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About gambleroffateluxord

  • Birthday 05/24/1994

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  • Member Title
    look who's on top of the game
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  1. luxord is in his area of 'proof of existence' waiting for someone to come and play a 'game' with him, as he waits he bigins to perform tricks with his cards and dice he then calls some of his gambler nobodies to practice his 'games' with.
  2. here are the 7 lights: kairi sora riku lea micky aqua Ventus all may be playable i kh3 hopefully
  3. "the first to run out of time is the loser"

  4. "i'll take you on" melvin summons a giant sword with a chainsaw as a blade "i'll take you all on!"
  5. i'd love to help i can find some great 8 bit versions of KH songs and i could help with ideas for charector weapons and more
  6. i'm new here as well, my name is "gambleroffateluxord" (luxord for short) as you can see but in real i have another nickname "melvin" call me either one, i can help catch you up to the kingdom hearts story line if you missed a game and need info, i can also give you background info, i can't give you boss tips for most bosses but whatever i hope to someday find an online kingdom hearts game that i can play on my mac
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