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Everything posted by Kirux

  1. That, also I believe I got one from a treasure box, but I'm known for being a crazy person. Epic Fantasies are also Riku only. Wild and Prickly Fantasies are Sora only and from SoS and TWTNW.
  2. I truly hope so as well, but until that happens I'm #skeptical. I don't want to get my hopes up just to get my soul crussssshed by Versus again.
  3. They may make some trailers, but any majour developments of KHIII won't start happening until Nomura can focus solely on it, at least from my understanding of the interviews.
  4. This seems contradictory to Nomura's previous interviews where he stated that he refuses to work on both KHIII and Versus XIII at the same time, because he wants KHIII to blow our minds. Until I see an official interview translated, I'm skeptical.
  5. Lea was also actually supposed to save Sora, keyblade in hand, but Nomura changed it for effect near last minute.
  6. I'm a treasure box whor3 and didn't know about the Zodiac Spear my first play through and find that incredibly sadistic of SE to do that to us.
  7. This is a fully detailed FAQ on DE abilities and commands. http://www.gamefaqs.com/3ds/997779-kingdom-hearts-3d-dream-drop-distance/faqs/64749 I agree with Frootz Cat, she is amazingly helpful, she can max out both your attack and magic hastes and also gets Sora Salvation. Aura Lion is nice as well, getting you attack and HP boosts, along with Faith. Tyranto Res is good for Metero Crash, Keeba Tiger gets you Dark Splicer, Ghostabockey gets you Dark Aura. I wouldn't worry about getting a Lord Kyroo or Skelterwild for Arcs Arcanum, you will find that in a treasure box.
  8. I might look into it when they fix everything. I never actually finished FFVII.
  9. I heard they put it up, but there are still bugs in it that need to get worked out. :< Some people have bought it, but can't download it.
  10. That basically sums it up. It can be confusing at first, try watching the cutscenes again in theatre mode a few times, I know I had to.
  11. Me. Exploring the uncharted depths of the sea floor, or space?
  12. I have two save files for FFXII both with over 120 hours, and a new one I started that I'm 50 hours into. I could write a 10 page single paged essay on everything wonderful in this game. Out of all of the Final Fantasies, and I've played almost all of them (including side shoots), I find that FFXII is one of the very few to get everything right. It's a shame how many people didn't play it solely because they were frustrated with SE for the past couple of FF's before it. The story is my favourite. I could gush about this game for hours. /GUSHGUSHGUSHGUSHGUSH Also I loved Vaan as a character and I loved doing this;
  13. Personally, I think the new DMC is going to be horrible. Someone needs to tell Capcom that their redesigns are bad, and that they should feel bad.
  14. What I found amazing about your list hatok was how ell you summed up each and every game, I let a friend read it who was confused as to what was going on; and came back understanding it perfectly. Now, I agree with majority of this; especially talking to NCPs, seeing as how game have made it so you only talk to someone to progress the plot these days. Worlds feel amazingly empty and devoid of life. Worlds them self are just easy to go through and leave little reason to revisit them. All in all, the game are stream lined, geared towards getting you through it and to the end. I disagree, however; with the gripe against flowmotion. I absolutely adore it, and think it has the potential to become really great if implemented in KHIII. I personally think the best way to do this, is make it more reactionary based in battles. I was disappointed there was really only one flowmotion you could do by running into enemies, and that it was rather tricky to actually pull off. Bosses should have flowmotions specific to them, that fit the theme of what they are much like reaction commands. Also, I played DDD thinking things like sonic blade, slot edge, etc were still interactive like BBS. I really love the big moves, because I'm a power monger in videogames, but I hate feeling like I've no control over whats going on. Sometimes in the middle of Dark Aura, I want to stop because I have to heal, in BBS I could do that, stop mashing triangle, in DDD I have to wait for the move to finish and hope it's not too late. As for the enemies, I'm suprised to hear someone say they've gotten harder. Personally, I find very little difficulty in the regular modes of the newer KH games, especially DDD. I beat the final bosses with RIku amazingly fast, and didn't come truly close to dying once. This is mostly due to the fact that, if knowing what you're doing, it because WAY to easy to over power your characters with commands in the game, especially in New Game+, where you start with all your Dream Eaters. I wasn't even done with Traverse Town when I had Meteor Crash, Dark Splinter, Dark Break, and Curaga. Sora's commands are a bit harder to get, needing your DEs at level 20 or 30 before you can unlock them, but I'm nearly finished with Cite des Cloches and have the three main DEs I need leveled to level 17. I find this second playful frightfully boring, due to how OP I am, and I'm having to find creative ways to make it a challenge. granted, if I had been on proud mode like I wanted; this may not be an issue, but even in my original play through of DDD, it was just too easy. I also like the notions of different playable characters. When in a connected multigame franchise like KH, it can get droll playing as Sora every single time, especially if they don't truly change him in anyway. RIku gives a nice breath of fresh air to the game, and I genuinely prefer his style of fighting to Sora's, mostly because even in KHII Sora has always felt clunky. I am truly looking forward to playing as Lea, if that's possible (which I hope it is) and highly interested in what how his controls will feel. I also really hope they give us a feature like mission mode from Days (without it being so boring). I think that's all I really had to say, might have had more but I've forgotten by now. And some of the prettiest Hallways I have ever seen.
  15. He continually has kicked my ass, mostly because I have never fought him prepared. I truly hate how the ENTIRE ZONE is blocked off because of him. I'm almost HAPPY my save file got over written, now I can do all of the secret portals *before* completing the game, to get that keyblade. I have to say the hardest secret boss I've faced is still to this day KHI's Sephiroth. I have not beat him, ever. All the rest except FM bosses and Julius.
  16. Oh creepypasta, sometimes you're actually terrifying.

    1. Kirux


      It was pretty lame

    2. Joker


      theres some good ones but a bunch suck

    3. Kirux


      yeah ive stumbled upon yuriofwind, and off of creepy pasta, he's amusing

    4. Show next comments  171 more
  17. I really rather hated it, and it kind of ruined the entire epicness of the game for me.
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