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Everything posted by FallnFeather

  1. I'm going to convience my brother to play and so I'm wondering what order I should give for a first time player? I'm thinking 1, COM, 2, 358/Re:coded, BBS, DDD. What would you say? What's going to make the most sense?
  2. Oh, I screwed up a lot, I'm very unaccustomed to drawing straight. She was gone for well over an hour, which I suppose is still pretty fast.It's a learning process :].
  3. I'LL BE WAITING BBY. This is what when my best friend and I get on yahoo. Too bad it erased when she logged in. I would have liked to have knownher immediate reaction.
  4. Uhhhh.... Well, I really only have time to watch three things... Supernatural, Criminal Minds, and Game of Thrones.
  5. Hmmm. Hey, comunity/cosplayers. Do the Organizations jacket sleeves have a seem line running down them?

  6. I enjoy both. The first few playthroughs I'll power level, and from there restrictions or no exp runs.
  7. Someone said the sketch didn't look like Xemnas. Which I agreed with. I always have a hard time drawing Xemnas and not some Ansem/Sephiroth hybrid. SO. Does it look like Xemnas? Mainly the face area. If not, do you have an suggestions that can help me individualize him? /I'll bring that eyebrow down and that might make it look less like he wants a hug.
  8. I've always thought drawing symetrical eyes was my problem. NOPE. It's the stupid eyebrows. HRNG.

    1. Koko


      eyebrows arent symmetrical either way.

    2. FallnFeather


      /Every retyping of this seems rude to me.

      The problem being I don't shape or arch them the same way on the opposing sides so they look off.

      I suppose symmetry wasn't an accurate word choice, but "close enough" sounds far too lazy to reflect the time I spend trying make the image agreeable to my aesthetic views~.

    3. Koko


      idk im really like


      but like, i enjoy seeing art where the person isnt completely symmetrical and doesnt meet society's standards of beauty

      does that make sense?

      like theres this mold a lot of amateur artists use for designing/drawing characters which always makes them look plain

      so seeing something like uneven brows, a big nose, thin lips, frizzy hair and etc makes me happy bc it like wow!!!!!!!!! idk

  9. It's been a while since I've drawn anything so I tried some new things with my style. Even got a background in there, albeit it's crooked. BUT STILL. Tell me what you think.
  10. Like I said, I dunno, it was just a random idea. ...And time, after he relinquished his title as master and became a seeker of... whatever. No clue. Whee.
  11. Nope. Spoilers so I can stop thinking about this, Yez?
  12. I don't know why, but I have this random idea in my head that Braig/Xigabr/ Wahtever you fancy to call him, is Xehanort's son........ ..... It... Just makes sense to me? I mean, they have the same ear shape, style, whatever; the same facial structure, and if not the same skin pallet, close to it. Xigbar has that silver/white streak, and even their moves look the same. Well, atleast his bullets compared to those annoying projectiles you face an onslaught of in the final fights of BBS. Speaking of BBS, maybe I'm mis remembering because it's been a long time, but when they Braig and Xehanort met in Radiant garden, he knew who he was... And the fact that exist in the same time constantly kinda shoots down the notion that he's just him from another time. And of course the "I'm already half Xehanort." comment. Anyways. Am I just shatting out random fandom or does this kinda make sense?
  13. .......I remember that now. Holy crap O-o. NO WONDER I DISLIKED IT SO MUCH.
  14. Oh, another one, The Vampire Hunter D novels are pretty good. Easy reads, but they contain some pretty good gems.
  15. Uhm.. I was going to say a Song of Fire and Ice, but Game of Thrones covers that. So..... Black Dagger Brotherhood novels Defense Devil (Manga) Are you Alice? (Manga) Angel Sanctuary (Manga) That's all I can think of off the top of my head.
  16. "When you doubt the path trod thus far, when the hand you held is lost to you, gaze anew at the heart that once was...for all the answers are within." --The begining (In that book Yen Sid asks you to read in KH2 that everyone ignores ;D) "Our hearts are full of memories — but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember. It happens to everyone. Some memories grow ugly, and some become more beautiful. If we could recover our true memories, the world would seem completely different." -- Dr. Finkelstein, Chain of Memories. "You should do something. But you don't have to do anything. If you can't remember something, it's like it never happened. Likewise, if something never happened, you can't remember it. Try too hard to remember, and your memory might lie to you." --Cheshire Cat, Chain of Memories I think CoM is the only game I've actually bothered to read through.
  17. ...At least I didn't say "Shirtless Sora~. In HD." :].And I am looking forward to the other benefits about a remake, that was just my first thought.
  18. :] Thank you guys . I made sure to do good on the burns, I noticed most people drawing them make them tattoos rather than scars, so I felt the need to make them rather ugly and messy like Yugi said they were in the manga~. /And I like drawing backs anyways. .../Lots of love for Pretium, you have no idea how happy that comment made me .
  19. HRNG. I tried to resize it to be reasonable... But it didn't work v____________________v. If you're interested despite page rape, here's last years stuff too,
  20. At random times about once a year I get the urge to draw Marik... Today was one of those days~. And d'you know why I love it? Because no matter how disproportionatly and stupidly gravity defying you draw YGO/DBZ characters hair, It's right. And LOOKS right. Which I find is hard to happen upon in the world of anime/manga.
  21. First I should kinda explain the assignment I'm supposed to write up my own rendering of hell and compare to the one of Dante's Inferno. And I'll just send the whole paragraph.. Perhaps it says something bad of my opinion of the place, but I’ve canvased my hell to be something of a tight school hallway; not in the terms of being packed with others, but simply a confining, small expanse of area. I liken it to nightmare some people have; the one where the halls of walls and doors go on forever never to make it to the end. The silence is not one to be found as pleasant. It’s filled by the type of eerie silence that sends jolts of unease through the body and a premonition that things aren’t as they seem. The silence, unlike the fore shadowed worry, can be given a name. It resonates and resounds with the color of these barren walls; Ghost white.
  22. ;o... It was so obvious..... Thank you both, that was really helpful for my brain fart/block~.
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