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Crown Unlimit

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Everything posted by Crown Unlimit

  1. How do I upload pictures from my phone to this site?

  2. Ok. I lied about this being my last thread today
  3. Ok, I promise that this is the last thread I post today
  4. Jk. But this is pretty freaking awesome http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=410CYh0lnCU
  5. "You know you love your life when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." - Dr. Seuss

    1. Col.Random


      you knwo you're in real life when you realize that doesn't happen ;-;

  6. 1. KH13 2. Youtube 3. Smosh.com 4. 9gag 5. Google 6. iFunny 7. Cracked 8. School related website
  7. Be who you are and say what you mean. Because those who mind don't matter. And those who matter won't mind

  8. I just thought this was funny. This too:
  9. Idk why, but animals with guns are cute
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkjyZHZhokM&feature=player_detailpage
  11. Updated my About Me thing. It took forever, but I like it better this way

    1. Weiss


      It looks great! xD

    2. Crown Unlimit

      Crown Unlimit

      It's full of Doctor Who lol

    3. Crown Unlimit
  12. I like FFV, FFFCS, and FFTA Chocobo Knight. And of course the KH shop keepers. There are so many! I can't just pick one type!!!
  13. 99 Notifications? I was on less than 12 hours ago!! How much could you guys have posted that would get me to 99 notifications!?!?

    1. Crown Unlimit

      Crown Unlimit

      Yeah. I read them. It was kinda ridiculous and kinda funny at the same time

    2. Weiss


      We were really bored xD

    3. Crown Unlimit

      Crown Unlimit

      That makes sense then lol

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  14. My sister is getting thrown in the fountain at her college tomorrow. It's the school's tradition to have students thrown into the fountain on their birthdays lol

    1. Weiss


      Another reason to visit

    2. Caity


      Better than where I used to live, you got a birthday beating and "vomit" (was acc tinned carrots and stuff made to look like vomit) thrown on you.

    3. VanitasisKirby



      Well, I hope she has fun? xD

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  15. Put entire status in one update

  16. One does not simply...

    1. Weiss


      comment on this status

    2. Crown Unlimit
  17. This guy has to be the creepiest enemy in Ocarina of Time. But at the same time, he is awesome.
  18. (Ven) "My friends are my power! And I'm theirs!" (Vanitas) "It's always about your friends, isn't it?" (Ven) "At least I HAVE some!!"
  19. @Shera's last status. Worst mistake of your life, right?

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