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Everything posted by Rhiscx

  1. I just, like a week ago, wrapped up a full playthrough of the whole collection. And maybe I'm the Special or something, but I actually experienced zero glitches of any kind during 1.5+2.5. At all. So, maybe it's all patched up?
  2. Nah man, I get it. This series is not for everybody, at ALL. I love it, but there are some genuinely irritating things about it. The storyline is almost irretrievably screwed up, and I'm absolutely convinced Nomura is just making it up as he goes along. I honestly just want KHIII to make some sense out of it and go back to the roots.
  3. As long as they can think of interesting, new ways for the story to naturally progress and not turn it into a jumbled, incoherent mess with more sequels than The Land Before Time, I'm all for it. But truthfully, I love this series and I'd rather see it go out on a high note with a firm, satisfying conclusion than get dragged into endless mediocrity just to make money.
  4. I gotta say I'm in the same boat as Shinobi and Rocketboy. Being optimistic is great, but let's not forget the Premium Theatre Event. Never forget that disappointment after being so hyped up for literal months. I think it's much better to make our expectations more realistic in terms of any news we might receive regarding the game this year. I'm hopeful for E3, but assuming we're getting tons of new footage might be wishful thinking. If we do, wonderful. But let's not get carried away with expectations again. Besides, none of us (except maybe a few, I don't know y'all lives) know very little about game development. They likely still have quite a bit of work to do, and let's let them do it without putting gigantic hopes on their shoulders for them to carry. That's not fair of us.
  5. This entire thing started because one insanely unhinged man got angry on Facebook, and now people have armed their guns to fight in the War on Christmas that doesn't actually exist. Frustrating. Very frustrating.
  6. If nothing else, this has been a lesson in not letting hype take over our souls. I'm absolutely guilty of this as well. New information is exciting, but restraint in expectations is healthy.
  7. I can't say for sure until we get the trailer, but this huge hyped up event just seems like a giant disappointment to me right now. Officially getting off the hype train. Call me when we have a release date.
  8. "Emotional scenes in KH Trailer".... Emotional. If this is a pun, I swear to God.
  9. Two hours, followed by round 2 where they just go through the event again. So, both showings together are 4 hours long. *Edit* What they said ^^^
  10. Gotta agree with Mist. Kairi NEEDS to be involved in the fight somehow if they want her character arc to have any semblance of a point. She's played damsel in distress too long now, it's time she steps up and shows what she's capable of.
  11. If I have to stop playing and wait for Elsa to finish an entire damn song before getting back to the plot, I'm going to flip my tv.
  12. ^^^ I'm laughing so hard. This. But in response to the topic, I care so much infinitely more about a good story than a good location. While it's true that a lot of Neverland has not been explored, I just can't justify making it a world unless we have a solid reason why. No strong story, no need to bring it back.
  13. Somebody already mentioned this, but the big reason for Robin Williams was the years-long battle he waged with Disney that never really got resolved over Aladdin's marketing, even after King of Thieves. I'll bet Disney didn't want to reopen old wounds by even asking him. They tried getting the whole cast of Pirates to come back, but they were busy filming Dead Man's Chest on top of At World's End at the time. James Woods is the best. He loved playing Hades so much that he basically told Disney to come to him ANYTIME they needed Hades' voice. That's why he did the tv show and the House of Mouse cameos as well.
  14. If KH3 has a superhero-themed world, I'd personally prefer The Incredibles. But that's coming from someone who has yet to see Big Hero 6 and feels that The Incredibles is just too damn good an opportunity for Kingdom Hearts to pass up.
  15. It's not confirmed, and honestly isn't definite so people probably shouldn't jump the gun, but it's very likely. Let's be straight: We've never had a world quite like the one that a Frozen world would offer, and lord knows it would help sell the game. As for Idina, I'd say she's proud of this role and would very likely return if she were asked. She even has the advantage of her performance being in the near past, so she wouldn't have to recreate a character from several years ago.
  16. I think one of the things we gotta think about is the visual appeal of the world and the variety that it creates by being included. We've seen this not work in a world's favor before, as Jungle Book was just too similar to Tarzan in look and feel in the first game. If they had to choose one of the two, my bet is Frozen. The setting is unlike any we've seen in a KH game to date, the sheer popularity of the film and the fact that it won an Oscar would help in boosting enthusiasm for the world, and the story is more of a journey that would make an interesting level to play as opposed to Tangled, where it would be kind of restricted to the village, the tower, and maybe the tavern or the hillside. Frozen, we get the Ice Castle, Arrandelle, North Mountain, giant frozen lake, list goes on. Plus, tell me the "frozen heart" aspect wouldn't fit perfectly into Kingdom Hearts.
  17. I have always loved Eeyore. I don't know why. Dude just needs a hug.
  18. This is the best summary I've yet to see ever, so here ya go: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8cPyvE2GTjOMzE4MTVlZTctMjE5Yi00YzAzLWJjZTAtZTllODY2OTc2MTMx/edit?hl=en_US&pli=1
  19. So, as anyone who has played more than one Kingdom Hearts game knows, the Disney worlds and their respective characters have been utilized in varying ways throughout the series. Game 1 set things off by deciding to use the areas and characters of the films, but not following the plotline of the respective films. Obviously the basics are there (Jafar wants to rule Agrabah and get the lamp, Hades wants to destroy Hercules, Ursula wants the trident,etc.) and sometimes events from the films show up. But generally, the plots were discarded in favor of new stories. Plus, the League of Villains overseeing the destruction of the worlds made them much more prominent outside their own worlds. KHII changed it up. Now, not only is Maleficent the only one going around causing trouble for the whole universe, but we're experiencing the exact plots from the movies, including going back and doing the movie plot if it wasn't done in the first game (albeit weirdly and musically ala Little Mermaid). We got to experience new plots by visiting a second time, or sometimes it would just finish the plot established in the first visit. Birth by Sleep and Dream Drop Distance continued that trend, more or less. So, I'm curious: which way do people prefer? I know the general consensus is that the Disney properties were overall better used in the first game. But what do you think? Do you like reliving the stories we grew up with event-by-event, or did you prefer new stories and wish Square would look to Kingdom Hearts I for inspiration?
  20. Hey, I liked the fourth movie. I'd be sad to miss out on Davy Jones, but Blackbeard isn't the worst replacement ever. Do people really not like the fourth one that much? I thought Jack Sparrow was finally getting back to the personality that made him so great in Curse of the Black Pearl that I felt was starting to slip away in the 2nd and 3rd movies.
  21. My thought is that they cannot introduce the storyline from Dead Man's Chest without going on into At World's End. I can't imagine Sora seeing his old enemy walking down the stairs in Tia Dalma's shack, everybody getting geared up and ready to set off and rescue Jack from the Locker, and Sora just going "Welp, it's been fun but I got more important stuff to do, bye guyz." However, I agree that including both films would be a HUGE undertaking for just one stop in this already giant game. I've recently been on a binge-fest rewatching the Pirates movies for no apparent reason, and I've gotten to thinking how they could make both films work. I think it could be that Sora (or Riku, or whoever it ends up being. We shall refer to them henceforth as "the protagonist') shows up on Isla Cruces and sees the three-way duel. Cue insta-confusion from them. Elizabeth is defending the chest from Jones' men, and protagonist joins to help her out. She gives him the cliffnotes version of what has been happening since Sora left last time, and gradually protagonist gets pulled into the battle. Everybody escapes to the Pearl, and cue battle with the Kraken. That way, the majority of the storyline could be the rescue of Jack and subsequent battle with Davy Jones and the East India Trading Company. Maybe Sora sticks with Jack while Riku goes along with Will or Elizabeth? I want the maelstrom scene so bad it hurts.
  22. Well...any thoughts? It's been out for almost a week now. And it is a hit with most people, some claiming it to be the best Disney film since Lion King. I personally enjoyed it. Not perfect by any means, but a good movie. I could see it potentially being considered for inclusion in some form.
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