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Everything posted by Kirux

  1. Yes, yes you may. Hush Trey DX I'm being important!
  2. Holy shit guys, what if this is the war hatok predicted in his conspiracy theory thread yesterday. SOOOOO CUTE!
  3. I think the key to being cool on this site is just pretend you're cool on this site and not give a damn if people actually think you're cool. Then, the cool people respect that you don;t give a damn and except the fact that you are, in fact cool.
  4. I want to be able to make the sparkle guy go the other way ;-; I'm a hedgehog, yo. Get yo facts straight.
  5. I'm gonna post here because I'm a rebel. Plus I'm in a canon relationship with genn. Also y'all love the Kiru.
  6. So...uuuhhh how the hell are you supposed to beat Shades on hard mode? He just kicked my ass for 15 minutes straight.

    1. Weiss


      This is gonna sound stupid but...

      What game? xD

    2. Xail


      do you have excalbur? this is TWEWY rightÉ

    3. Kirux


      It is TWEWY and no I do not.

  7. You want me to give my likes to you? 25 cents per like.

    1. Weiss


      I'll take em. But only if they're the "reusable" likes. :P

    2. Kirux


      Nah, I shall a lot my likes to a post of your choosing, whether they be your own posts or someone else's for a mere 25 cents. I should set up a paypal account...

  8. What is this I cannot even... Simply divine. I'd say I wanna be in it, but I don;t wanna seem needy. So I'm perfectly happy just observing. I think it's safer that way anyway.
  9. This is why Loki is better than all of you.
  10. Isn't kinode like 14? I don't even...
  11. It's pretty funny. Thor's super silly in it Freyr is my favourite though.
  12. I don't have the energy for this place, I'm too old.
  13. This place gives me headaches.

    1. Pyrrha Nikos

      Pyrrha Nikos

      Almost every post I read in the Random section, I'm like: Dafuq?

    2. King Riku

      King Riku

      I've been here for nearly three years now. If I've somehow managed to survive, then there's hope for all of you.

    3. AntonioKHT


      I guess. But who are we kidding, it's all worth it. At least for, I laugh a lot in this site. It cheers me up

    4. Show next comments  120 more
  15. IDK I never really read the manga, only watched the anime. I first watched it because i used to get anime on demand, and it sounded interesting. I promptly watched it all online, and a year later I found it in best buy as a box set and bought it. i need to rewatch it soon.
  16. Mind = Blown But did he know Terra had become Terranort? i don't think that was ever really touched upon. Aqua couldn't really have told him or anything, she didn't know when they were at Yen Sid's tower, I don't think.
  17. This thread had so much potential. -sigh-
  18. I don't know what I expected when I clicked this, and I'm trying to figure out what it says about me that I DID click it...
  19. ...I didn't even get a psp until just this past June, just to play BBS before DreamDrop. I mean, it's okay just a lot of the games don't really do anything for me. I do like the ability to DL old PS games to play on it though, or even older PSP games. Their DL library is much more expanse than Nintendo, IMHO. I feel that Nintendo shouldn't be so stingy about what they have available to DL from eShop.
  20. I look forward to it my sweet! 8D Gives me time to get money and you know...get a visa to move to Canada. Oh and they it won't be so illegal for us to be together. 6 year gap and all that ;;>-> Here's another pic, this one is kinda cool though.
  21. Psst. genn and I are getting married so we can watch Sailor Moon forever together.

    1. FireRubies1
    2. Weiss


      Kirgenn all the way!

    3. Kirux


      I kinda like gennrux...reminds me of a dinosaur. xD

    4. Show next comments  120 more
  22. I stopped when I saw a roach on a Baltimore metro area bus. 8D I was terrified.
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