Yeah, I realized that the number of rewards differed as I worked on the portals more. From what I've seen, portals 1 through 3 have a couple of regular fantasy rewards, while 4 through 6 tend to have a single "precious" fantasy. I think the rewards for 1 through 3 are consistent within a world, but I don't have enough data to back that up. Of course, I'm probably wrong, as Portal 4 in Sora's La Cite des Cloches already had to be different. =|
Here are the interesting drops I've found. I think, though I'm not positive, that these are the only drops for the portals listed.
Traverse Town:
Sora 4-6: Malleable Fantasy
Riku 4-6: Charming Fantasy
La Cite des Cloches:
Sora 5 & 6: Malleable Fantasy (#4 was random, normal fantasies. I checked it a couple times.)
Riku 4-6: Charming Fantasy
Prankster's Paradise:
Sora 4-6: Prickly Fantasy
Riku 4-6: Epic Fantasy
The Grid:
Sora 4-6: Malleable Fantasy
Riku 4-6: Charming Fantasy
The Country of Musketeers:
Sora 4-6: Prickly Fantasy
Riku 4-6:Epic Fantasy
Symphony of Sorcery:
Sora 4 & 5: Savage Fantasy, Prickly Fantasy
Sora 6: Wild Fantasy
Riku 4 & 5: Savage Fantasy, Epic Fantasy
Riku 6: Brilliant Fantasy