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Everything posted by KH4Real

  1. Yeh some stores are just destroying this standees.
  2. Days > Coded. The graphics and gameplay are mayby better in coded but I love the missions more! Also touching story.
  3. It would be also a nice addition for the one who don't play kh 3d.
  4. The past can be about bbs. I think they still want a release for vita. But Nomura said it's time to go back to consoles and ddd must be the final game. So Kingdom Hearts3 is on his way .
  5. The Symphony of Sorcery beautifull world just before the final world.
  6. Cool! Didn't notice that but I thought it was similar.
  7. The scene in the Grid when Sora tried to reach tron's hands but he fell. Also that scene when Sora says to Roxas he deserves to be his own person!
  8. Thanks I know the trolling rules but this can be helpfull.
  9. Well I heard that this game was in development so lets hope to be on PS3! If the PS4 comes out there will be still more new PS3 titles.
  10. Hello all, I'm happy to be part of this forum! I live in Belgium. Love all the kh games!
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