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Everything posted by Kirux

  1. That's his CHARACTER on a TV show! HE'S GAY FOR CHRIST'S SAKE! Stop confusing people's characters with how they actually are. -angry flailing-
  2. NPH is *a lot* more respectful than that. D8
  3. Obvious troll is a troll, or 'she' is really that dumb. But seriously, Neil Armstrong's death made me cry. We've lost a legend of a man today. Now I'm sad again.
  4. It makes sense seeing as Terra picked Riku as a successor because he saw a bit of himself in Riku. I always thought they acted somewhat similar, too. Kind of distance and cool with their emotions, but capable of feeling deeply for those they do care about.
  5. TWEWY 2 teaser site music loops...this is worse for me than Nyancat >w<

  6. The original Final Fantasy tactics is either rather difficult, or the newer ones are rather easy.=

  7. By the point in the game were Galbadia Garden attacks Balamb Squall had already gave a damn. Does no one remember his great long motivating speech? Squall is one of the FEW main Final fantasy characters that actually has growth and development in the game. He starts as an introverted, apathetic teenager and by the end he's learned how to love people and care for more than just his job as a mercenary. How come no one else seems to notice his growth as a person? I don't see Squall from KH (I really hate it when he's referred to as Leon, and i HATE how SE has created a generation that believes that's Squall's REAL name.) as a different character, more of an OLDER version of Squall. A version of himself that has had even more time to mature and learn how to care for people, and sometimes even show it although it's always in a cool, nonchalant sort of way. FFVIII was my first true FF, I play almost every year. So it's the one I know and love the best. I will admit they messed up Seifer by making him a kid, and they made him a bit too arrogant in my eyes. They took away his main reason for doing pretty much everything he does, and made him a wuss. By extension they did this to Fuijin and Raijin as well. I also suppose I was wrong about them changing characters in KH from their FF selves, mostly because I went by how I feel about them. Y R P are still annoying and pointless, along with Yuffie, because that's how i felt about them during the games. As for Setzer, I didn't feel he had enough screen time to even develop a character, but I certainly didn't like his outfit as shallow as that sounds. I agree that Kuja might have fit better, but so could have Edgar if we're going by narcissism. I do love me some Edgar, too.
  8. I understood that. I suppose you using the word persona threw me off, seeing as I associate persona with personality and how they act, not so much their setting or their actions. I agreed that their setting isn't cannon, that's a given.
  9. I agree, if you're talking mostly about where they're from and things/people they know. Of course they weren't really from those places and that is completely noncannon. Just like Dissidia isn't supposed to be cannon for any of the characters there. Personality wise, to me, they did great it translating over everyone and kept how they act, talk, posture, etc very cannon. I may not see the idiosyncrasies you may see, but I'm super hyper anylitcal of FF characters being in and out of character (this is why i stopped reading fanfiction). I think maybe some people see Squall being out of character, but I find that they went more on how he was acting by the very end of FFVIII. He was a lot more open, for him anyway, and was capable of forming sentences that DIDN'T only consist of ellipses.
  10. I'm confused as to what you mean by this, to be honest. I find that all the FF characters held true to their actual personalities. (Except the fact that Aerith is not dead) Personally, due to what they did with Laguna (Didn't put him in BBS because they had him in Dissisdia 012) I can't really tell WHO they'd put in the next KH game. I loved Zack in BBS, and also really enoyed how they had he and Cloud stemming from the same world. I persoanlly would love to see some people from 12; Balthier, Ashe, and Basch to be precise . Cecil and Kain from 4 would be cool, mostly because Kain should be in everything . Faris from 5 would be nifty, but her cross dressing would potentially cause problems. Anyone else from VI would be great, but Cyan and Edgar would be the best. I don't really want more VIII characters, I just want them to unbastardise Seifer so he and Squall can have an epic battle like Cloud and Sephiroth.
  11. Lea once again is the master at responses! Namine is exactly that; an anomoly born from Kairi's heart and Sora's Body and Soul. Her name doesn't even reflect Kairi's in anyway besides that their meanings both relate to water. I wouldn't really say they're brother and sister...more like second cousins.
  12. I'm about to get my ass kicked but. She's okay. I have some of her stuff, but I don't truly go out of my way to listen to her music. I'm a hipster, I loved Johnny Depp before he was in pirates. My favourite film of his is actually The Secret window.
  13. I bought RE: CoM....didn't even open it for 3 years and then discovered it had post card things it it. I just can't seem to play this game. Give me a remake where I can button mash to kill things and not play War with shadow heartless = .=
  14. Johnny Depp has children? I'm so out of touch. That info was from an interview with him a couple years back, he may have changed his stance since.
  15. I really really really want better mission mode. I don't care if it's a remake of Days or implemented in KHIII. Of course, Days being one of my favourites, I would buy a remake with out any hesitation...because SE owns my soul like that. I would be HIGHLY interested in a KH Dissidia type game, but that will never happen. Though...I did send SE a fanmail saying a FF fighting game would be super sweet...and a year and a half later they released Dissidia so maaaaaybeeee
  16. What's weirder is that Johnny Deep REFUSES to watch ANY movie he as EVER been in. Just does not watch a single one. Ever. That's what's weird. PS; Pet Peeve: It's *not* ironic. At all. Not in the least. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/irony
  17. That moment you realise Jin from Samurai Champloo, Heie from Yu Yu Hakusho, and SAito from Kenshin are all voiced by the same guy who does Saix' Voice.

    1. Queen Tery

      Queen Tery

      There's only one person I've ever mistaken for Johnny Yong Bosch, though and that's Micah Solusod. He's the guy that plays Soul Evans in Soul Eater.

    2. Kirux


      And not NEARLY as raspy as Xemnas. I think I'm the only person that DOESN'T get all melty over Xemnas. He talks sooooo sloooow and sooooo rasspyyy and I can make myself a sammich and watch a youtube video by the time he finishes saying good morning. Like a god damn treant.

    3. Queen Tery

      Queen Tery

      lol I like Xemnas' voice, but you have a very valid point.

    4. Show next comments  162 more
  18. I might not be able to pick just one.... For rocking out: http://youtu.be/_gdCxluLFrE For crying like a little bitch: For downing that bottle of scotch:
  19. Oooo like a game of Telephone! I like the idea of an off topic topic.
  20. Now if only they would stop forcing us to play as Sora and just let us control Riku from now on. (Mostly teasing...kind of) I find his controls much smother and fluid, where as Sora's just always feel clunky. RIku also seems to walk and attack faster than Sora. Maybe that's just because of his character, but it made playing as Sora somewhat aggravating at times. Next time I get to play as him, SE, make him all grown up agan...;;
  21. That's like saying HL3 HAS to exist, too. I highly doubt after they finish Versus and get XIV running properly that SE is going to end the franchise that is one of the majour sources of their income and is the sole reason for their existence today. Sure, it COULD happen, but it is highly unlikely. I also find that waiting for a game like KH3 and HL3 are easier to wait for because, as you said, we know roughly what's going to happen and who is going to be in it. For a game like FFXV the possibilities are endless and I truly can't wait to see what they come up with for it. ESPECIALLY if the "Final Fantasy Tech Demo" SE showed at E3 was concept of FFXV, which a lot of people have speculated on.
  22. Yes, but it will be made. It will exist. SE isn't just going to stop making FF. I don't know what XV is going to be about, and that's whats exciting about it. I want to know what they make. I want to experience another mind blowing world filled with wondrous things. So, until SE stops making Final Fantasy, I will always await word of the next game they make with bated breath, because as a fan that's what I do.
  23. Um that's the point of waiting for something? Half Life 3 doesn't exist and people are still waiting for it. KH3 doesn't exist and everyone here is still waiting for it. What does an object's existence have to do with a person's desire for it?
  24. Can't wait to get my first paycheck, and then spend it all in PSN on Final Fantasy games. >w<

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