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Everything posted by Kirux

  1. Imma look on iTunes tonight to see if they have them on there.
  2. Bad mood is bad.

    1. Queen Tery

      Queen Tery

      That is very nice. lol The most I've helped someone is pulling a quarter out of my pocket and calling it even. xD But, I would never help people anymore than I have to when it comes to cigs. It's their life and they can do what they want, but I will not help them with their addiction.

    2. Kirux


      All she had was like, milk, bread, eggs, and some lunch meat. I hate seeing old people sad, it breaks my heart. i really hate people who are mean to their elderly parents/grand parents. Like outright infuriates me. Its the same principle as being a bastard to your kids. I can't stand it. Just thinking about it makes me wanna cry.

    3. Zola


      That is actually one of the only things that ever makes me angry. Not just angry, but the seething rage kind of angry. You don't disrespect elderly people, especially when they've done nothing wrong that they can help.

    4. Show next comments  138 more
  3. I barely even ate anything for lunch and I'm still tired as hell. What is going ooooon?

    1. Kirux


      For car repairs. I have to it all manually cause we're old school.

    2. Shana09



      i see

      for how long and how much do u get payed each hour/day?

    3. Kirux


      I work 9 hours shifts four days a week with an hour for lunch each day. every other saturday i work 8 to 430, to break, and every sunday off. I have to close papers every day, and it all depends on how many customers we have. I get paid 9.50 an hour.

    4. Show next comments  138 more
  4. Firstly, if I am to understand things correctly. Roxas is a special nobody because he did have a heart; he had Ventus' heart. I believe that this is why he could feel things and also why he didn't remember anything from being his somebody. Also; like the other Org members that came back; he also started to grow a heart while he was a Nobody. He just understood that Sora needed to come back, so he sacrificed himself so that Sora could wake up. I don't think this is confirmed in an interview; but I always felt that Sora was able to wake up again because he had Ven's heart back, and that's why Roxas was truly needed. Secondly; In DDD there is the hint to the fact Sora may have the power to bring people back who have a connection to his heart. This was addressed by DiZ and Riku on the beach at the ending. I think this will play a part in at least Ventus and, due to the previous encounter Sora had with Roxas in TWTNW (Where Sora INSISTED upon Roxas being his own separate person, and desperately wanted to find a way to bring him back) I strongly believe Sora will find a way to bring Roxas back. Lastly; If you think about it, that's the sort of person Sora is. He is constantly trying to fix everyone, and make sure they are happy. After the vulcan mind meld Roxas did to Sora, I believe Sora is immensely inspired to bring him back. The first game had him single mindedly focused on rescuing Kairi, to the point he ignored Riku. The second game, he was single mindedly focused on finding Riku, to the point he gave up the chance to go back to Destiny Islands at the end of KHI. Sora now knows about the other people who are out there, connected to him and hurting. He will single mindedly try to save them all, to the point were he is oblivious to the danger he is getting himself into. This was proven in DDD when he ran after Riku and Kairi/Terra and Aqua, despite hearing Riku yelling at him to stop. Sora will find a way to bring him back; just like he'll find a way to bring everyone else back. It's who he is as a person and that's why we love him.
  5. I finally got my Sims3 to work. Yay! I spent the last 3 hours bulding a house and I['m still not done. = .=

    1. Weiss


      The work never ends. ;)

    2. FireRubies1


      I love the Sims 3

      It's the best thing ever

    3. Kirux


      I got the new expansion, Superstitions. I'm a fairy! 8D

  6. Now I don't feel as special. I feel hesitant about FF remakes/masters. It's not the same as just porting the games to different systems like they have in the past. I'm scared of SE deciding to change things, make it the way they 'really' envisioned it. AKA go all George Lucas/DMC revamp on our childhoods.
  7. PSY PSY PSY PSY PSY PSY PSY PSY PSY PSY PSY PSY sooooooooooooo coooooooooooooooooooooool

  8. I just got the first one, to be truthful. I'm putzing around on the last day of week one. Is there a wallet that's a size between your first one and the obscenely large one from the snooty pants dpt store?
  9. Anyone wanna make me a really cool Cpt Basch sig banner?

  10. Yo...back up off my stuff, yo. I dun even know you, yet. Countdown song, that crazy remix of Twister, Calling, and Hybrid.
  12. Seeing as I am a hedgehog, it is hard for me to meet 'people'.
  13. You don't. That same is too good to be a parody.
  14. Is there a real trailer for KH1.5 yet? If so can I has a link?

    1. J. Severe

      J. Severe

      If there was, it'd probably be on the home page.

  15. I have a question; do you think they'll update the combat mechanics of KH to be more similar to KHII? I really love reaction commands, and there better be a skip cutscene button, if I have to see Riku stab Maleficent ONE MORE TIME IN MY LIFE I will have to slap a hoe.
  16. Leave it to one ignorant bitch who refuses to learn proper procedure to ruin my firetrucking evening.

  17. I agree with your statement, and might have an answer for lol's sake if you count MMOs.
  18. I just wanna go home and play more TWEWY D8

    1. King Riku

      King Riku

      I've played that game from beginning to end 5 times. Never gets old :')

    2. Tails


      Today must be so zetta slow for you.

    3. Kirux


      Actually it's firetrucking busy. Like we do so many people need oil changes. OMGYAH. At least we close at 4.

  19. I had made a post, but I guess it didn't go through and I'm too lazy to retranslate it into Hebrew, so I'm just going to say: "You're silly."
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