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Everything posted by KH4Real

  1. I think they were referring the second playable as Riku. We will likely need to control him in RoD.
  2. It was better in another fandub trailer. I hope they do this. But I loved the helicopter scene god if that happens the game will be so awesome.
  3. We are getting a trailer anyway before the E3. The release date will be revealed that is confirmed.
  4. I don’t think it will be in KH3. KH4 mayby but it will take years to see this title .
  5. You can play it on PS3 though. All I want is a remaster/remake of Rayman 1. This is my favorite ps1 game.
  6. I'm pretty sure it will get more attention after KH3 is released the first episode may release in December they have big plans for the E3.
  7. I think the release date will be 31 October it's perfect themed for KH3. I think also that it this time will be released worldwide.
  8. I should say Vexen in Frozen if he returns or else Xigbar. Demyx should be great for in Atlantis or better Lilo&Stitch.
  9. Luxord will be back for sure he is confirmed in the chessboard. I think it is safe o say that all Org. XIII members will be back but who will be a Darkness.
  10. It wasn't announced they just only said that a new rpg was coming for the Switch. I'm not saying that gen 8 is not possible.
  11. Perhaps gen 8 should be actually announced next year if it happens.
  12. Yeah every new generation will be announced around 3 years. I'm not even sure if we will get a gen 8. Well I was thinking a gen 1 remake with the same style like Zelda BotW.
  13. It's probably too early for gen 8. Look at the facts Pikachu all showing in the trailer. The Kanto starters are stealing the show aswell. If it's not the Kanto remake then it will be something completely new like Pokémon Colosseum.
  14. I'm so excited is it going to be the true rpg that we are wishing for?: https://twitter.com/poke_times/status/989111107859038209 I'm pretty sure it will be a Kanto Remake .
  15. I go for Dsitance I really love the songs and the main theme got something special.
  16. Well the 3 Julia's could mention for KH3. But I'll now give it a go for October 31 or November 13.
  17. That one with Pete is very interesting I wonder what Square was up to with his hands lol.
  18. Nop the only thing that could get on the console are the scores.
  19. Those who who know nothing can understand nothing.
  20. Well I have never heard about it but I am going watch this it looks interesting.
  21. So that doesn't need to mean that Jungle Book will be in it aswell. Toy Story was just already planned for the first Kingdom Hearts game.
  22. I think there will be a KH3 trailer cause Nomura is there or mayby those who were selected can play a demo. But hey I'm happy that KHx will get a new Disney world .
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