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Everything posted by Kirux

  1. I think the real answer is simply "Riku is kewler than you." It's kind of a flip around of how Riku felt while on Destiny islands in KH one. He was jealous of Sora for being more popular, of sorts, but guess what Sora? Riku's not top gun. Oh yeah!
  2. Don't make me think about that, please, it's still day time. he needs his long hair back, short hair doesn't do it for me. makes him kinda look like a kid...and that makes me feel all pedo-y. he is 18 now, right?
  3. I miss long haired Riku ;-; But I think it will be a smooth movement for the people who stopped at KHII, until nothing is what they think it is and they get all confused and angry and I laugh at them.
  4. I would like this post if I had any left. I think I literally threw my controller at my tv during that ten second time limit thing. I have NIGHTMARES of DANCE WATER DANCE. Xaldin was a botch, but at least he was badass.
  5. because he's RIKU. He is inherently badass and super smexy while doing so. I suppose it goes with his 'darkness' aspect that he's just out right cooler than anyone else
  6. That's actually a very interesting idea. Magic Bottle plot hole gun.
  7. Hide yo fire, hide yo frogs, they meowjestying e'erybody up in here.
  8. Lord Kyroo is pretty awesome...He'll save us from the Meowjesty's swag with his chivalry! MONARCH FIGHT
  9. well Days was a good game buuuut regardless, maybe a companion that tells us wtf is going on with Aqua? Oh I know! BBS vol 2! lololololololololol....
  10. WHAT IF YOUR MEOW WOW! How can I trust you! You're just going to report this back to your liege! I'M ONTO YOU VANITASISKIRBY!
  11. I can see that in a lot of ways. I never truly played CoM, I watched most of the cutscenes and read the manga, so I know the storyline and all. I find your comment about how only KH could introduce the same group of people...twice.
  12. YM was able to travel time through magic cast on him...I never saw any real evidence he could actually control time himself.
  13. Anyone but Demyx, please of please let me never have to listen to or fight him ever again.
  14. Heck yes he is. I'm pretty sure that boy would fall for the free candy painted on a van trick.
  15. They've invaded our governments, our schools, our homes. Your mother/father/sister/cat groomer could be one, and you'd never notice. Nomura is one of their faithful lap humans, and was chosen to reveal their existence to the world. The entire KH franchise is a ruse for their nefarious plots. We must band together as brothers/sisters and defeat this monstrosity of EEEEVVVIIIILLL or just pet it and squee when it does that pawing at the their air then falling down and rolling around trick.
  16. I actually like the scene right after Lea saves Sora. "No it's Lea...weren't you...ya know fine whatever, Axel."
  17. I was torn between a few, but went with Nightmare's End. Though Melody Catcher and Wonder Comic were really close behind that.
  18. Whoopsies. Nothing to see here, move along everybody.
  19. Alan Rickman pulls off that dress rather well.
  20. Is rune factory 4 out? I havent been keeping track of it. I loved RF2, but couldn't really get into three 3. I like the mix of simdating and fantasy rpg hack n slash and animal crossing. it's highly addictive, in my opinion.
  21. Mid life crisis xehanort is secretly the last guardian of light. DUN DUN DUUUNNNN
  22. I really hate those stupid monkeys and their banana peels. I mean, the music fun and the scenery was really pretty, but it wasn't really my thing. I find it silly how so many people call a lot of the KHI worlds 'meh' when at the time you know you were all like "THIS IS THE COOLEST THING EVAR!" it's not fair comparing an older game to its new counterparts,
  23. I concur fully, and it anoooooooys meeee they're seemingly putting a lot of effort into NOT confronting the issue of ven aqua terra
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