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About Majesticrose

  • Birthday 09/29/1992

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  1. Hey! Its hard to find people who are both a fan of Supernatural and Kingdom Hearts. So, I hope there will be at least someone here! This may contain MILD SPOILERS! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Okay, so IMAGINE... The yellowed-eye-demon from Supernatural... is Xehanort! (this isn't a spoiler because it obviously isn't true. Just a fan made idea.) I came up with this idea because, (spoiler) As Xehanort is taking over people's bodies, their eyes turn yellow. That's like the first proof of transformation. And the yellowed-eye-demon in Supernatural is KNOWN for his yellow eyes. So, a good fanfic idea... maybe?
  2. I BEAT IT, I BEAT IT , I FINALLY FINALLY BEAT IT.... Yup! I beat KH Dream Drop Distance! On to the forums that I had avoided so much that cotain the spoilers! xD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nora Valkyrie

      Nora Valkyrie

      I became to excited for a TWEWY sequel that I took a break from KH3D and replayed TWEWY :(

    3. Gamerazor247
    4. Majesticrose


      i need to play TWEWY... The characters were soooo cool in KH3D

  3. I'm Riku, and I'm at the final boss, getting my ass kicked. Why? I'M ONLY LEVEL 27. D: I'm gonna have to sit a few hours... or just days to level up if I ever want to beat the game D:

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. FireRubies1


      I dunno how you get higher than 40

      I got bored by level 35

    3. TheApprenticeofKingMickey


      I leveled grinded four levels after every world. By the time I was fighting the final boss, I was at level 50.

    4. Majesticrose


      i shouldve done that... xD

  4. I love how I'm reading KH fanfiction, and watching KH cutscenes, and having KH daydreams, instead of actually playing KH DDD. MUST PLAY!

  5. So, apparently Barnes and Nobles doesn't sell Kingdom Hearts manga anymore, what the...???

    1. Junko


      You can always read it online

    2. Majesticrose


      True, but I like reading a copy in my hands :(

  6. I mean, yeah the goal is just to get the words down. But its still a good challenge. And a way to inspire you to get writting done Oooh, how did you do? It is hard to keep up. But to me any progress is good
  7. Just watched this! OMG ITS SOOOOOOO GOOD! MEGAMAN <3
  8. Awww, no D: I have to stay out of trouble? Darn it! I came here just to create maddness throughout the forums!!!!..... jk. I'm not like that at all I'm very polite, and I like to keep things very peaceful. And I love to make new friends. I'm a wee bit shy.
  9. Thank you very much!! And thank you for adding me! You are special person number one to do that !
  10. i JUST figured out how to write stuff on my page! If anyone wants to check it out, learn about me, then YAAAY!
  11. Saw the fireworks tonight!

  12. Hmmm, good point. Personally, I don't believe she should go the rest of her life being with someone she does not love. Because, it will most likely do more harm then good. She would have to keep up a charade. Pretending everything is okay, when in her heart it isn't. Then she might become resentful and take it out on the children. What if she blames them for the reason she can't leave her husband? This is just the extreme case of course. If she goes for the man she loves. It will hurt the husband. And the children would be devastated. But people go through divorce and remarry all the time. I'm not saying it won't screw up the children. It could lead to that as well. But sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Now, some people might say, the woman shouldn't leave her husband. She should make a sacrifice for her kids. And thats what mothers "should do" But there is more then one kind of sacrifice. And I don't believe this is one that should be made. But thats just this senerio of course.
  13. Hey guys! I'm curious, have any of you heard of Nanowrimo? It's National Novel Writing Month. For the month of November, people try to write 50,000 words! That's 1,667 words a day! Here is the website: http://www.nanowrimo.org/ I actually want to try it this year. I'm trying to start planning, but I don't know what to write about! I was thinking... I kinda want to write a story where my main character is addicted to a forum. I just recently found this forum. And I thought it would be cool to somehow incorporated it. In the story it would be a made up forum of course! Not a real one! I'm thinking about adding some romance to it as well. Not sure from there. Any ideas for me? Any ideas at all would be helpful! Even if it has nothing to do with the topic.
  14. Hey uhm, I was looking through the personal threads and I found this. Now, I'm one to always give advice to others. I actually want to become a therapist. But today, I find myself being the one that needs help. I'm actually kinda nervous to post it on here... I mean its online for everyone to see. I mean I would love to post it on here. To get feedback from as many people. But, do you guys think its safe to post personal info on here? I mean... I don't want it to get back to the people I know. I feel like i can't confide in any of my friends right now, and i really really need to let it out. I don't feel comfortable private messaging someone i don't know either. i would rather just post it on here, if you guys think its a good idea?
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