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Everything posted by Kirux

  1. That's cool, we're all entitle to different opinions. That's what makes this world great! 8D
  2. I agree with all of those statements, minus your first one.
  3. That's your rule, so I'll respect it and leave.
  4. Don't throw perfectly good cookies in the middle of a poop fight. waste of good cookies.
  5. I loved watching Rage Quit play them. It was so funny. My friend and I talk about Slendy all the time and just come up with silly things that he's just not scary anymore.
  6. Not to mention that FFVII is only considered so great because of the nostalgia factor. It was the first on the PS, so the first to have 3D rendered graphics. It was also the first Final fantasy to become a huge success in America, turning a lot of people into JRPG fans. They made the movie (which I did like) and the spin off games (which weren't so great). Crisis Core was only good because it fleshed out Zach and Aerith as characters. That's really what all the spin offs were about to be honest; fleshing out the casts' characters. Which is saying a lot about the original game in my opinion. I hope they don't make a remake. If they're smart; they won't. When things get remade, things get changed and tweeked and that messes up the nostalgia factor. With a game that is so beloved by its fan, if they even have Cloud breath the wrong way, there will be an outrage. As a company, I would much rather deal with fans being unhappy about a game not getting a re-release, than having disappointed fans whose childhood has been tarnished do to a poorly executed revamp. That being said; I like FFIX a lot more than VII. The story is much more engaging for me. The characters are a bit more relateable, and have much better personalities than its predecessor. The game play is also smoother and I do so adore the learn abilities through equipment system. But that is just my personal opinion.
  7. I'm dying squirtle.

    1. Robbie the Wise

      Robbie the Wise

      Gives cough medicine

    2. Kirux


      I have the lemon tea with the honeh in it. It helps my throat not feel like gravel and sand paper had a baby it.

    3. Robbie the Wise
    4. Show next comments  150 more
  8. Remember back on, like, Thursday when breathing wasn't physical labour and the world had smells? Good times.

  9. ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ Kill it with fire.
  10. You know how it goes with royalty and famous people. Every run of the mill koopette claiming their baby's daddeh be Bowser.
  11. For every one really cool Sailor Moon item on Etsy, there are 7 pages of crap.

    1. Zola


      Hahah! Story of Etsy, for the most part.

    2. Kirux


      I stand corrected 54 pages of stuff...5 interesting items. The KH stuff is great though, this is becoming mine http://www.etsy.com/listing/93716885/kingdom-hearts-olettes-munny-pouch

  12. Imagine if "Dance, Water, Dance" and "Get up on the Hydra's back" had some weird fusion dance and became a phrase so repetitive and annoying it destroyed the mind of everyone who heard it.
  13. Seriously...I'm not going to use spoilers. Sorry, but the game has been out for over a decade, if that's not spoiler cushion I do not know what is. So anyway, i find that the build up of Zidane v Kuja is very nice, and somewhat epic. If you think about it, half the reason Zidane hates him so much is because of what he did to Garnet, which plays into the love story. I just find the climatic twist of Zidane and Kuja being brothers a great final revelation, and that a Garnet focused plot wouldn't have been as memorable.
  14. There's nothing on it that I NEED TO PLAY yet. It wasn't until the special edition 3DS for LoZ 25th anni that I even got a 3DS, and still only have 2 games for it.
  15. Kirux

    MP3 Help!

    It's stealing from the musicians. Youtube doesn't care because it's not the one losing money.
  16. iTunes + Media converter = bad for my wallet. But hey....TWEWY ost! and PSY!

    1. Kirux


      Eh, nothing will ever be as good as my Taddy Bear. Soooo.....more media plez.

    2. VanitasisKirby


      :O What about Cecil and Kain?? Hmmm? :3
    3. Kirux


      I was talking about stuffed animals. Kain is a man....my big hunky spear thrusting man of perfect deliciousness. Cecil is a threat according to the FFIV yaoi fangirls and must be disposed of.

    4. Show next comments  150 more
  17. Kirux

    MP3 Help!

    That's called stealing and stealing is wrong. Kind of how I feel about it. This guy actually deserves my money, whatever part of it actually goes to him anyway. Anyway, I found a way to make it happen. I did use iTunes, and did find out that the format of their songs aren't compatible with my player. So I used my brain and downloaded a media converter. They're still great quality and now work on my mp3 player. The converter is free, but I paid for the album. YAY!
  18. Kirux

    MP3 Help!

    I hope so. No where else had what I'm looking for. Rhapsody was a bust.
  19. Okay so I'm trying to find a place to download mp3s legally, even having to pay for them! In fact... I WANT TO PAY FOR THEM. I'm trying to download PSY songs and the only place I can think that will have more than just Gangnam Style is iTunes. I don't have an iPod though, so my real question is: Do songs downloaded with iTunes work on generic mp3 players? If not; is there any other pay for mp3 sites, besides eMusic, that are good? Thank yooooou.
  20. TWEWY will be here in 4 to 14 days! Whoooo!

    1. Weiss


      Don't you just love that date accuracy? xD

    2. Kirux


      With Amazon, I find that it's generally pretty fast.

    3. Weiss
  21. You're not. You're celebrating the life the had. All their happy moments and memories. Celebrating who they were and what they meant to you. being happy you got the time you did. Not focusing on the sadness of them passing.
  22. I have been to two. My first ever was my father's. I was 17. He was the one who raised me, all by himself. Things...changed to say the least. The second was my grandmother's earlier this year. I hadn't seen her in awhile, except for the month before she died. We knew she was going, she had stopped eatting and speaking but every week my cousins and I would go to the home and hold her hand. The last time we saw her, she didn't seem to recognise any of us, except for one brief moment when she looked at me and her eyes lit up and she smiled, brought my hand feebly to her mouth and kissed it like she liked to do. Happenstance would have it that my new workplace is literally RIGHT next to the cemetery where they remains are buried. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it. Sometimes I completely forget. I don't visit them much to be honest, even though I should. It's...hard for me to handle still. Even though it's been five year since I lost my dad...I know I'll never be over it. I'm happy for my grandmother though...and oddly jealous. She gets to be with her little boy again, and I've a long time yet to wait to be with my daddy again... It depends on the family. That's all we did and my dad's viewing; laugh and share silly stories. That was the sort of guy he was, and he wouldn't have wanted us to just sit there being sad. I find funerals should be a celebration of their life, not a mourning of their death.
  23. FFXII isn't that hard if you bust your ass to get quickenings ASAP. I actually found that it makes the first portion of the game really easy, especially if you;'re good at it. I never really felt I had to grind for levels very much, mostly because I would frequently go farming for loot, which got me plenty of levels without really trying. The first spot where it's easy to chain is the Lusthu mines on skeletons. Bone fragments are nice, and it's easy to get to chain 99. This will get you a bunch of gil, and a decent level boost early in the game. If you do the trick in Nablina where you break through the barrier to Mosophoren Highland on the chocobo, you get access to amber amulets really early, as well, which give you double the LP from enemies. This is also really nice, especially since you can do it so early in the game. FFXII has a lot of side quest when in comes to hunts and esper collecting; even more if you want to get all the rare monster hunts from the Phon Coastline. But it's all so much fun. I have two files that have over 150 hours clocked into them, and another one i recently started with 60 on it already. It's a very rewarding game, and a great play if you want my honest opinion. Just remember ONE thing.
  24. Google Chrome is amazing. I just installed it on my work computer and it has all the bookmarks saved onto it through my gmail account. At work. My home bookmarks. I love Google Chrome

    1. Snow


      Google Chrome is trolling me. It takes forever to start a download, then when it DOES start, it flies right through the download. Google, you're doing it right. <3

    2. Kirux


      I want their phone, to be honest.

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