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Everything posted by Soratus37

  1. Hey bud. here are some some things that helped me if you are not in battle you drop from the pause menu. You can also drop at a saved point,as well as the world map. as for on the field so far there are two items that i know of: Drop me not restores some of the drop gauge And drop me never which restore a signifacant amount of the drop gauge but no you cant stop it from counting down on you.
  2. Yes!!! that would be cool as crud. This how i picture it old xeahnort has overpowered sora and is about to use the xblade to finish him off and just as he is about to young xeahnort use his time powers to ereadicatie old xeahnort and takes the X-Blade for himself. He looks at the blade and laughs and then stares at his fading self and then states ansems famous qoute A FITTING END FOR SUCH A FOOL!! que best final boss song in the history of the world.
  3. It would e cool I really want Normua to show his full potential in Kh3 wrapping evreything up. awesome soundtrack and gameplay. so in general do the best of what makes kingdom hearts Kingdom hearts
  4. He would maybe able to weild the keyblade of evrey keyblade weilder ever even those of the keyblade war. There all conected this person knows this who knows this person who once knew so on and so on Thanks i will try to get a psp and play it. Do you think they should be implemented in KH3. at the end of DDD sora does go to train maybe he will come back knowing how to Use shotlocks,D-Links,Command styles,Command Board. maybe he will even be able to have keyblade armor and keyblade glider.
  5. Yeah i hope they do i like it. But since i dont have BBS i want to try it and the shotlocks and command styles. But therre may be hiddin conciscenctheies of this power. As we have seen before the heart can only take so much. What if sora channel all of his powers from his freinds such as the seven guardian of lights evreyone he has ever met and smashed the X-Blade. But then it shatters soras heart or something. I hope not!!
  6. Yeah proably would. Maybe he con only due it at certain time or something. Or maybe its kinda like a spiderman type thing with great power comes great responsbility.
  7. It would Be cool. Maybe in the final battle with xeahnort in kh3 soras gonna go beast mode and do a awesome finsher on the old cook.
  8. So we all know that soras freinds are his power due to him having the uniqe ability to tie his heart with other people. Does that mean sora heart is a wayfinder meaning he can borrow his freinds power without one. Normua said that even before vens heart went inside sora when he just connected his heart he gained the abbility to weild a keyblade and vens. So woul that mean techincally sora can weild evreybodys keyblades due to his heart being connected with those of keyblade weilders! That would be cool then even after sora sets vens heart free he could still dual weild even tripile weild or quad weild (through telekinesis) He would also be to use evreybodys command styles since each person shared one comman style. Sora basically could channel all of his freinds powers into him. This is just all a idea of course but i wonder what the limits of this power is. maybe thats why xibar was so concerned about soras power due to him knowing the possibility. And that that would mean sora would be a huge threat to their plans. Perhaps this is why sora is destined to save those with ties to his heart. Anyway tell me what you think of this power and how it could be used.
  9. Cool once agian thanks for the replys and really hope KH3 comes soon. Really impaitent
  10. So at the end of birth by sleeps secret ending we know that Ansem the wise hid the results of his reasearch inside soras heart. And then in DDD riiku discusses this subject futher. What exactly is this data? Is it the key to saving Ven,Roxas,Xion,Aqua,Terra,,Namine,Ansem the wise. Or is it maybe an anlaysis of xeahnort to combat him?
  11. So i have been wondering about Vanitas appearance in DDD. At the end of Birth By Sleep ven defeats vanitas. So why exactly did sora see vanitas. Is it that vanitas returned to ventus heart which is locked away in sora for protection would that mean vanitas is inside sora as well? Or possibily he did what Ven did with sora hide his heart within Xeahnort. Especially Now that we know about the thirteen darknesses. Could Vanitas be a part of them. tell me what you think.
  12. So wait is vanitas back or not. Did he return beacuse he was next to YMX. or is vanitas back to vens heart which is in sora so vanitas is in sora as well
  13. Hi my name is jared i am a long fan of kingdom hearts. Even though im still in my teens i love kingdom hearts. My freinx mason got me the first game for my eighth birthday. I was new to the series and got stuck on destiny islands. At the time i could not truly understand the story rich gameplay and Wonderful soundtrack. I am now done with DDD. And am replaying it over and over since it is so awesome. I have played evrey game exept for birth by sleep since i have no psp. But i have watched evrey walkthroughfor it so im caught up. My favorite characters are Sora,Ventus,Roxas,Riku and lea. I now eargly await the legendary long awaited KH3! I am also awaiting a KH HD rembrance remix. And a theateryhthn kingdom hearts due to its amazing soundtrack.I am proud to say i understand the complex storyline. Feel free to chat with me anytime. I love speculation!! I am very grateful for this rich site devoted to the best series of all time. And of course all the Fellow fans and members for sharing such a passion. I hope that KH3 realeses eventually. Kingdom hearts forever!!!!!!!
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