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Everything posted by MyDixieRect

  1. Got blocked for the first time just now. Not even sure what I did. xD

    1. MyDixieRect



    2. Dracozombie
    3. MyDixieRect


      Well alrighty then. Guess that settles that. Yup.

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  2. Wow, I don't even know what to say to that just that I'm so sorry for your loss. You're a stronger person than I could ever hope to be. Yeah, you should never believe that she is not part of your reality. She is and always will be. Carry her with you wherever you go.
  3. Honestly, losing something that's important. If anything happened to my little sister (who's techincally a someone and not a something) I don't know what I'd do. Just the thought of it brings me to tears. It's legitimately one of about three or four things that make me cry.
  4. Honestly I'm not really that big a fan of the original, but the changes to the story are likely to be minimal and like you said it would probably just help tie in with Crisis Core better, which I always felt was needed since they seem a bit contradictory in places like Cloud (Spoiler): is meant to think he's Zack So why is he such a jerk in the early stages of the game when Zack was nothing like that? I still haven't seen Advent Children so I don't know enough about this emo cloud to say whether I like him or not. Honestly I'm more concerned about them fixing Barrett's dialogue so he's not so stereotypical. Please do that Nomura.
  5. Has anyone played TellTale's the Walking Dead? Thoughts?

    1. MyDixieRect


      I don't doubt that haha

    2. Silent


      I've watched let's plays of it and it the gameplay looks pretty damn boring but the story is good.

    3. MyDixieRect


      Yeah there's almost no gameplay to them at all bar a few QTEs. It really is the most literal definition of a game you play for the story.

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  6. Wait...Vanille and Fang were lovers? I thought it was just a joke the fanbase made because of how close they were. Anyway...yay! Thanks Obama! Whoo equality! Love is love!... you get the drift. ^^; (Also I guess this means I don't have to hide my man crush on Clint Eastwood)
  7. Tried to make my way to find Juju on the bridge and died about 7 times on my way there! Is this game hard or what? xD Also did you ever watch FMA: Brotherhood?

    1. Shulk


      I had a lot of trouble with it at first, too. xD What level are you? Also, I watched some of it, but I couldn't really get into it to be honest. It wasn't bad, I just wasn't very interested in it.

    2. MyDixieRect


      Well I'm now level 30 and spent about 15 minutes fighting rabbits on Raguel Bridge. xD I have no idea what to do when swarmed! Story wise I just got Dunban and he is badass, so I'm usually him in battles the most and when I'm done questing it will be time to head to the Bionis head.


      Yeah, FMA:B really isn't all the great.

    3. Shulk


      xD I always end up spending way too much time battling enemies. Swarms are even more fun to battle. xD Dunban's definitely one of the coolest characters in the game. His Talent Art is great.
  8. My friends decided to upload an old photo of me wearing nothing but a tight bikini at a party. xD You can even see my bulge...http://i.imgur.com/bSSfMuW.jpg

    1. MyDixieRect


      @Random: Oh right, I remember I took down the pic of me before you got the chance to see it! xD I'll post a new one soon


      @Superior: Ask and ye shall receive, I'll get the dress one xD

    2. Nero Kunivas

      Nero Kunivas

      @Winner I have no idea what I have just asked for....but I shall now receive my....reward? xD


      ...welp, I asked for this. X3

    3. Col.Random


      That new one better be of you in a dress like you promised kunivas

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  9. I would recommend the Fable series. Well, I mean, as a whole I wouldn't cause apart from the first one they're...meh but if you're in the mood for some polyamorous lovin'
  10. Might be getting a Wii U soon!

  11. I may be mostly immune to what people have to say about the things I love ('cept Zelda, no one speak ill of Zelda!) but you have something I covet...immunity to the rancid things out there. You can watch a guy getting his eyes gouged out without flinching, or a hook piercing through someone's neck and stuff like goatse. How do you do it? What I would give to see any extreme gore without even flinching. This time it is you who must share your secrets with me!

    1. Dracozombie


      Well it's not that I'm totally immune to it, or that I won't flinch a bit after a good dose of Eye Scream. It's not even something that I consciously do -- maybe I just have an iron stomach for rancidity.

    2. MyDixieRect



  12. I'm about 95% sure Young Eraqus' voice is Drake Bell. How weird having a Nickelodeon Star in a Disney game...I dun like it. D:<

    1. MyDixieRect


      I guess he's not allowed to. :( Don't see why, how coudl that possibly negatively affect the game in any way?

    2. Soravids


      Maybe he just don't wanna. :(

    3. MyDixieRect
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  13. I feel like a hypocrite cause I don't really like it when people post vague, moody statuses but this just this once I'll do the same...Had to make a big decision about my future and my parents will not be happy with it so we'll have a talk tomorrow and there will be lots of yelling and disappointment. Tomorrow will not be a good day. At all.

    1. HarLea Quinn
    2. Xiro



      (Thumbs up)

    3. Dracozombie


      Angsty posts happen to the best of us. Hopefully things will smooth over eventually and no one will treat it as the end of the world.

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  14. Odd question: Have any of you ever been in a girl's yard? Did she offer you milkshake? And did it make you want to tell your girlfriend that this other girl's milkshake is better?

  15. Took me 5 tries to beat the first boss of Xenoblade. Not sure if game is hard or I just stink.

  16. Not gonna lie, it used to suck when people badmouthed the things I love. I didn't like it. I don't know what happened but now I just sit at my laptop screen sipping my hot chocolate and giggling at the hateful comments and have fun doing it. I guess I realised how lame and desperate such comments can be.

    1. Dracozombie


      I don't think that's what they consciously mean, but it's the sort of attitude they seem to give off. How can people like [X]? And then when something they happen to not like gets popular, they act like THEY'RE the victims because oh dear, they have to see it everywhere even though it sucks!

    2. Philip Ellwell

      Philip Ellwell

      I liked Frozen O.o ^

      But I think it was overhyped, yes. Tangled was good too, though.

      If it makes you happy, and it's not hurting someone, ignore everyone else and enjoy it.

    3. HikariYami


      I ignore because I don't agree. I don't want to start an argument with those people. I just let people enjoy the movie. No need to spread the negativity that I feel. I shouldn't stop people from liking it.

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  17. Stuck between playing Shadow of the Colossus or Xenoblade Chronicles next. Shadow is the shorter game but I'm really in the mood for Xenoblade. However that's a very long game and I hate leaving games unfinished so I'd have to beat it before heading back to college, so I'd have like two month.

    1. Shulk


      Yeah, it doesn't take too long if you're focused on it. xD I think my final playtime on my first playthrough was around 70-80 hours, and that was with minimal sidequest completion. The main reason it would take a long time is if you try to complete all sidequests, since there are around 500 of those. That's best saved for a second playthrough.

    2. Soul Eater Evans

      Soul Eater Evans

      my final play time was on May xx, 2016

    3. Shulk


      well dang soul ._.

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  18. As a guy whose hands are so big he's only ever met one person with bigger hands ( ) All I can say, is ha, that's nothing! (Seriously, these would put a gorilla to shame, I'm very self conscious about my hands T.T )
  19. Because unlike the other games Nomura wrote the script for this one which gives some fans a weird boner and the resulting increased bloodflow to their nether regions means they can't think straight which makes them confuse Days for quality.
  20. Anyone ever had a Klondike? I hear they're not very good.

    1. HarLea Quinn

      HarLea Quinn


      Reeses one is pretty good too!

    2. Forever


      Reeses??? :O


      Omg, that sounds so good!!!! DX

    3. HarLea Quinn
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  21. You know what I find kind of pretentious? When something happens in a popular tv show/film/whatever e.g. a character dies then people change their profile pictures to that character or something. We all saw the episode too, you didn't see it first, we're all devastated don't be such a hipster/show off.

    1. HarLea Quinn

      HarLea Quinn

      Losing his hand really mellowed him out xD

    2. MyDixieRect


      It would do the same to anyone I'd imagine. xD

    3. HarLea Quinn

      HarLea Quinn

      Yeah it kinda crushed his ego a bit xD

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  22. I've never been more afraid to die within the next few years than I am now. I must play this game. Also does anyone know who voiced Eraqus? I know I've heard the voice before I just can't place it.
  23. A Tangled world in KHIII? Tangled as in my favourite Disney film ever?! I lived a kind, generous life and it payed off for I am now clearly in Heaven! :'D

    1. Isamu Kuno

      Isamu Kuno

      Firaga, before the trailer the Director of Tangled said he was exited to have the first film he directed included in the series.

    2. Oishii


      It's one of my favorites too! I love it more than Frozen so I'm a very very happy fan today.

    3. MyDixieRect


      Woot! You have great taste Oishii!


      I don't know, Firaga. Tangled also had lots of other scenery too. Beautiful green hills, green fields, a giant lake, a royal city. Including all that(assuming they do) allows it to be more open. Did you see the huge leap at 1:02. They're making it a very open world from the looks of it and I don't feel they'd do it as well if it was all in one big forest with trees everywhere.

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  24. Braided my hair into cornrows today!

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