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About ShadicstickUltima

  • Birthday 01/08/1999

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  • Member Title
    χ-blade Master
  • Gender
  1. idk kh made me hate winnie the pooh so i would have to say no
  2. They all wore the recusant sigil and he can track them through that
  3. I want to join but don't want to change my username if i did I would be kilik
  4. Should I record BBS?

    1. Ghost


      Do you mean the cutscenes? There's already a cutscenes movie of it so I wouldn't.

    2. ShadicstickUltima


      no on my yt channel

  5. that isnt a kh specific character though nice post. a lot of these i already knew but some of these were interesting.
  6. there are 4 in the main series and the only one i thought suck or i despisedwas crystal bearers which got really bad reviews also its probably because theyre nintendo exsclusive
  7. There are quite a few remakes of the first 6 you should check them out overall the series 3 is my fave and after that would be 4,1,then 5 as i found 2 too suck in my opinion but you should really go for 3,4,or 5 since in 1(especially in 1) and 2 they dont give hints on where to go and there basically is no help in them so definitley start with 3,4, or 5
  8. I've never had a glitch I have had the framerate drop to what appeared to be 30 fps a few times
  9. Hello this is the first Topic I've started but I wanted to ask if anyone here has played FFCC because I love the Series well all except the crystal bearers which sucked really bad but does any have any news on the next one or if there is even going to be a next one and if you havent cheecked out the series you should its really good
  10. Can You send me a new computer LOL but I wish I could do this but too sad my computer lags when I try to record DS games
  11. hello im just introducing myself im not necessarily new to the site but i finally just decided to make an account and i just wanted to say hello
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