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  1. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from Neku Sakuraba in Perfect ways to give Terranort the final blows in Final Episode (my opinion)   
    Same here buddy
  2. Like
    ReverofE reacted to teh lazy prince Xylek in Perfect ways to give Terranort the final blows in Final Episode (my opinion)   
    hmmm i just hit him in the nuts with my keyblade
  3. Like
    ReverofE reacted to TheApprenticeofKingMickey in PS4 might be announced May 2013   
  4. Like
    ReverofE reacted to Shazzam in Naruto   
    When Naruto's involved... things get real.
  5. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from Qrow in So two questions about Avatar the Last Airbender   
    Finally users here who are understanding my way of thinking.
  6. Like
    ReverofE reacted to Qrow in So two questions about Avatar the Last Airbender   
    Well...I think the next airbender Avatar will be related to Aang,his sons and his grandchildren are the last airbenders...they will kinda be related
  7. Like
    ReverofE reacted to MasterTeli in So two questions about Avatar the Last Airbender   
    The next Avatar after Aang (spioler) is a water bender unrelated to him. The avatar that follows will an Earth bender. There is a cycle. Water, Earth, Fire and Air. If all the earth benders suddenly die out then possibly I don't really know what will happen.
  8. Like
    ReverofE reacted to Qrow in So two questions about Avatar the Last Airbender   
    And Zuko's Grandfather killed the airbenders to end the Avatar lineage,so they could rule the world,so I think if there is no bender for the next element,then there is no Avatar...
  9. Like
    ReverofE reacted to ThatChainmecha in So what FF character has had it the worst?   
    Quina: I no can eat
  10. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from axele in So what FF character has had it the worst?   
    Okay someone besides Zack
  11. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from Mystics Apprentice in So what FF character has had it the worst?   
    Okay someone besides Zack
  12. Like
    ReverofE reacted to dusk in So what FF character has had it the worst?   
    All the villains. Always just dying. Never happy ending for them
  13. Like
    ReverofE reacted to SquareSora in So what FF character has had it the worst?   
    Well ill have to say Zack due to the fact that he knew that hew was going to die in Crisis core yet kept on fighting and whats more is that he died in the end which made it only more hard to bear. he tried so hard to make things right but in the end when he knew he was going to die kept on fighting yet perished in the end. Zack deserves total respect for his courage and bravery. (not to mention that he never got a break in BBS either but were only discussing Final Fantasy so nvm)
  14. Like
    ReverofE reacted to J. Severe in What's Your Favorite PSP Game?   
    One step at a time bro, I'm not Superman.
  15. Like
    ReverofE reacted to Rob in Hot Ass-Girl (Warning:You'll see why)   
    You called?
  16. Like
    ReverofE reacted to Dracozombie in Is Final Fantasy X-2 worth it?   
    The thing to keep in mind is that in a lot of ways, X-2 is the opposite of X, in gameplay and in tone.  The battle system is the traditional ATB system, but faster paced since everything is in real-time instead of it being turn-based.  A character's action can make her gauge shorter or longer, and you gotta keep on your toes since multiple characters (your allies and enemies) can attack simultaneously--in other words, no one's action's comes to a halt just because someone is enacting a command (for instance, Yuna can attack an enemy at the same time another enemy is attacking Rikku, and Paine can hit the enemy attacking Rikku while it's in the middle of attacking).  The job change system from previous titles makes another appearance, doing away with the sphere grid.  You only have three characters you can use, so your strategy comes from your jobs and also the grids you put your jobs on, which lets you change jobs mid-battle and also gives you bonuses in battle depending on the grid you put the jobs on.  While X was linear (a bit too linear in some peoples' eyes), X-2 is completely open-ended.  The story is told through missions, the order of which is up to you, and the existence of which depending on completion of a previous mission, with multiple paths you can choose that will affect the ending.  As hatok said, a guide is recommended.  It has a percentage completion system, and you can easily miss certain things (even skipping a cutscene counts as missing it!), do things in the wrong order, or make the wrong choices.
    Thematically, X-2 is upbeat and lighthearted, contrasting X's more serious tone.  Some people don't like the shift, but others do or just don't mind it.  Yuna running around with guns and skimpy clothing might take some getting used to for some players (unless they're into that sort of thing, and if they're straight males, they most likely are).  All in all, you're not gonna get the same experience with X-2 like you did with X.  There are plenty of people who like both games, myself being one of them, but the shifts are too much for some people.  It's a very polarizing game so it's best you form your own opinion, but just keep in mind that X-2 is different than X.
  17. Like
    ReverofE reacted to Ptolema in So if you met Mr. Nomura....   
    Pleasure to meet you. May I have your autograph? Could you please hurry up with Final Fantasy versus XIII so that you may finish Kingdom Hearts 3? Thank you.
    PS. Am I right to believe that every time a confused fan asks you something you think the following: trolololololololololo
  18. Like
    ReverofE reacted to King Riku in Can we have a Moment of Silence   
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    ReverofE got a reaction from Mystics Apprentice in Any old games you recently decided to buy?   
    The intro was shocking in my opinion and most of the themes, heartfelt moments in the previous game are a bit nonexistent. However if you are a hardcore fan, wish to figure the true ending to FFX, enjoy job classes, and the return of leveling then I would recommend this for you. It is enjoyable.
  20. Like
    ReverofE reacted to baptiscool19 in Did Lea really need a keyblade?   
    I don't think so. I would have preffered if Lea didn't get a keyblade because if he is to fight with Isa it would have been the first fight with two non keyblade wielders and that in my opinion would me much more epic than keyblade against non keyblade
  21. Like
    ReverofE reacted to Weiss in So if you met Mr. Nomura....   
    "What were you doing when you thought Hey I'll make a game about disney, final fantasy and DARKNESS?"
  22. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from Kurama in So if you met Mr. Nomura....   
    What would you do or ask him?(P.S. if you don't know who I am talking about I would personally recommend you off this website)
  23. Like
    ReverofE reacted to Rob in Have you met Stanley? He's real nice   
    I've met Stanley, but that Stanley's not the one I know.
  24. Like
    ReverofE reacted to Keyblader in This was how Donald and Goofy were going to look?   
    Let's all be honest, Donald looks like a pedophile in that picture
  25. Like
    ReverofE got a reaction from Cyber Shaman in ok,now im scared   
    Everyone uses those
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