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Silent Fantasy

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About Silent Fantasy

  • Birthday 08/01/1991

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    The Prince of Two Thrones
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  1. You have more freedom with the game on the PC, but if your not interested in any of that then they are honestly both the same. The PSN version can also be transferred to a PSP though, if you have one and want a portable FFVII.
  2. Only in FF is making 2 sequels considered milking...
  3. The proportions seem a bit off, but the detail in the iris and hair is great! You can actually draw hands too. I never can draw hands right. lol Good work.
  4. Unless they plan to redo all of the voice acting that's not even a possibilty. The only games I know to get recast for the HD remasters are Silent Hill 2 and 3. FFX has had no information on such a thing.
  5. Which was what they tried to copy frame for frame. It was nice to see that they put effort into it, but the execution of the video itself was sloppy. Anything they showed was shown much better in the game itself. All they really added was some pointless Cybil scene ( 0_o......?), and car wreck death twist (.....http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png.....), and....really boring minute long scenes with nothing going on. They didn't understand how to set up atmosphere, but did do better than most admittedly. Theres really not much more to say about it though. It is just a harmless fan video.
  6. They tried to mimic the stiff voice acting of the original game, and somehow made it more stiff and awkward. I cringed anytime someone was talking (In the video, not the game).lol
  7. Yeah. They tried to hard to mimic the game, and it came off as boring and uneventful. I gave them credit for staying close to the game with what they had to work with and found that interesting in itself though, boring and uninspired as it is.
  8. I hope your not just saying that because everything in it is blatent copying with some cliches thrown in...lol
  9. It was an intersting, if not wierd, take on SH2 (with some SH1 thrown in). I liked it. I probobly wouldn't mind if they tried doing a full length version.lol This also showed that the original look for Pyramid Head would have worked fine if not more effectivly than the actual Silent Hill movie version.
  10. I know. Seems I was right about just little over a year. lol Nah, It is good to hear that it shouldn't be long for it's release. I know i'm ready to play KH 1 again and CoM for the first time.
  11. The actual cutscenes in the game are being remastered, and many of the scenes are going to be remade. (ones that had no spoken dialogue and such). I can't remember the actual numbers and percentages at the moment, but i'm sure someone else does. I do think it's around 70% actually being remade or something like that though. I havn't looked in a while and don't care to try keeping up with it, so I guess i'm a bad person to listen to. lol
  12. ^ I'm expecting it to be pretty metacore from what's known about it so far. I highly doubt it'll be worth all the wait, but after all this time it will sell in the millions quick anyway. I do hope i'm wrong though, as funny as it would be to see it crash and burn for no other reason than seeing SE realize they need to change a few things. lol
  13. I'll play Lightining Returns (really hate that generic title...), but i'm really not sure about the being timed deal. I loath games that have timers associated through the whole game.. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-confuse.png
  14. That would be amazing! Atleast the final phase of the fight before her "death" scene. I am hoping the extra material they made/remade makes the cutscenes transition smoothly instead of making it very obvious that we are just watching cutscenes from a missing game, which would make it feel incomplete.
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