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  1. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from GoracW in Another Reason Not To Like KH2's Prologue...   
    Now TBF this is my very minor nitpick/unpopular opinion about this.

  2. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from WallaceTek in So Apparently I was the only one who didn't know...   
    That the peddler's first appearance was actually in KH1...

  3. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from Thomasnab in Tips On How To Use Zantetsuken in Chain of Memories.   
    For those who are having trouble pulling this tactic off.
  4. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from WallaceTek in Another Reason Not To Like KH2's Prologue...   
    Now TBF this is my very minor nitpick/unpopular opinion about this.

  5. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from lendaiteva in What's the highest price you've payed for a Kingdom Hearts game?   
    Just what the topic thread suggests.
    I personally have never gone higher than I believe maybe $70ish and that was for Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix back in 2009. 
    What about you guys?
  6. Like
    ReverofE reacted to Kaweebo in Sora is already mature   
    I think Ventus was probably 14-15, and yeah Aqua was the most mature of the bunch because she was willing to talk about her problems...but only sometimes. Sometimes, she got a little angry, lashed out and pushed away Terra, who was already on the deep end. But by the end of it, she realized her mistake and tried to fix it, but she was too late. That's her tragedy in BBS. Despite her relative calmness, seeing her friends hurt and emotional made her emotional.
    Terra acted the way he did 1. Because of his ego, which was easily justified, and 2. Because of the swelling darkness inside of him.
    I'd say Kairi is probably the most level-headed of the trio, too. Getting to Sora's maturity in a bit, Kairi is much more of an adult than him and not just because she doesn't act as silly. Also, I am pretty damn sure Axel is in his mid-twenties. In BBS he had to be at least 15 and 10 years later, he'd be 25. 
    As for Sora, while I believe he's mature as far as all of the points you've brought up are concerned, my problem is more with his intelligence. Like Cucco pointed out, ever since KHII, Sora's been written as kind of utterly stupid and I mean that sincerely. He's mature in the sense that he's kind-hearted and doesn't hold a grudge, but he's also naive and makes some really stupid decisions that otherwise wouldn't be an issue if he took some common sense.
    And especially in KHII, Sora is also kind of an asshole. Not to his friends, of course, but to the people that are supposedly the villains. Despite the fact that Organization XIII are undeniably the bad guys, not all of them are bad guys. Take Demyx for example, who isn't really a bad person, he's just a broken individual who is being misled. And yet Sora taunts him, says he doesn't have a heart and that the best thing he can do for the world is to just die. And he KILLS HIM. While at first, you could forgive Sora for thinking this way (and in DDD, once he realized his mistake, he was furious at himself and those who misled him) but the fact remains. When you watch Demyx disintegrating into nothingness, crying out in despair, you can't help but feel like maybe this wasn't the right thing to do.
    It's not like with Xigbar or Xaldin or even Larxene, who are all genuinely awful people. Demyx was little more than an irresponsible kid who got caught up in something he had no idea what the stakes were. Even someone like Luxord, I don't think genuinely understands the scope of what's going on in the Organization. He just knows that he's going to get his heart back out of all of this. And yet Sora doesn't care because he was told that they were the enemy and that was the way it had to be.
    Combine that with the way he's being written as an idiot recently, I can't help but want Sora to improve. Even DATA SORA from Coded is more of an intelligent, rational, mature person than regular Sora, maintaining all of his kindness and wisdom when it comes to helping friends but also with the ability to not be a dick in the process. 
    I think DDD was a major step in righting Sora from being a dick, but he's still written like a dumbass and I'd really appreciate it if that'd stop. In KHI and CoM, he was a relatively bright kid. He figured out who Maleficent was before it was even fully revealed to him, he just put the pieces together, something post-CoM Sora seems unable to grasp. I have a theory that a lot of that has to do with the fact that Sora is broken in a very large amount of ways, but it needs to be fixed if they want this character to continue to be the face of the franchise. I do. I love Sora, his design, his personality and his affinity for blending Square and Disney but I hate the fact that he's so stupid. 
  7. Like
    ReverofE reacted to Philip Ellwell in Sora is already mature   
    KH accidentally went pedophile there on shipping. 
    *seriously re thinks shipping Auokroku* 
  8. Like
    ReverofE reacted to Cucco in Sora is already mature   
    We're saying modern sora needs to mature. In DDD how many times did he forget he was in the dream world.
  9. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from Jamesguiff in Reminder that Zantetsuken is a great move...   
    ESPECIALLY when playing the GBA version since it can actually be worked as a viable strategy.

  10. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from SantasH in Another Reason Not To Like KH2's Prologue...   
    Now TBF this is my very minor nitpick/unpopular opinion about this.

  11. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from RolterW in Is Ansem SoD Not being Ansem a retcon or a plot twist?   
    I would like to know your thoughts on this since it has been bugging for a while. Plus, I'm kind of gearing towards retcon personally since the other games didn't hint at him not being Ansem.
  12. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from TokladE in Is Ansem SoD Not being Ansem a retcon or a plot twist?   
    I would like to know your thoughts on this since it has been bugging for a while. Plus, I'm kind of gearing towards retcon personally since the other games didn't hint at him not being Ansem.
  13. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from Marvinsoary in Is Ansem SoD Not being Ansem a retcon or a plot twist?   
    I would like to know your thoughts on this since it has been bugging for a while. Plus, I'm kind of gearing towards retcon personally since the other games didn't hint at him not being Ansem.
  14. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from Felixx in Things that has been bothering me for years in KH1   
    Nah bro it was Mickey. KH1  was a planned standalone game at the time. So other characters like Ventus, MX, Terra, etc... obviously didn't exist in that point of time for the dev team. They were only added on much later.
    Heck even the Final Mix version later came out and had Mickey talk to Riku in the Realm of Darkness in the exact same manner in how the voice talked to Sora in the prologue.
  15. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from FardahS in So Apparently I was the only one who didn't know...   
    That the peddler's first appearance was actually in KH1...

  16. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from AUQenlmak in Tips On How To Use Zantetsuken in Chain of Memories.   
    For those who are having trouble pulling this tactic off.
  17. Like
    ReverofE reacted to Felixx in Things that has been bothering me for years in KH1   
    Back in 2002 BBS didn't exist. But Sora, Riku and Kairi already knew about other worlds. Meaning the producers, game developers, must have had a logical reason in mind, that had nothing to do with Aqua and Terra.
    Of course you can say now they just added that as reason, but it wasn't the original one. That was my point.
  18. Like
    ReverofE reacted to Felixx in Things that has been bothering me for years in KH1   
    Lol it is. Riku, Sora and Kair already knew about other worlds in KH1, when BBS wasn't even in Nomura's head.
  19. Like
    ReverofE reacted to Felixx in Things that has been bothering me for years in KH1   
    Well to be fair the part with Aqua and Terra technically didn’t exist when KH1 came out, so we can’t really include that. But I agree with the rest.
  20. Like
    ReverofE reacted to Felixx in Things that has been bothering me for years in KH1   
    From an interview:
    I assume Mickey didn’t really know where and who Sora actually was, but that he somehow could feel he’s chosen by the Keybalde and hence he reached out to him in order to guide him.  
    The reason why Sora, Riku and Kairi knew about other worlds is Kairi. She was from another world, and apparently that was a known fact to the people on Destiny Island. So that’s that. Has nothing to do with Xehanort.
    That they used a raft to get to other worlds is due to them being still kids They probably hoped it would work, having no idea how to get to a new world.
  21. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from RazorDN in Is Ansem SoD Not being Ansem a retcon or a plot twist?   
    I would like to know your thoughts on this since it has been bugging for a while. Plus, I'm kind of gearing towards retcon personally since the other games didn't hint at him not being Ansem.
  22. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from Marvinsoary in So Apparently I was the only one who didn't know...   
    That the peddler's first appearance was actually in KH1...

  23. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from Doksap37 in What's the highest price you've payed for a Kingdom Hearts game?   
    Just what the topic thread suggests.
    I personally have never gone higher than I believe maybe $70ish and that was for Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix back in 2009. 
    What about you guys?
  24. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from DanartG in Reminder that Zantetsuken is a great move...   
    ESPECIALLY when playing the GBA version since it can actually be worked as a viable strategy.

  25. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from Marvinsoary in Tips On How To Use Zantetsuken in Chain of Memories.   
    For those who are having trouble pulling this tactic off.
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