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About DarkLightning14

  • Birthday 02/12/1992

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  1. I kinda wish they used the orchestrated version for this game. Well done
  2. From one newbie to another, welcome everybody has been friendly here so far
  3. Best - Halloween Town (KHII), Symphony of Sorcery (Riku), Country of the Musketeers (Sora) Worst - Alice in Wonderland, Olympus Coliseum, Monstro (KH1, because KH3D wasn't confusing haha)
  4. Haha, NSMBWii was pretty fun but only in group settings. Then we'd all pick each other up and throw each other into the pits. It got ugly fast. Lol
  5. Yeah, the only thing I would have loved if it was co-op through wi-fi but local co-op is a start! I rather have the physical copy. Have you seen the case? It's all gold!
  6. Not to say I'm completely done playing KH3D, but I have already beaten it and I feel like playing a new game. Is anybody else considering getting it? Even if the reviews have been iffy...
  7. I'm literally in tears right now. My day has been made
  8. Yeah, it's just that the portal doesn't always give you that so I have to keep dropping http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png Also, I was waiting for this to happen with this game. Have you guys noticed that people have been putting TWEWY (The World Ends With You) instead of TWTNW (The World That Never Was)?
  9. Just hit 43. Trying to 100% standard, then moving on to proud. If only I could find more Brilliant Fantasy faster
  10. I feel like this was a short game and the only thing that made it long was all the cutscenes. I hear about people already being at The World That Never Was at levels 18-22 which is way too low. Other than that, I agree with the above complaints. Plotwise, I feel like the entire plot of the game didn't happen until the last world which seemed to make the first 6 pointless. But, with all those complains in mind, which are really minor, I thought this game was great and is still one of the best available on the 3DS. Best in the series? Close, but I'd have to think about it more since Birth by Sleep holds that title for me.
  11. these special portals are taking forever!

    1. MickeyTheMick


      Yeah they take forever to do

  12. Yeah I tried a couple times but kept getting killed when I got cornered with Riku so far. Then flowmotion helped when he'd rush at you with his lightning fists. BUT, then he disabled ALL my commands so then I was powerless and he was on his last health bar. I got annoyed after that but I'll try again later.
  13. For the ones in the Fountain Plaza of Traverse Town, how do we get those post-game if Julius is there...?
  14. From one newbie to another, welcome
  15. finally beat KH3D AND unlocked the secret movie in one try :) onto the refights!

    1. ZednaLostToOblivion


      cool...how did you finished it so fast?

    2. DarkLightning14


      I played it a lot every day haha. final time was 27 hours on the dot on Standard mode

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