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Everything posted by SnowpointQuincy

  1. I think the trick is to NOT think of NaNoWriMo as a final draft or finished product. That is the idea that holds me back. The key to making 50,000 is allowing yourself to write bad, terrible, aweful prose. But, that is the charm of NaNo, you are encouraged to do this!! Just make it to 50K by any means nessessary, never delete, never edit, never spell sheck! Go Write!!
  2. I went in with enough of an idea to begin writing. But when June came, it was like crickets chirpping. No idea what to do. What little writting I did do was when I was in a writting chatroom, getting patts on the back for each sentance. I got maybe a couple thousand words.
  3. Obviously Ansem asked his heart and found the answer. Heart is the answer to any question in this series, right??
  4. 1. They could use robots. 2. They could tmake copies of people in Tron's World, and then un-digitize them. (MX could make 13 copies just like he wanted.) 3. They could give keyblades of darkness to a host of Disney/Square Villians. Maleficent and Exdeath VS Sora and Riku ?!?
  5. All the time-travel-clones of MX have returned to their native time and MX said he would have to try something other than time travel next time. So, AnsemSoD and Xemnas, can't be Members anymore. They returned to their native time and recombined into MX - the one and only. Braig and Isa are options becase we saw them alive, not time-clones. With MX, that is 3. The other ten are... Hades Captain Hook Maleficent Ursela Uggie Boggie Captain Jack Sparrow (why not?) Exdeath Choas Sephiroth Kefka Zeromus Yaizmat There are more than ten in my list, because you always need a back up. The 13 Darknesses should be Recognizable characters. Does not matter which side they come from.
  6. He says, This place is real... you don't even know where you are... If Sora or Riku went through the portal, they would have gone to the Real Earth where the Tron Movies are located. A very 'real' place indeed. Maybe he meant to say that the Realm of Dreams is only a polite way of saying Realm of Darkness, because that is were they are. But, they should already know that, because they had to go to DI to be lost in darkness to get to the Realm of Dreams.
  7. My favorite forshadowing is the back of Riku's shirt. It is on screne literally 50% of the game, but you never know that it means something. Then it does mean something!!!
  8. It would be nice if some of the 13 dark guardians were Disney Villians. They are the reason for the season after all. Maybe get some Square Villians too.
  9. I really liked the Dream Eaters and the Combat system of KH3D. What if you could take the Dream Eaters and the over-the-top combat and turn that into an original property removed from the Kingdom Hearts series. Basically I want to brainstorm a book or video game where teenagers link with monsters to gain supernatural strength, speed, and Flow Motion like acrobatic skills. Since this is directly inspired by KH, I want to post here first to get some feedback. I'm thinking the monster could come from fear, or nightmares, etc. The more you fear them, the stronger they are. For example: your greatest fear is spiders and you link with a spider-monster. The more you fear the monster, the more power it can give you. However, if you are overpowered by fear, the monster will turn on you and take your body. It is an inverse relationship between power and control. If you conquer your fear, you loose your power. Submit to fear and you loose your life. It sounds a little weird right now. Maybe the nightmare/fear element is not the right direction to go in. Where do the monsters come from? Can the monsters interact with the 'real world' How do you link with monsters? **Can anyone do it? What makes our MC special?** What are your thoughts on the idea? Have you seen anything similar? (I'm sure there are similar stories out there.) Number Four is the most important question to me right now, how one character can link with monsters but others can not.
  10. I Tried Camp NaNo in June, but it was really hard...
  11. Luigi got a Keyblade. Thus, he became a little distracted. This was one of the few games I was looking forward to this year. Balls, Luigi's Mansion would really be fun...
  12. FF12 Always my favorite. The battles are cool. The plot is interesting and straight-forward. Just plain cool.
  13. Flowery speaches about Heart and Friendship are casual conversation in KH. All of them folks are gay.
  14. Overall, the music is really good. I LOVE what they did with Symphony of Sorcery.
  15. I was only currious because I missed out on some important chests on my first playthrough. On my second playthrough I found Counter Aura for Riku and cried, "How did I ever live with out it!" Thanks for the guide. I'm going to get every chest to see what is out there!
  16. Is there a map that says what is in each Chest? Like if I only wanted to find the Chest containing Counter Aura, Firega, and such?
  17. If Deep Jungle can't be used, just do Jungle Book instead. But I think that property might have the same legal isues. (potentialy)
  18. KH3D Fixes alot of the problems I had with KH2. Melee is more interesting because you mix in unique attacks, that you chose, with regular combos. Magic is more interesting because you can cast more often. This is the first KH game I've played where you can relly on your magic. When I played Sora, I used so much magic I forgot the keyblade could be used to hit them! Having a Comand Deck on the X button is ALOT better that reaction comands. Reaction Commands are, arguably, the worst part of KH2. Always having the Perfect attack to kill an enemy without any thinking involved doesn't give the player any choice but to mash that button without even looking at it. The Best part of the Comand Deck system is that you have to choose what Comands to put there. (am i the only one that never used summons?)
  19. if you want 60+ LP instantly, just play one game of Water Barrel. It is the fastest way to LP grind.
  20. I got up to 3.8 durring a boss. Beat him with seconds remaining in bonus time! (Lv. 8 on the Grid in Proud Mode)
  21. I think the game data is more 'canon' than the interview. Once it is published, you're stuck with it. Interviews are nice, but the people asking questions haven't read those interviews. They have no way of knowing the interviews exist. Why should they look outside of the game for answers writen IN THE GAME THEY ARE HOLDING IN THERE HANDS.
  22. I want to see in a cut-scene a depiction of a keychain being swiched out on a keyblade. We have a basic understanding of how they work, but no one ever talks about them in the game. Even the 'basic' keyblade have keycahins. I think the keyblade graveyard is the only exception. The closet we get to this is Kairi giving Sora a good luck charm, which grats you the Oathkeeper Keyblade, which has that charm as it's token. I bet if they did, the phrase "chain of memories" would be used in reference to the Keychains. The memories of other people give the keyblade new powers.
  23. Xemnas is in Final Form when you and Riku fight him. (just look at his white and black zebra coat) Who teamed up with him? Who is his final form underpants?
  24. I just played this part TODAY!!!! Even if I know Goofy lives, they play the scene well and *almost* makes me cry.
  25. Deep Jungle + Flow Motion = Potential Awesome. There is some posivive synergy between those two elements. Sliding around on vines and such to get around.
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