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Everything posted by Kirux

  1. -whimpy kid slaps said hoe- SEE WHAT YOU GAIZ MADE ME DO ;A; But yeah, it's too soon to tell and with just a small snippet like that we can't truly tell what they meant by it. Needs moar explanation.
  2. The ANNOUNCEMENT was JP only. He did not say 'The collection will be released in Japan onry.' BIG difference.
  3. Looks like Beat took Lea down to Shibuya. That chain totes gets Lea +12 attack. Thats BA right there, yo.
  4. One more NO KH HD FOR OUTSIDE JP thread and I'mma hafta slap a hoe.

    1. Kirux


      Exactly what I'm saying. Just with more anger. And throwing dictionaries at people.

    2. Kirux



    3. Weiss


      Exactly. lol


    4. Show next comments  135 more
  5. Like srsly, third thread about this. The ANNOUNCEMENT was for JP, but the actual game could be for the world, givem some time yo.
  6. The announcement was in Japan only. That is all. There was another thread about this just recently, I'll go find it maybe.
  7. This is why Japan is cooler than us: vending machines that give me warm tastey ramen in a can. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ramen_Noodles_by_David_Shankbone.jpg

    1. Koko


      the term is very derogatory but you are definitely not a weeaboo


    2. Kirux


      I know I'm not but still. Calling people names is whack, yo.

    3. Koko
    4. Show next comments  135 more
  8. Foreign fast food chains are so much more exciting than the USA. Curse our mundaneness.
  9. SOME FAITH IN HUMANITY HAS BEEN RESTORED http://msn.foxsports...fficials-092612 Also:
  10. I dunno, SE is throwing in with CBS films, I think it was, for a Dues Ex Human Revolution movie...let me find the article.... http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/07/10/deus-ex-movie-in-the-works For pretty much ALL movies based off of video games I generally and genuinely have to say:
  11. Never mind that you know, they've been blatantly missing calls and having late calls and pretty much bumbumped the Raiders and the Packers. Replacement REFS suck, and combined with Thursday night football running all season, there are going to be a lot of injuries this season. Vigilante justice for the loss. There were prolly a lot of other bad calls that game, and who knows who truly should have one if there were some REAL refs there. I didn't watch the full game, being from Baltimore I am a Ravens fan, being raised in Northern PA I grew up deciding Pats were my team. I personally find the fact that the Ravens are playing 4 or 5 games within 17 days completely disgusting, especially playing two games in one week. If no one gets seriously injured on Thursday it will be a small miracle. Even though it prolly shouldn't have been a win for us this week, I feel as though some really bad calls last week had us losing by a point. Also, with Torrey Smith losing his brother that day...I hope they don't recall the game and have it be a loss. That'd be just wrong IMHO.
  12. As much as I love TWEWY, it was really annoying how most of my time spent playing it was 'Run here do this. No wait, run over there instead. No...wait...go back to where you started.' All the running around was repetitive to me, to be honest. Even though I have't played Days in awhile, but I remember it being rather short IIRC, and the missions may have been similar but I expect as much from an Orginization such as theirs. It fit thematically just as TWEWY's missions fit its theme.
  13. I wanted to be all like: But in fact I was all kinds of:
  14. I like mission based games, a lot...TWEWY is repetative mission based gaming and I don't see people complaining about that ._.
  15. It depends on how much the story changes based on character. If it's the same exact storyline no matter what you do; it's completely boring. Kind of like how KoToR I and II only really had two play throughs each for me; light side and dark side. Three if you count completely neutral....that was always fun to do cause you had to try and figure out how to balance yourself.
  16. Just finished TWEWY. 1) Best game ever. 2) Joshua is a jerkface. I dislike him. 3) I don't see how they could have possibly ported this it iOS.

    1. Kirux


      I've been toying around with phrases to describe them for awhile. Applefaces and Applejerks seem either too silly or too mean. Applejacks seems to fit somehow. Imma channel my inner Beat, yo.


      Seeing as I can't attest to the game controls of the iOS, but I can of the DS; I'll prolly just reccomend Amazon.com for them or begrudgingly lend them my copy.

    2. hatok


      Applejack sounds like a way Beat would mispronounce the REAL way of saying it :P


    3. Kirux


      Even better. I'm going to go to sleep knowing my metamorphosis into a 15 yr old painfully white yo boy with a heart of gold is almost complete.

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  17. That trailer actually seems a bit better than the other one I watched, I can see the enhanced graphics more. I dunno, I was still hoping the Days cutscenes would get made over, like....ending of KHII graphics. That'd be hot. Also: DAT MUSIC.

  19. I hope that it get released almost simulataneously in NA, EU, and JP. If you thinkg about it, they already have the all the dub work done, except for a few snipits for the FM bits, and they could just get the cast to do that now while they're still remastering. IDK if that logic works, but I hope it does
  20. BBC America + DVR = ALL THE DOCTOR WHO \o.O/

  21. So what's this I heard about an even newer TWEWY countdown site?

    1. Weiss


      They do.

      They just want to make us wait. -_-

    2. King Riku

      King Riku

      I'm not happy with Square today.

    3. Kirux


      I haven't finished the game, yet. Nor have I seen the bonus material from solo remix. I'm just finishing Week2 and I'm trying to figure HOW there would be able to be a sequal based on the story I know of so far. I guess I'll find out soo, though.

    4. Show next comments  135 more
  22. Finally, this thread proves I'm not completely blind in the face. I was expecting something a lot pretty with the fuss they were making. I'll prolly get if for the new Days CSes and the KHFM. I might skip it if the price is too high though.
  23. I feel like the only person who hated having Donald and Goofy in my party...
  24. I think my eyes are bad. I don't see the big deal with HD trailer, it doesn't look that different than the other prerendered cutscenes I've seen before ._.

    1. HikariYami


      Woah wait it was confirmed for America and Europe.

    2. AROD666


      not yet, but why wouldn't they realese it?

    3. HikariYami


      I was just wondering.

    4. Show next comments  135 more
  25. If they have the Final Fantasy Legends II OST from the original Gameboy, I would have bet they had KH, too. But they don't. Le sigh. You could try bluelaguna.net. but you'd have to DL each track one by one. I also think that only gets you KHI and KHII
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