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Everything posted by Soratus37

  1. So a thought. Assuming sora finding master keeper is cannon. Could sora possibly keep master keeper as a means of him being able to keep his dual wielding abilities after vens heart leaves. Also since master eraqus might stay gone. It would also be very symbolic of showing the growth of sora comparing him to the master of ven terra and aqua. Powerful man in deed. And if somehow maybe sora loses kingdom key after returning vens heart(he probably wont) he would keep master keeper as his new permanent keyblade. After all they do look similar in terms of the key edge part of the blade so what do you think?
  2. Listen to this comment. After Final fantasy XV is finished the kingdom hearts team for 1 and 2 are going to team up and work On it together to finish the game.!!!' Can't remember but it was in a interview.
  3. Sure!!!!! Of course Freinds forever now let's hang out!!!!???
  4. Yeah, also in DDD she wanted the worlds data so she must have some plan.
  5. Tell him he has two hearts inside his body.
  6. Ven's fever pitch. And or synch blade
  7. Yeah just probably for dual wielding. Not along the lines of wisdom form nah I guess your right buddy. Yeah just probably for dual wielding. Not along the lines of wisdom form nah I guess your right buddy.
  8. I want to play as roxas dual wielding keyblades and kick xemnas behind for the terrible pain he cause to roxas,xion and axel. He won't be able to reach kingdom hearts!!
  9. Cool but probably not give riku something unique. He couldn't probably do it anyway since he dosent have two hearts haha at Least not that we know of.
  10. I thought around the holidays. Since its a good money making time. But they could Release it in July since its the seventh month of the year and there are the seven guardians of light. 7/13/2015.
  11. Okay so I was watching a HMK9CAPN Video on YouTube who had a wonderful idea. The kingdom hearts series has a fascination with the number 13. Kingdom hearts thirteen letters. 13 worlds in BBS KH and KH2 add up the names of sora riku and kari. Roxas xion and axel you get 13. They announced KH3 in 2013. So 2015 will mark the 13th anniversary of the series!!! What do you think plausible late 2015 for the holidays?!!
  12. lol xeahnort will definitely try to make a thirteen darkness
  13. Well think that if course ven terra and aqua will be saved. I think that the x blade will be forged for a time. That sora will discover the data inside himself is very important. It'll have the best OST EVER!! The final battle will be between sora vs xeahnort overall it's kinda hard to say I'm expecting so much.
  14. So I'm confused in the summary for KH3 it says sora Donald and goofy are looking for the seven guardians of light. While mickey and riku search for previous keyblade wielders does that mean that there could be new characters that we haven't known about that can use a keyblade I wouldn't be surprised it would just be cool to see them
  15. So this means that likely it will be a unexpected turn of events and we can't predict it and ven is safe well that's good.
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