope this is just for the first times.
  12. The only thing I can think off is that they were going through the portal until a boss is holding them. Then Aqua must had told Mickey that she will take care of him.
  13. Well he isn't really important OrgXIII will probably be gone in KH4. But hey let's just wait and see.
  14. Ohyeh now I remember the scene from 3D. Might be still possible he might still see him as Ventus. Since he didn't say his name yet I think.
  15. Yeah that may be true but he might not remember Roxas. He will remember him then as Ventus .
  16. This does me thinking. If Roxas comes back and Lea might probably die. He will say then this: "Goodbye Roxas, See you again. I'm glad I got to meet you." You know since it is Lea and not Axel will this trip be his first time meeting Roxas.
  17. If we better don't miss our daily jewels. Random and quest . Or if they give an excuse for like 500 it is fine .
  18. I think it is safe to say that the E3 2015/d23 is what we will will get. But this are the cartoony graphics guys. It may fit eventually better. After all this design was probably needed for Toy Story .
  19. To be honest I didn't really like how fire or thunder were used in KH2. Especially fire. That is one of the reasons why it isn't number1 on my list. I'm most only using reflect and cure. I prefer the KH1 mp system where you also need to kill enemies for mp .
  20. We beated it now a few times and we are just with 3 or two.
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