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Everything posted by Aquamaniac

  1. Thanks http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
  2. Well sorry if I created a completely useless thread but I haven't seen those others
  3. Well I didn't know :huh: anyway at least I found out
  4. After a few tries at taking on Young Xehanort I noticed he had ALOT of similarities to the Mysterious Figure His keyblade looks like the No Name Keyblade you get after beating the figure,his lasers and the X shaped attacks he uses. Could YX be the Mysterious Figure http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png
  5. What's the point of chat here if nobody uses it :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Protoman


      plenty of people use it to cyber, i'm sure

    3. Aquamaniac


      Oh look there's a chatroom up

    4. Protoman


      the best chance you get of using the chatbar is if you get talkative friends. or being well known

  6. Glide is in Symphony of Sorcery's first area (Sora only)
  7. Yen Sid probably knew Sora was so caring he wouldn't even care
  8. Come to think of it we have had a few more Vanitas like battles where there's a twist right at the end
  9. Over level 70 with both characters only 29 to go =D

  10. I heard somewhere that you can get recipes for the AR Dream Eaters at the medal shop after beating all cups but I went there and no luck

  11. Holey Moley was by far the hardest even though he didn't kill me once it was the fact that he teleports like a ninja :ph34r:
  12. I was actually disappointed since the only thing you can do against each other is Flick Rush http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png On the bright side my bro got from his AR card Meowjesty and me Sudo Neku by creating a battle portal we each got each others recipe for them
  13. I love it but me I couldn't draw to save my life
  14. Scanning TWTNW for Special Portals I really need a Brilliant Fantasy

  15. I'm in desperate need of a Brilliant Fantasy but can only find one special portal for riku which involves taking out three Aura Lions in 20 seconds(tough) any suggestions where I can find another portal or beat this one Thanks
  16. Use Flow Mo quite a bit and use commands to take out annoying enemies
  17. Just wondering what everyone thinks is the best spirit link in Dream Drop

    1. Gamerazor247


      thats kinda hard.......for riku it's gonna be meow wow link. for Sora, i don't really know :\

    2. Aquamaniac


      With Riku I like Komory Bats link but with Sora it has to be Kooma Panda

    3. VanitasisKirby


      Meow Wow!!! He got dat Swag no other DE has. Although others think that MeowJesty is one of the best DE in KH3D. :)

  18. I've done everything there possibly is to do on BBS and have beaten every other Kingdom Hearts boss But I can safely say for me Mysterious Figure is the strongest boss.I've tried everything maxed out hp, Renewal Barrier but have had no hope :angry: anyone have any tips so I can beat the only boss I haven't taken out
  19. Icebreaker, Shadowbreaker and Spark Dive worked great. Though I suggest beating all secret Portals and getting those HP boosts before taking him on, plus it gets you the Unbound Keyblade
  20. It's a long shot but when pushed back I used Dark Splicer to get right to Ansem when you're pushed back. It will avoid all damage from his laser but you may still get hit by those balls of darkness Hope this helps
  21. Grinding to get my level to 100 on DDD!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DarkRealm20


      There is 100? I thought only 99?

    3. Aquamaniac


      Actually now that you mention it maybe there is only lv 99

      Grinding means endlessly taking out enemies to level up



      I'm with you on that bandwagon!

  22. I thoroughly enjoyed Pranksters Paradise getting to ride on the Ferris Wheel and the Rollercoaster with flowmotion
  23. Hi was thinking of where to make my first post and I saw these sets of topics and thought perfect http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png Anyway hope to talk to everyone soon
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