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Everything posted by outbackjim21

  1. Around 300, and to answer you're question about story quality...f'ing millennium falcon.
  2. Hm? Not an official confirmation, ill hold my head up in hope, but if they go Arpg route then the materia system will become a joke compared to the original...crisis core.
  3. The original post is making my IQ drop with each sentence read. But just so we are clear, most 3D platformers in the 90's were a ripoff of mario 64, the main company to do so was rare with games like banjo kazzooie. But honestly, rpgs ripped off earthbound and xenoblade? Didn't realize that videogames came before dungeons and dragons. And on more note, nintendo did pave the way for half almost all the games that you listed, im not saying that the ripped off nintendo, but without nintendo, those games would have not been so easily conceptualized, case and point Zelda-> any open world game from then on Metriod-> megaman
  4. When did this happen and if so, shame on square for screwing over the fans of their golden years.
  5. Ugh, michael bay has no vision when it comes to transformers, its the same thing each movie. And honestly having it so that humans... Humans are capable of going toe to toe with transformers is the dumbest thing i have ever seen, sam beating starscream and laser beak, mark whalbergs characters defending against the force of a transformer beating the crap out of him? Honeslty, at this point i'd rather flashbacks to the cybertronion war, at least then we wouldn't see the same old crap and they would actually have interesting dialogue/ set pieces instead of bridges and highways. Overall, this movie franchise needs to die, it takes a giant poop on any redeeming qualities of transformers lore and history by pandering to "humans can be as. powerful as transformers" schtick ...p.s having galvatron be made by humans? ...da hell man
  6. And with this bit of news my hype for ffvii remake went in the air, this game is offically on half life-3 status,... No, its always been on HL3 status, the hype for this game is so beyond anything the developers can do that it would have been better off just leaving it as wishful thinking for gamers. I already see the fence line, people who want the ATB to be the focsl point of combat , and people who want more action oriented combat, square isnt going to win this fight, either cater to the people who got square to where they are today (OG FF fans) or cater to the mass market of fans who no lomger know how to play atb and just want to spam buttons. I already know they are going to to do action oriented, just disappointed is all.
  7. did you ignore the phrasing behind my post. I said the drawing style,I.e hand drawn versus computer, of the original series looked better than super, didn't say anything about dips in quality, just the overall style. Hand drawn with dulcet color tones better portray DBZ than these bright shiny colors that super has going on.
  8. It's really sad how the original DB drawing style just looked so much nicer than super(not talking about ep5, just overall), just makes me start to despise computer anime, at this point I just want them to explain the 8-star ball.
  9. X was good, but that just shows their limit. Only being able to make one good game out of the gate without assistance or using old ideas, but then relying on sequels to main title games because they couldn't do anything else. X and xiii are the only FF titles to have numbered sequels because of lack of creativity/corporate greed. I will be the first to admit that video games are becoming harder to make since the old FFs, but that doesn't excuse picking up darts and throwing them at a dart board made up of old square resources in terms of set pieces, tropes and character arcs. Look at all of the games sakaguchi has made since his departure, blue dragon, last story and probably his magnum opus in terms of story telling, in my opinion, lost odyssey. Sakaguchi is what made FF great. hopefully Kojima can bring back some of that magic that current game developers lack, new ideas and the actual desire to make games gamers want to play.
  10. ...my main gripe with XIII is that it rides VII's metaphorical Johnson too hard. Having the main character be a gender bent version of cloud, on a train with a black guy who uses guns who you later find out has a child he wants to protect. Having the first boss be a scorpion tank. Making the villain of the story mad because daddy isn't home so he has to drop a meteor like object upon the world, not to mention that cocoon itself is just a a cleaner version of midgar. It just lacked imagination on all fronts, borrowing way too much from VII instead of doing its own thing, even xiii-2 took a lot of stuff from chrono trigger instead of doing its own thing, yeul= schala. But in all honesty, the game just wasn't deserving of the FF title, what I wouldn't give for xiii's combat with Xii's open world
  11. " i dont want nomura to add characters for the sake of adding characters, but i do want him to add females because there arent enough females"...
  12. I don't know how i feel about this game anymore, the demo was so lackluster, half of the mechanics that you heard about back in 2006, which sounded incredibly badass at the time, have all been done at this point and done better than what the demo presented us. I feel like i waited 10+ years just for new graphics...same can be said of the whole XIII saga, except type-0, that was a delight.
  13. in regards to xehanort saying that he knew the true way to recreate the x-blade all along, it's not that hard to believe that he is lying to protect his own ego. The guy thinks he is a god's answer to the world, it's not unlikely for him to lie. If you were put into a situation where you had all this stuff planned out came up short and found the true answer later on, tell me you wouldn't true to defend your ego. If the guy can essentially lie about being another person, lie to Terra for an entirety of a game, lie to the man he could once call best friend, why wouldn't he lie to his enemies, unlike those other times it doesn't serve a purpose in his overall plan, but it still grants precedent to the fact that he lies... A lot. And since finding these reports are somewhat canon, what's stopping xehanort from releasing false information so that the heroes are forced to take those reports as xehanort's true goal leading them right where he wants them.
  14. When was it established that time moves differently in different worlds other than the realm of darkness where time is pratically nonexistent? If that's the case what will happen when the world's are reformed as one again, will we get a "time crash" a la chrono cross... Nah, nomura would never write a story where there are consequences for a character's actions.
  15. http://www.khinsider.com/358-2-days/interviews/kingdom-hearts-358-2-days-ultimania---timeline Im really surprised no one brought up the official timeline for days from the ultimania, but here you go
  16. Jasmine is in no way a girly princess, out of all of the pre 2000 disney movies she is perhaps the strongest female lead out of all of them, if I were to make a spectrum of princess from strong willed/independent to weak/ codependent jasmine would be far left while Ariel would be far right, Kairi falls between the middle but leans mostly toward the right. And my definition of girly was a little off but the main point I wanted to get across was that Kairi has been codependent on the rest of the cast the whole series just like many of the other princesses in their respective movies except jasmine, meridia etc, so itd be wise to have Kairi interact with these strong princesses more so than the weaker ones.
  17. im not too sure about that idea, the reason kairi is so... I dont want to say useless, but yeah, useless, is because she is a princess, a (sorry for somewhat insulting a gender, but i cant find a better way of describing her) girly princess at that, unlike jasmine, meridia, and tiana (haven't seen any of the newer 3d disney movies so sorry if i left some stronger females out) who have actually thrown themselves into danger not for the sake of a male protagonists, but because of their overall character( and yes, kairi is codependent on sora). If kairi is going to be a playable character and is going to be utilized in a way that kind of separates her from that she needs to be interacting with stronger princesses.But honestly if sofia was used then that would set a precedent for other disney junior shows like jake and the pirates and whatever else and i don't think anyone wants that.
  18. Sora finding the master keeper keyblade isnt a plot point, nomura said that it was more symbolic and that it represented what needed to be done.
  19. All of those movies hold implicit rules that do not bend reality on a fundamental level the way star wars lore does. The force is an explicit concept, one that the entire universe is built upon, especially when the force is essentially god and exist within all living things (sound familiar) and there is no way to spin it so that the force= kingdom hearts like some people try to say because like ive said before, star wars rules are too similar yet fundamentally different than kh's rules in regards to these two aspects. . And are you serious about not many people being force sensitive, the ONLY notable human characters in starwars movie history who are not force sensitive are han solo, lando calrissian, and boba fett(not including prequel because that would just be a bad call to use those movies seeing as it ends in a person falling to darkness), everyone else is force sensitive,
  20. You should probably just post the dyk videos from youtube seeing as most of the information known(notknown) is already in them.
  21. You can't really use contradictory rules as an example for why disney movies can't be in KH seeing as there are never really any explicit rules in any disney movie that defy reality to such a degree other than magic, but for franchises like Star Wars there are most definitely rules and lore that contradict KH due to how similar yet fundamentally different they are. Not to mention the entire concept of the force, to introduce something like that which is essentially a fundamental law in the Star Wars universe yet having it so that it doesn't truly effect the kh universe is ridiculously stupid either the force is a permeating force throughout the universe or nothing. And the story can't be limited to a Star Wars "world" because then you aren't doing the franchise justice by having it take place all on one world, but if they make it so that the Star Wars world is a bunch of world's within a world then... I don't even know after that. But if square does decide to put in a Star Wars world it would be terribly mishandled no matter what they do.
  22. NOOO I wanted rediigtize the most out of all of the digimon games, bringing back the original digimon world gameplay that I put countless hours into would have satisfied me to the brink of tears.
  23. It doesn't matter if xehanort knew the events up to DDD, those events still had to happen due to fate being unchanged, his past self has those events ingrained in him leading him to the very scenario we have now and no where in the trailer did they give any specifics on the number of each side. And yen Sid said it himself, xehanort leaves many roads open. All of his machinations in BBS contributed toward his end game; getting maleficent to gather the princesses for him, having a new body from Terra, even testing out a potential darkness in both Braig and vanitas. BBS is far from just no relevance to the overall 13 vs 7. And I've said it before, but xehanort has had so many plans set in motion to the point where if the fusion of one pure light and one pure darkness would have worked then great it works, but if not then it will Atleast contribute toward his true end game. And eraqus wasn't willing to risk even the slimest chance of the one pure darkness and one pure light plan succeeding so his course of action, though brash and not well thought out, is stil valid.
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