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Everything posted by Kirux

  1. Kinode your mustache is much more bitchin than Ztar's.
  2. I remember when the term was 'unrequited love.' Maybe I'm just old.

  3. Donald is such a jerk. I can't understand why people want him back so badly.
  4. Pho why are you so tasty and filling. Nooooomnomnom

    1. wayfinder823


      I thought you said "Photos" and i was like... o.O?

    2. Shana09


      fe fi foe (pho) fum

    3. Kirux


      Aaactually Pho is pronouned Phuh. Just saiyan.

  5. Roxas didn't threaten her, though. She pulled her keyblade before Axel showed up. Hewas trying to talk to her, she wasn't responding and was just walking away, he tries to follow her to get her to open up, she pulls her keyblade. she was doing it as a 'back off move' The point stands that if she had come clean about everything right then, there may have been a better solution than what happened.
  6. I love when you reply to things = .= Your posts are wonderful to read.
  7. Late Hellenistic if I'm to go on the periods via Art History. I would have to say the High Renascence is definitely tied with it, though. I love the architecture of the late Hellenistic, so many pretty buildings. A lot of really pretty sculptures, too. High Ren is for the paintings, mostly. But really because of Donatello. He was such a troll, I love it.
  8. Good morning, mortals.

    1. Robbie the Wise

      Robbie the Wise

      You're the cleaning lady of the immortals duh

      Know your role Kirux. XD/shot

    2. Kirux


      My favourite book is pretty much based on that premise. It's being made into a movie. Christopher Walken will be playing Zues.

    3. Robbie the Wise
    4. Show next comments  87 more
    1. Kirux


      I'm sorry hatok, I had nothing to do with it promise!

    2. Demyx.


      suuuuure you didnt

    3. Kirux


      I mean he's pretty awesome...and Canadian, but I don't know if it'd work out

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  9. To silence Ondore, how many more times must I say it?
  10. Out of character: Like am I the only person that notices that panda do not go "mew"? just saying. Snow, do not blame yourself anymore.
  11. I spent all day playing ffxiii...i don't know how that makes me feel. i don't like hate it but i still don't know if i like it. weird.

    1. Kirux


      It's just amazingly simple. The entire game is just...well Pinky from TWEWY said it best:



    2. Blake


      4KIDS! Kappa

    3. Kirux


      It's like the metaphorical trainwreck though. I know it's bad, and being on chapter 6 I'm halfway done it would seem, and it's not really getting any better...so i want to see if it get worse.

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  12. If I must fight, then I shall.
  13. Lea and I are getting married and having a million beautiful children together. You're so jealoussss

    1. Shera Wizard

      Shera Wizard

      Naw not at all.

    2. Think Pink

      Think Pink

      you would think, but yes

      i just disguise it was my genius

    3. Shera Wizard
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  14. YOU'RE THE AXEL TO MY ROXAS, LEA. ;A; Guess that makes Xaon, Xion...
  15. Gods damnit. It took 25 seconds of this before I made up my mind that I need it. There goes most of my money nest month, I'll say it's a birthday present to me.

    1. Namikaze


      I'd say it's a pretty damn good birthday present

    2. Kirux


      The real present will be having to by the vita to go with it. FML

  16. The only thing that went through my mind was:
  17. Balthier always used crossbows with me, the guns seemed way to underpowered
  18. Then again Xaon Lea and I make a good threesome hmmmm LEAXAORUX SECOND OTT FOR LIFE!! We have two X's so we must be cool.
  19. Then come! Wield your hatred and crush me. I welcome it!
  20. I could not protect my own country's bamboo. What is shame to me?"

    1. Kirux


      Score, I'm a Senpai now.

    2. Kirux


      warranted a title change and everything.

    3. Blake


      Feel proud.

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