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Everything posted by Kirux

  1. Omg nostalgia over load to the point of crying at Hamtaro is just NOT okay.

    1. Kirux
    2. Jilly Shears

      Jilly Shears

      Is it bad that I never watched much of the first season of Digimon? ;;

    3. Kirux



    4. Show next comments  90 more
  2. I would like to respectfully disagree. Re:coded was garbage. But this is about why Xion is not liked. Another thing I have to add is how I disliked how she reacted to Roxas in this scene: Oh wow you;ve been genuinely worried about me and searching for me? Better draw my keyblade without giving you any explination! Honestly if she had opened up to Roxas and Axel sooner, things could have turned out much differently.
  3. Captain Canada fights for the moose, nationalised health care, and justice.
  4. Hi, Kiru here to break your brain again! I don;t know how to feel besides: YAAAAAAAAAAAY ARIEL IS DOCTOR #10!
  5. you almost had a like until you said worst game in the series. So terribly close. Oh well.
  6. this is going to be the best town of the sims ever.

    1. Jilly Shears

      Jilly Shears

      The best Sims towns are the ones I make in SimCity.


      And then subsequently either unleash magnitude 9.4 earthquakes, flash fires, floods, or a sea monster on the town. And then run and collect the insurance money, and then move onto the next one. :V

    2. Kirux


      oh jillysammich you're silly.

    3. Jilly Shears

      Jilly Shears

      I do what I can.

    4. Show next comments  90 more
  7. Kirbeh is going to be the leader of the free world. Lord save us all.

    1. Kirux


      am sorry my closet is full. dont freak out id slendy tries to chill with you. he's lonely without blanca

    2. VanitasisKirby


      I can hide under the.bed :3


      oh, slendy says hi. 83 we're here talking about some guy with a flashlight

    3. Kirux


      tell slendy i've got juuuiiccce if he wants some juuuice

    4. Show next comments  90 more
  8. I don't know if you knew this, but Genn totally wants to be an international super spy.

    1. Queen Tery

      Queen Tery

      That's awesome.

    2. WakingDawn96



    3. Robbie the Wise

      Robbie the Wise

      I bet she does lol.

    4. Show next comments  90 more
  9. Imma go make you gaiz into sims. Be back with all the ships that occur. BUWAHAHAHAHA

    1. Lady Aleister

      Lady Aleister

      Okay, have fun :3 Im gonna go work on Sukiijay!


  10. On one hand it's cold enough to wear my KHII long sleeved shirt...on the other hand ITS COLD ;-;

    1. hatok


      Sounds like my kind of weather


    2. Kirux


      this is irrelevant but:


      oh hatok you're so amazing <3

  11. Please don't make this an ( x ) country is better than ( x ) country argument. I was just trying to show some really cool things being released. Guess I should have picked a better title.
  12. http://nintendoscene...ds-ll-revealed/ I WANT THE SPECIAL EDITION ANIMAL CROSSING 3DS GIMME GIMME SOOOOOOOOOOO CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE OH AND THIS ONE TOO: http://www.megapirateninjas.com/2012/03/limited-edition-gundam-3ds-pics.html I'D BUY THE SHITTY GAME JUST FOR THE AWESOME DS. GYAAAAAAH
  13. Actually I might buy a vita just for it. It took my until this year just to get a normal, PSP, too. Even with BBS and Dissidia out there. If this comes true that'd be great, too: http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/10/01/sony-open-to-vita-and-ps3-bundle-for-christmas
  14. Creating dream eaters in risky winds weather adds I think 5 ranks to their total, however F ranked monsters can never be star ranked if I recall correctly.
  15. why would they even leave it out of the show? Why would they do that? OMG STEVEN MOFFAT STOP MAKING ME CRY.

    1. Kirux


      Don't watch unless you;ve seen the last episode of Dr. Who Season 7 Part 1. http://io9.com/5951422/what-happened-to-rorys-dad-after-the-latest-doctor-who-episode

  16. So close to a shitty day turning into a great day, so unbearably close.

  17. Squall needs more pointless belts!
  18. ILU dev, I was too lazy to go find the interview.
  19. That is why I said I didn't know, thank you for clarifying things for me.
  20. Roxas will be saved because Sora is so adamant about him being his own person. Sora's determined to get him back, and we've seen what Sora can do when he's determined. I'm worried about Roxas and Ventus being able to exist at the same time. Sure Roxas started to grow his own heart, maybe, but from what I understand he carried ven's heart with him. If Roxas is dependant on Ven's heart and so is Ven, then there has to be a choice made. I want to know what happens to Sora when Ven's heart is removed. Will he stay Sora? Just how integrated is Sora and Ven's heart? Will Sora have to sacrifice himself in order for Ven to be revived? That's what I'm curious about.
  21. Ah but she's not a Nobody, she's a replika and I do not remember if they said replikas could grow hearts.
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