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Stefan93 last won the day on December 12 2017

Stefan93 had the most liked content!

About Stefan93

  • Birthday 04/26/1993

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  1. I'm so looking forward to it! I long to see more of that cute little thing! Thank you so much for your kind words
  2. Hey y'all! I'm excited to share with you my first speed drawing video! Feel free to leave any comments, good or bad! I will be continuing to build this channel and any and all criticism will be helpful! Thanks in advance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_C7siNkzAiw
  3. I wanted to recreate the logos for Pinocchio and Tron's worlds and spat these out. Just wanted to share with y'all
  4. Hey guys, just wanted to share this here.
  5. Since this year is the 20th anniversary of the movie Titanic, I drew what I think it would look like in the world map of a KH game...
  6. Hey! The pleasure's mine it's been a while! Yeah I'm still doing it, I'm trying to make a career out of voice-acting, and/or animation. But thanks I'd glad you like it!
  7. Hey guys, I made this video a few months ago and wanted to share it with my fellow kh fans before possibly deleting it. May your heart be your guiding key https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2liyyE-43-A
  8. Thanks guys! ^.^ If I get to voice act for anything, it would be a dream come true!
  9. Hey y'all! Some time ago, I was given the idea of inserting my character impressions into actual animation clips, and so I did and this is what came out... https://youtu.be/my_g8uHRbi0
  10. Omg! Being here is already the greatest thing ever! Thank you guys!! It's nice to know the animating paid back:D And congratulations fellow peers!
  11. Merry Christmas y'all !
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