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Everything posted by ZeroForm

  1. Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance], was the perfect sequel, but I hoped that it would've taken the story a little bit further. But now, the story takes us to the Mysterious Tower, where Yen Sid and King Mickey are sending Sora and Riku to complete the Mark of Mastery- exam. They must go to the dream world and unlock the 7 sleeping keyholes. When you got further in the game, you received reports which told you the things that had happened in the previous games, so you don't need to know every single thing about the previous games to play KH 3D. The Flow Motion... I love it! First I thought that it would make Sora and Riku too overwhelming in battles, but it didn't. Though some bosses felt impossible to beat without Flow Motion (The Grid; Commantis) and in the final bosses, there wasn't anything to jump from. It also made exploring a little less boring, jumping on the walls is fun. Next: the Reality Shift. This was a nice and fun thing, it made beating up regular dream eaters fun. But in the world: Symphony of Sorcery, I hated it.. The dream eater kind of replaced Donald and Goofy, but fighting just didn't feel the same. The only useful thing about the dream eaters was the link ability, with that you could do much damage. But I still missed Donald casting curaga on my ass. +The plot was great +The game played as both, Riku and Sora -The Drop gauge was empty in no time -The dream eaters were pretty much useless, and collecting the materials to make stronger dream eaters... pfft... Thank you for your time.
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