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SoraDaxjer28 last won the day on December 23 2023

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About SoraDaxjer28

  • Birthday 10/10/1992

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    The Backdrop Keyblader!!
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  1. As a Digital Storyteller, I am always interested in the Storyline straight away. The rest of the video game comes second and on down the line. Whether or not I replay it multiple times always depends on how connected I felt with its story and characters.
  2. That is an intriguing theory, although I would not be startled if such details were among the lore that Tetsuya Nomura intends to keep selfishly tucked inside himself. Personally, I'd like it to be explained what roles Demyx and Luxord played regarding the Keyblade War -- something Xemnas hinted at in "Kingdom Hearts III". Perhaps you could write a fan-made tale about this happening? I would certainly read it. = D
  3. Everyone's hearts are connected directly to Sora's in one way or another. It is true that he was not chosen by the Keyblade. Instead, the weapon chose him because of friends and how they are all interconnected through him. I admit, I did not fully comprehend it myself until I played "'Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance'" back in 2012.
  4. Since "'Final Fantasy VI'" has a Pixel Remaster, why is it on this list?
  5. That would be interesting to play. I enjoyed the card-based battle system, although it would be nice if the experience did not have to be manually collected from the field.
  6. Personally, I would say it is an equal match between all of them since each Keychain you attach onto the Keyblade gives it different effects.
  7. This might be an popular viewpoint, yet I would not mind seeing Naminé and Roxas double-team for a tutorial. The former could be a mage while the latter stays a duel-wielding Keyblade warrior. That aside, I wonder why Riku is not on this list . . . . ??
  8. I already preordered it at GameStop. I am looking forward to seeing all of the details in the scenery in both the towns and the world map.
  9. (I discovered this some time back, and I now realized it hasn't been shared on here yet.) So, it turns out Charles Kimbrough passed away on Wednesday, January 11TH, 2023, at the age of 86. He was the voice of the gargoyle, Victor, in Disney's "'The Hunchback of Notré Dame (1996)'", Disney's "'The Hunchback of Notré Dame II (2002)'", and "'Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream, Drop, Distance'". He also voiced the male Rainbow Face dinosaur in "'The Land Before Time VII: The Stone of Cold Fire (2000)'", alongside voicing various backdrop characters in the Studio Ghibli animated film, "'Whisper of The Heart (1995)'". He played lots of other characters over the years, too. He shall be missed . . . . See More: "'https://www.legacy.com/news/celebrity-deaths/charles-kimbrough-1936-2023-murphy-brown-star/'"
  10. Personally, I consider completing the storyline and trying each side-quest at least once to be completing the game. From that angle, I have completed all of the KH video games in my collection (all of them to date). As for the traditional 100% Completion, the only KH video game with which I have managed to do this is the original "'Kingdom Hearts I'" on the PlayStation 2. I used to have the save file on my PS2 memory card, until the whole thing suddenly crashed in 2012, and I have yet to complete "'Kingdom Hearts 1 -Final Mix-'" at the same level . . . . (My slight delayed reaction prevents me from finishing most video games to that same mark, achievement-wise.)
  11. (I do not know about you, yet I can wait until 2040 for any of the next KH games to be released. It shall give me the opportunity to catch up with my video game collection(s).) That aside, I predict this title would not be released until sometime next year at the earliest. It might also get delayed a few to several times as they continue to input as much content into it as they possibly can manage.
  12. I like all of them the same. I am not a very particular person when it comes to Disney.
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