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Everything posted by Kirux

  1. I thought it was confirmed there's going to be new scenes for days, or was I misunderstanding the trailer/interview?
  2. Maybe because he embraced the darkness fully as ansem-riku?
  3. Found a batch of Seas Salt Ice Cream I had made over the summer in my freezer still. This day got 5000 times better

  4. What a way to spend my day off.

  5. Don't turn this into a 'says who' match, because neither side can win that plus it reduces you to the likeness of a bitchy 12 yr old not getting their way on the interwebs and that's not who you are. There is NO SOLID proof Demyx did or did not know what was going on, and until it's brought up in an interview there won't be.
  6. Sometimes late at night you need some oreos, but the store is out and suddenly muffins seem like a wise investment...but they're not.

  7. Lazy or not he wouldn't resign himself to certain 'death' by fighting Sora for a cause he knew was false. It's not in his character design imho. He's a self preservationist (totally spelled that right on the first try, score) a trait that is somewhat shown in Days by talking to him in the white room.
  8. I highly doubt he 'knew that' there's not even facts to support that statement. He suspected he had a heart. maybe. But if it honestly KNEW what Xemnas was doing, why would he continue to go along with the plan and fight Sora?
  9. But, he's always watching so...they wouldn't be able to move.
  10. What was that? All I heard was: whine whine whine whiiiiine.

  12. I never said she HATED her life, but she falls into the depression over existence, or lack there of it, trap. And uh...she totally forced/tricked Roxas into fighting her so he could defeat her so she would be part of Sora again, because she knew he wouldn't do it if she simply asked him to. It wasn't that she went against her friends, because she never even stood BY them or even TRIED to get their help. You cannot 'go against' someone if you were never with them to start. The very moment she found out what she was she turned on them, without even an explanation. Roxas was in the dark about everything until the VERY end of the game. There was plenty of opportunity for Xion to find a better solution to the problem; but she didn't and that was of her own free choice. Over all in the story she made things so much more complicated for Roxas and Axel. Between Xion, Roxas, Axel, and Riku there could have been a much easier, simplier, less traumatic way for the situation to be resolved. Her lack of communication, trust, foresight, and problem solving skills, however; led to the game we got. I cannot fault her for it, however; because many other KH characters have done the same exact thing. Her's is just. as hatok said it best:
    1. Kirux


      HAHAHAHAHA check under yo bed

    2. Snow


      Ah, I see. A pervert.

    3. Jilly Shears

      Jilly Shears

      I guess we know what happened to Hilda before BW2. ;__;

    4. Show next comments  81 more
  13. So, some one finally able to snap a pic of these 'binders full of woman' Mitt Romney has...very....Lisa Frank of him.
  14. Funnily enough that's the same exact people were saying in the 60's (and way before that as well) about blacks being given the same rights as everyone else. Oh, an women, in the early 1900's, too. It is now federally illegal to discriminate against race and gender in the work place. Bullying someone for, or making reference about, someone's sexual orientation can lead to sexual/harassment lawsuits if done in a work place, as well.
  15. I made mention that they are a private organisation. It doesn't make what they are doing right. If that child had not 'come out' he would have received that award without hesitation. Not giving it to him because he is open about himself does not in anyway change those things he did or the work he put into doing them. Also, they could not achieve their own organisation similar to the Boy Scouts due to copy right laws and other legal issues.
  16. To directly quote the website; I find the policies of the BSA to be horrible, especially when things like this happen. There is no reason this young man should be denied the title of Eagle Scout. It is incredibly biased and discriminatory and frankly makes me sick. I understand that the BSA is a 'private organisation' and 'reserves the right to make their own policies' but that doesn't mean we should accept it. If you would like to help this young man achieve his life long goal of becoming an Eagle Scout, please visit the following link and sign the petition. There's no definite that he will receive it, but at least you will have helped try. Kirux http://www.change.org/petitions/boy-scouts-don-t-let-your-anti-gay-policy-deny-my-son-his-eagle-award?utm_campaign=friend_inviter_modal&utm_medium=facebook&utm_source=share_petition&utm_term=31630787
  17. ground dark which does nothing meeee bleeeeeeeh this is a fun way to creep on everyone's birthdays though
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