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Everything posted by Kirux

  1. That's totally what he said. I confirm it. He loves him so deep you can see it through his mask.
  2. probably only in cutscenes /shotdead I think there would have to be really in depth backstorying and retroacting as to why said character wasn't in ANY of the games thus far, and that'd prolly piss a lot of people off.
  3. You say no, but your eyes say yes. bay. Just accept it.
  4. Nor am I. The Doctor dances because he hates pants, too!
  6. For all the people who agree that pants are annoying and life is better without them.
  7. OMERGERD NEW CHEREKTURRRS THATS SO DERRRRM better Sil? 8D If they stay to the pc game, then it won't be a problem. if they wind up in kh3...well...
  8. WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME HATOK. I CRY SO HARD EVERYTIME. EVERY. TIME. I AM CRYING RIGHT NOW. Unless you stop to think about how technically Fry does get to stay with his doggie in Bender's Big Score, then it makes it a little better. JUST A LITTLE.
  9. Hey internet....I don't like FFX and I think FFXIII is actually better than it. COME AT ME.

    1. Kirux


      YOU'RE SO MEAN TO ME -runs away cryng-

    2. Demyx.


      Yeah, you run away! But on your way back, could you pick up dome tacos!?

    3. Kirux
    4. Show next comments  99 more
  11. Damnit hatok stop posting video whilst I'm at work and I can't watch them.

  13. The difference between how much I like FFX and FFXIII is solely dependent on how high my expectations where for each. I went into X with huge expectations and I was disappointed. I expected FFXIII to be junk and it's not *AS* bad as I thought.

    1. Kirux


      Still pretty bad, though. But it's like B movie bad, where it's bad but you kind of like it for being so bad.

  14. To start, I am the type of person that school came amazingly naturally to me. I was the kid in school that got straight A's in practically everything, all while never studying for a test. I was in the gifted children's classes through out most of elementary and up until 8th grade, the last grade the program entailed. Without sounding like a braggart; I am a very brilliant person. In 2007 father died and I had to move to a new school. I went from having a senior class schedule of European History, Honors English, and Pre-Calculus to be shunted into Civics and Remedial Geometry because I technically didn't have any classes with that exact name on my transcript, and a normal English class.The quality of education I received in felt amazingly sub-par in comparison to that of the school I grew up with. In general I was completely unstimulated, along with depressed, and I ended up skipping a lot of school and sleeping through classes. My love of learning was also completely dashed, and I assumed college would fix that and present me with a challenge, yet I was dashed again. I dropped out, a fact I sometimes regret today. I digress though. I feel as though I can't truly comment in the same way as everyone else, most of my school was in a school that, in my opinion, did wonderfully. It was also a really small school (7-12th grade in one building, approx. 550 kids).My last year of high school, however; was in suburban school outside of the Baltimore Metro area, not only was it a culture shock (My senior class had 660 graduating students) but I was astounded to learn that they had such lower standards than my old school. I feel that this large metro schools are a determent to the educational process of many children. With high capacity schools the focus is on quantity, and quality is put into the wayside in order to find the easiest way to school that many children at once, These a few of the things I notice were different between my small school, and the large metro area school: The failing point where I grew up was 70; in the new school it was 60. My original high school had mandatory tutorial sessions if you fell people a 75 in a class, and you usually had to stay there until you were above an 85. This did not exist in the new school, in fact many teachers did not offer tutorial periods at all. I went through 5 years of school being used to having 8 40-44 minute long classes (Plus a 40 minute lunch); same classes and teachers each day, except P.E we had that every other day all year long, every year. This usually alternated another class, usually a health class. The Baltimore metro school area had 4 1.5 hr long classes one day, and a different 4 1.5 hours long classes the next, with most of those classes changing in the second semester. They also only required one year of P.E for each student, that you could elect to take at any time. The teachers in my original school I knew for most of my high school career. They understood how I did things, and I knew I could trust and rely on them. They took the time to actually help me when I had problems, and were always there when i needed them. In Baltimore I was just another face and my teachers barely remembered who I was half the time. I think only my AP Art History teacher remembered me, because the class itself wasn't that big. My English teacher remembered me, but only because I was the only student in my class that knew how to properly write a paper. I'm not joking; he thanked me in the middle of class for being the only one not to use text speak on one of my papers; and for using correct punctuation and capitalization. I was appalled and embarrassed simultaneously. I know this is a longer post than the others, and probably not as on topic due to the fact I cannot watch the video while at work. I hope it still had some impact on the conversation and that my point was able to be properly communicated. Kiru
  15. Blech, mornings.

    1. Demyx.
    2. Kirux


      People who slurp their mothertrucking coffee need to be punched.

  16. And knowing is half the battle!

    1. hatok


      G.I. Jane\

    2. Gamerazor247


      G.I JOSEEEEeeeeeeeeee

    3. Kirux


      G.I Joe. Just for clarification.

    4. Show next comments  99 more
  17. Well...-grabs Riku and runs while everyone is fighting over Xemnas- MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  18. So uuuuuh....hey Odin. why are you so amazingly overpowered?

    1. Joker


      i know about the Tactics games.i like to think of ff2 as the real ff1.since ff1 in a way did not happen.spoilers if you never beat ff1.so waht was ment to happen is ff2.when i was younger i used to think all ff chars were related part of the same family

    2. Kirux


      That's interesting.

    3. Demyx.
    4. Show next comments  99 more
  19. brain mode: HERP DERP A HERPDERPDERP

    1. Queen Tery

      Queen Tery

      I only used it once a few weeks ago. Genn told me about it being ableist and I disagreed with her. But I told her, I'm not gonna say it around her, because she doesn't like it. It's just like how I don't like certain words and I would appreciate them not being said around me. I understand that some people are going to say these words anyway, but I would like to know that my friends at least respect that I don't like those words.

    2. Queen Tery

      Queen Tery

      She didn't mean it like that, Kirux.

    3. Kirux


      Whatevs, I'm done.

    4. Show next comments  99 more
  20. WHY AM I ALWAYS OUT OF LIKES! Amon +2 like IOUs
  21. So uh....hatok and Darkrealm are roleplaying genbay in a thread. I feel dirty just reading it.

    1. Demyx.


      What does that mean? Are they new charecters?

    2. Kirux
    3. Queen Tery

      Queen Tery

      hatok is actually doing a good job, though.

  22. All I can think about is the episode of Family guy with 'LOIS MY DARLING' that woud be so kool. tht is such a grate ideea.
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