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    ReverofE reacted to teh lazy prince Xylek in Vegeta stares into your soul   
    what happens on namek stays on namek
  2. Like
    ReverofE reacted to venxas24 in New reason for level one in KH3   
    I think it will be that, after the mark of mastery test they could not use any of their past skills, since they traveled to the realm of dream
  3. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from RikuVazquez in New reason for level one in KH3   
    Well in all of the Kingdom Hearts games there has been an excuse as to why your levels haven't been carried over:COM: Lost memories from previous gameKH2: Lost memories from previous game and haven't fought in a yearDays, BBS , and Coded: New protagionists and data version of SoraDDD: They are told to forget everything self - taught about the keyblade.I don't know what will be next since I never got DDD and am using information from the Internet. That is why what will be the new excuse as to why we have to start at level one in KH3(or the next KH game if not that)
  4. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from Zola in New reason for level one in KH3   
    Well in all of the Kingdom Hearts games there has been an excuse as to why your levels haven't been carried over:COM: Lost memories from previous gameKH2: Lost memories from previous game and haven't fought in a yearDays, BBS , and Coded: New protagionists and data version of SoraDDD: They are told to forget everything self - taught about the keyblade.I don't know what will be next since I never got DDD and am using information from the Internet. That is why what will be the new excuse as to why we have to start at level one in KH3(or the next KH game if not that)
  5. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from Jilly Shears in ok,now im scared   
    Jokes on you because with me zero times one half still equals zero.So guess who outsmarted this fact this guy.......wait a minute
  6. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from Firaga in Naruto   
    sooo anyone like neji from naruto???
  7. Like
    ReverofE reacted to Kaneki Ken in Naruto   
    I remind you tomorrow! /shot
  8. Like
    ReverofE reacted to DragonMaster in School and video game characters   
    No, but I've never actually been given a writing assignment where it could be applied. If I could, I'd definitely do it.
  9. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from Indecypher in School and video game characters   
    Has anyone ever written an assigned paper that dealt with video game characters? Not just video games in general. Plus, if so did you pass the paper?
  10. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from axele in Who are your favorite Final Fantasy characters?   
    Well then damn.
    Crisis Core - Zack Fair for being the typical nice guy and being the inspiration for the main protagionist
    FFVII- Vincent for being a brooder and a berserker
    FFVIII- Squall for being another brooder. Plus, I like lions
    FFIX - Vivi for being adorkable but at the same time strong and defensive when it came to the other black mages.
    FFX - Auron for being a complete badass. I mean seriously is his arm even broken? 
    FFXIII- A tie between Sazh and Fang Since Sazh is a bit more realistic since all he wishes to do is save his son. He provides a foil to the leader, token minority, and when the situation would call for it he would be a hero. While Fang is also protective of Vanille, provides a foil to Lightning, strong female main character, the reason for the whole in Cocoon, and her big sacrifice in the end.( Also enjoy Sazh's blitz and Fang's Highwind)
    FFXIII-2 - Noel for being a genderflipped Fang, is a bit smarter than Serah, and for providing a rival toward Snow. 
  11. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from Mystics Apprentice in Who are your favorite Final Fantasy characters?   
    Well then damn.
    Crisis Core - Zack Fair for being the typical nice guy and being the inspiration for the main protagionist
    FFVII- Vincent for being a brooder and a berserker
    FFVIII- Squall for being another brooder. Plus, I like lions
    FFIX - Vivi for being adorkable but at the same time strong and defensive when it came to the other black mages.
    FFX - Auron for being a complete badass. I mean seriously is his arm even broken? 
    FFXIII- A tie between Sazh and Fang Since Sazh is a bit more realistic since all he wishes to do is save his son. He provides a foil to the leader, token minority, and when the situation would call for it he would be a hero. While Fang is also protective of Vanille, provides a foil to Lightning, strong female main character, the reason for the whole in Cocoon, and her big sacrifice in the end.( Also enjoy Sazh's blitz and Fang's Highwind)
    FFXIII-2 - Noel for being a genderflipped Fang, is a bit smarter than Serah, and for providing a rival toward Snow. 
  12. Like
    ReverofE reacted to Dracozombie in Between Sora, Riku and Kairi, which one is your favorite character?   
    Riku. He's shown the most growth out of anyone in the series, he's strong-willed, controlled, and caring, and everyone knows long hair automatically makes you superior.
  13. Like
    ReverofE reacted to Kishira in Between Sora, Riku and Kairi, which one is your favorite character?   
    My most beloved trio.~ ☆
    Mah man, Riku of course. σωσ
  14. Like
    ReverofE reacted to Sigrun in Between Sora, Riku and Kairi, which one is your favorite character?   
    Riku, He is one of the Most Bad ass Characters In The Series.
  15. Like
    ReverofE reacted to heyitsdeven in Between Sora, Riku and Kairi, which one is your favorite character?   
    The guy who had the most character development
  16. Like
    ReverofE reacted to XIIISwords in Five-Man Band in Final Fantasy XIII   
    The Leader/Hero: Lightning- no doubt there.
    Their Lancer: While some would say Fang (for obvious reasons- she uses a spear), I'd give this to Snow. He is the complete opposite of Lightning.
    The Smart Guy: I'd give this to Sazh in XIII, because he's the oldest and most experienced. However, I'd give it to Hope if we counted XIII-2, because it's shown there that he's basically a genius.
    The Big Guy: Snow, again, for obvious reasons.
    The Chick: Vanille. Have you heard her talk?
    The Sixth Ranger: Fang, because she joins late and never really melds with the group like the others did.
    So I gave Snow two roles, and sort of left Hope or Sazh out. These make the most sense, but if it was limited to only one role each.
    Leader- Lightning (duh)
    Lancer- Fang (Some instances in the ending and when they first meet)
    Smart Guy- Sazh (In XIII), Hope (XIII-2)
    Big Guy- Snow (he's the only one who could fill this)
    Chick- Vanille (duh)
    6th Ranger- Hope (XIII, because he's the youngest), Sazh (XIII-2, because he's generally not present.
  17. Like
    ReverofE reacted to Azzurro in Five-Man Band in Final Fantasy XIII   
    The Leader/Hero-Lightning obviously
    The Lancer-Sazh or Snow could fit this role but IMO Snow fits the big guy role best
    The Smart Guy- Hope
    The Big Guy- Snow
    The Chick- Vanille
    The Sixth ranger- Fang

  18. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from Daniel Black in Five-Man Band in Final Fantasy XIII   
    I am sorry I am a very stupid individual I am still not getting your question. I mean there are six playable characters who you can fit into each of the roles. Could you please specify your question?
  19. Like
    ReverofE reacted to Sonic in New Final Fantasy character in KH3?   
    noctis and his wingblades
  20. Like
    ReverofE reacted to heyitsdeven in New Final Fantasy character in KH3?   
    Vincent Vincent Vincent Vincent Vincent
    And maybe Noctis.
  21. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from Beauller in Hello...I guess   
    First time here and so far barely no one is online http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png.
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