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kiwi socks

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Everything posted by kiwi socks

  1. ...That must be why I 'never noticed' it before, because I had actual reading comprehension
  2. Edit: Maybe I shouldn't have conspiracy theories when I'm running on low sleep and caffeine. So I may have played KHII many times, but somehow I completely missed a part of Ansem's report 9 until it was read out loud in a playthrough I watched (I even went back and checked to see if it was an addition for Final Mix, which I haven't played. It ain't.): "[...]In others words, both the nobody called Namine and the heartless - proof of a lost heart - are extremely unstable beings who lack the bodies to produce a Nobody. Therefore they also lack Kairi's memories.[...]" I know Kairi shouldn't have a heartless, having no darkness in her heart, but she also shouldn't have a Nobody either. (I'm kinda am thinking this was Nomura's original plan for Xion, who he said he had in mind since KHII, and in her original description/introduction in the magazine was, to paraphrase, looks like Kairi with black hair and Xemnas's skin tone and has the voice of Aqua. There was only a picture of her hooded version next to the description.) So we ran into Sora's heartless in re:Coded - think we'll run into Kairi's heartless in KH3? Or have we already run into her? Am I the only one who completely missed that part for over a decade?
  3. The piano sounds cute, or some rare dialogue you can get after spending a night at the golden saucer inn after doing some matches in the Battle Square with Cloud (Or else something oddly specific) about having a strange dream about working for the lord of the dead.
  4. I just searched google, and the most symbolism for it I can find is that it's related to the dragon in Chinese lore. The bleeding heart vine/bleeding glory-bower and the bleeding heart flower, which does have a lot of symbolism attributed to it, are not related.
  5. As far as I know, there is no explanation (In English). "Aqua, outraged by the act of cruelty and at the thought of Ventus being in danger, calls Vanitas a freak and battles the dark enigma once again, soundly defeating him and knocking him unconscious. Aqua, believing she has finally finished Vanitas, and exhausted by the battle, passes out, as a revived Vanitas takes the opportunity to escape once again." https://www.khwiki.com/Vanitas There's no reference, so it's either a (logical) fan explanation, from the Ultimania, or from the books (which I have yet to read and aren't considered true canon). There's also the Vanitas/Aqua shipper's explanation.
  6. Bambi. First play-through, I didn't know what was up with him. Second time, I read about his item dropping mechanic and how all those MP balls are so you can massacre an entire area's worth of heartless with thundaga/whatever spam. It made getting moogle materials soooo much easier. The massacring was also handy for leveling Tinkerbell is a very, very close second. She got summoned every boss fight. I just remember my most recent play through of KHII was the only one where I used the summons, and then it was just to level them up
  7. Immerse yourself in what you love about BBS. Replay/watch it, and whenever you get so you can't stop thinking about other people's nastiness, pause the game, deep breaths and remember your thoughts when your first played it. Narrate it outloud I forget their names, but there are a couple of guys on youtube who just get SUPER EXCITED about anything KH, and you probably know who they are, so maybe watch them too? If you're feeling down, just about anything can feel worse than it would be if you were not down, and there isn't anything wrong with that. Especially this time of year when people are experiencing the onset of Seasonal Affective Disorder.
  8. Whelp. Permanently missed out on something I was looking forward to because of a RL emergency. ):
  9. Remember that Ephemer said the worlds were holograms, and Master Ava confirmed that. With the medals/cards being created by the Master as representations of power from the future, the non-Daybreak Town worlds also having been created by the Master as representations of future event makes sense.
  10. Somewhere between "don't care" and glad. Don't care because I won't be getting it right away anyway, and glad because delays are usually because they have bugs to fix and/or polishing to do. Companies that push out buggy games to meet a deadline are doing something wrong.
  11. I have no idea where my game is, but it was like 10 0 cards then 24 9 keyblade cards (Edit: level 94). Spam attacks with 9, interrupt all of the >9 combos with a 0, and Trinity when I got the Goofy and Donald cards. Marluxia had no chance to even get a hit in x:
  12. KH1: I cried when Sora killed himself. I cried at the ending. Granted, I was 12, but the "Take care of her" and "WHEN YOU WALK AWAY" made everything seem so unfair ): CoM...Sora's ending was sad, but I knew about Reverse/Rebirth, so I knew there was more to the story. And Riku's ending was all hopeful and stuff. I CRIED AT GOOFY'S 'DEATH' IN KH2 GODDAMN YOU NOMURA. Axel was also a tear-jerker because I love that bastard, and the extra scene added to it in Final Mix was another stab in the heart. The ending was an emotional loose end tied up of "THEY'RE FINALLY TOGETHER AND HAPPY" after the previous two games. I put off playing days for 5 years, so Xion's death had been thoroughly spoiled for me, and I wasn't really emotionally affected by the story, mainly because the game mechanics made me rage. The movie was a bit more of a downer form the lack of rage, but no crying. It's pretty funny that it's not on the list, but I did shed a couple of tears for Data Roxas and Data Namine. Everything about BBS was depressing. 3D is the only KH game that I didn't even find mildly sad. I just realized that's why I don't feel like it fits in with the other games. Time-travel? Okay, whatever. No heart-break?! Unthinkable!
  13. Y'all with the do know there is friendship in a healthy romantic relationship, right? "I married my best friend" and all that. For the KHIII, I can see Sora and Kairi meaningfully holding hands, and one of those tiny post-game scenes in the credits being them leaning in for a kiss before fade to black (Or being comically interrupted). If Kairi isn't dead. >_> Wtih 3D and Sora being 'like a child' and Riku blushing about being flirted with and otherwise being super mature, I don't know anymore, though. I could kinda see Riku and Kairi having meaningful moments, and Sora being like "I really like her, but Riku Loves her, and they're my best friends and this also is a story about growing up so I will move on". Or being so dumbed down so as to not have the self-awareness to tell the difference between romantic feelings and 'plain' friendship and Kairi is just like "... More waiting! *shivs Axel*" Or my dreams will come true and Squeenix/Disney will go to distance to have bisexual polyamory with SoRiKai (It's already practically canon! They've had collective hand-holding scenes twice! /fangirl mode)
  14. I wouldn't mind if Terra's and/or Aqua's were changed. They were so flat and emotionless when heard with all the others, it was jarring. Or, in a perfect world, Leonard Nemoy would turn out to not be dead, and replaces whoever they replaced him with ;_;
  15. SoRiKai4lyf since 2003. Friendship conquers all! Any combo of those three if the third is still the two's important BFF also works for me. Namine/Axel/Roxas, too. As for pairing (As in only two)...? I guess Repliku/Xion. They're the only two (known) replicas, and thus can somewhat relate, but they approached their existences so differently. Riku was all "I'LL BECOME THE REAL THING" until he was dying, but Xion becoming her own person when she didn't know, being all "I'm the real Nobody here" when she found out, and then accepted disappearing so that Sora could wake up. And Vanitas/Aqua. I guess I like dysfunctional opposites when there's only two people.
  16. Roxas/Kairi/Riku Two last names has conveniently left me with an OT3. One that's...ridiculously close to my actual OT3 (icon)
  17. Merida: http://www.insidethemagic.net/2013/05/merida-becomes-11th-disney-princess-in-coronation-ceremony-with-first-ever-queen-elinor-appearance-at-walt-disney-world/ Kairi is Disney, as you can tell from ©DISNEY AND SQUARE ENIX every time you turn on a game. So while she's not an official Disney Princess, she's Disney and a princess. I hope they don't go around calling Elsa a 'princess' though.
  18. They managed to shove Tron: Legacy (2010) into 3D (2012). For Frozen, it would be 2013 and 2015+, so plenty of time. And I don't see why they wouldn't, it would be another way to milk the franchise, and for KH it would actually fit more smoothly/thematically than anything else I can think of because of the Frozen Heart business.
  19. Donald's, Goofy's, and other party members' AI being more like artificial stupidity, only worded more politely.
  20. I'm a week or two away from playing re:, but I got to level 94 on Sora in the original and roflstomped Marluxia with a deck of 0's, 9's, and Trinity spam. Visually, I really like the sprite style and Axel's "COMMIT IT TO MEMORY" is just so bizarre I love it. I think I will always like the Original the most
  21. I'm trying to remember the first time when I played a game; my brother entertained me as a baby/toddler by letting me watch him play games, I don't know when I managed to bug him enough to give me the controller. Definitely before 1997. IDK when, but it was probably Duck Hunt.
  22. It would be a very short game, unless they added more original content instead of using the worlds as filler (Edit: Or use Final Fantasy stuff as filler)
  23. I got the feeling that her dad saying she was going to do it and then taking it back on twitter was a NDA thing - I don't think they would want to unveil the song so soon, especially not from an un-official source. The "oh wait, pretend I never said anything" feeling from it was...suspicious.
  24. Japanese 1.5 HD, KHI: Kairi says something how she'll remember their promise (???) around 1:50 of the ending English, same: Nothing! Gonna hazard a guess that it had to do with the J version re-doing the voice-acting for HD purposes, while the English didn't.
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