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Everything posted by Kirux

  1. YOUR MUSIC IS BAD AND YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD......I love this episode so much.

  2. All the comments about people being so damn pretty and beautiful made me want to get all dressed up and snap a pic.
  3. SUPER YAY the original ps1 games were soooooooooooooooo fun so I'm suuuuper stoked for it. They are...so cute.
  4. LOOOOOOOOOOL the Assassin's Creed for the 3DS was cancelled. Waah waah waaah waaaaaaaaaaah

  5. http://www.nintendolife.com/games/3ds/chocobo_racing_3d FOR THE 3DS!!!!! I WANT IT NOOOOOOOW. GIMMEEEEEE
  6. Seeing as I've only played three; LoZ:OoT, Theatrythm, and DreamDrop I don't think I can make an accurate determination.
  7. I wish I were a dragoon...then I could hang out with other dragoons....and oogle them.....*stares like a creeper*
  8. What's on my mind? KAIN. HIGHWIND. 'NUFF SAID.

    1. VanitasisKirby


      BUT I ALREADY HAVE 5 RIKUS HIDING IN MY CLOSET. Although I've had my eye on Firion for a while...




    2. Kirux


      =throws firion at vani, grabs kain and books it= he's miiiiiiiiiiine. now i mujst go to bed.

    3. VanitasisKirby


      catches firion and tackles him to the ground with a hug


      AWWW, OKAY. :'( Good night, and hope you sleep weel!~

    4. Show next comments  153 more
  9. It's just Quinton Flynn at his finest.
  10. WOOOOOO 500th POST!!!!!!!

    1. Pyrrha Nikos

      Pyrrha Nikos

      I can't take you seriously wth that cute face^^

    2. VanitasisKirby





    3. VanitasisKirby


      it is cute, though x3

    4. Show next comments  153 more
  11. This is how I feel when I realise I drank the last of my coffee
  12. An MTV reporter wrote this in an article about Scooter Braun signing PSY; "The signing marks Psy's move from viral video sensation to legitimate pop star," THIS IS WHY I HATE MY OWN PEOPLE. So ignorant to the fact that someone is ALREADY a huge sensation, for ten years, in their own nation. UUUUGH.

    1. TheApprenticeofKingMickey


      Big deal because ignorance still remains, that's what bothers me and Kirux. Can't speak for anyone else, though.

    2. Queen Tery

      Queen Tery

      So I searched around for this article and I will admit, they made it sound like he was some random dude with a video. But, I did find a couple of other articles on the way that did talk him up and let people know that he is popular singer in Korea known as "The Bizarre Singer." People will get the message.





    3. TheApprenticeofKingMickey
    4. Show next comments  153 more
  13. Thought: PSY touring in America might falter because his concerts are just kinda bat shit crazy and out right silliness. Americans take things too seriously so they wouldn't get his genius. Saddness.

    1. TheApprenticeofKingMickey
    2. burnsideking24


      You'd be surprised how many people love bat shit crazy silliness

    3. Kirux


      I KNOW I DO!

  14. Whoe brings a baby to a car dealership and lets them cry for 15 minutes really honestly needs to be beaten.

  15. Scooter Braun singing PSY onto a US contract is hsi way of apologising for Justin Bieber.

    1. Kirux


      I knoooooow right. That means North American tours. I AM ALREADY STARTING A GO TO PSY TOUR FUND. lrjghelrghdjkrghdfkjghldskfgjsdlghldf

    2. TheApprenticeofKingMickey



    3. Kirux
    4. Show next comments  153 more
  16. Gangnam Style is not my favourite PSY song. I'm getting paid Friday and buying his albums mostly to have 'Right Now' on my mp3 player.

    1. SinHeartlessAngel


      Its my favorite song because thats the only song i have heard. but i have had an intrest in his other songs. just been too lazy xD

  17. I frequently scream out "COME GANNY THERE ARE HUNGRY MOUTHS TO FEED!" when I'm going places with friends.
  18. A reeealllly old Final Fantasy tribute video, like FFX was just coming out old. But I still love it and it's still funny AND I FELT LIKE SHARING WITH THE CLASS, http://vgp.legendaryfrog.com/movies_fft_w.php Yeah, Yer gonna have to click on it. It's not a virus. I promise. It's been uploaded to youtube, but the quality is subpar. This is a much better way to view it.
  19. It truly depends on the game. This is the FFXI rdm spell list; lots of status and buffing spells. And haste. mmmmmmmmmmmmm. haste. http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/wiki/Red_Mage#Spell_List
  20. The foundation of Disney was, I won't lie. Walt Witman was a man of colourful opinions. Modern day Disney, in my opinion, is at making some progress forward and not being so close minded. Being a family company, they do need to keep themselves PC, and with a controversial topic such as homosexuality, I do not blame companies for being tight lipped on their stance. Look at the huge Chick Fil A incident, imagine if that happened to Disney. It'd break the company. Why is that so funny? o.O
  21. I don't think Disney themselves are homophobic, just looking out for themselves as a business. If you publicly confirm something like that, you'll get half of your fans and supporters all pissy because the consumers are homophobic, not the company themselves. By not letting anything be confirmed, they're protecting their own asses.
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