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About xion26

  • Birthday 07/12/1999

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  1. i think in the end sora will hit xehanort with the keyblade and xehanorts mask willl fall off to reveal pluto then they all take off their masks to reveal pluto clones
  2. i got the game but have to wait til the first week of septemer before i can get the 3ds
  3. i plan on always using meow wow cause it becomes epicly giant and love to bounce and stomp my team , meow wow ,fruitz cat , and tyrano rex or the t rex thing havent played it yet
  4. the plus marks in his eyes is slowly stealing your soul and adding it to his powers
  5. probably watch her getting chased by tons of cera terrors and tyranos
  6. yeah not bleach i like the ideas of the keyblades and nobodies but the keyblades seem to be pretty dull
  7. i mean just make it simpler like it has become easier to travel
  8. probably i sorta would like the main character like sora is to have a different keyblade than kingdom key to start with
  9. i like meow wow myself i would kill for young xehanorts keyblade and time travel
  10. i like the concept of time travel and dreams i think that should be included in the next saga i really like young xehanort 2 i would love 2 see that in the next saga
  11. yes it did i still havent played it all i need is a 3ds
  12. meowjesty is a cow that sat a throne 24/7 got bored dressed up like a cat dog and ate kairi? that seems about right
  13. meowjesty=majesty , he's majestic aka hes above most dreameaters and is biggerwait so he is a unicorn
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