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Crown Unlimit

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Everything posted by Crown Unlimit

  1. When playing through 1, 2, and CoM, I played just to play games from a truly spectacular series.I was a casual player. When I played Days and BbS, I became a collector, seeking out every treasure chest, keyblade, and command.
  2. Today I'm going back to K-Mart to see if they have KH 3D .... Again. If they don't, I will be mildly disappointed, and if they don't have it next week, I will rain down on them in a heavenly firestorm

  3. Welcome! I'm just like Runay in that I only visited for a while but finally decided to make an account
  4. Wow, I've posted 5 topics on my first day... I feel like I'm flooding the Boards...

    1. Yang


      Meh, it isn't that bad. Just don't do it every day lol.

  5. I was wondering what characters you would like to see in a KH game. Final Fantasy or Disney. Old characters, new characters, or maybe you just like the characters that are in it now and don't want any new ones. I personally would like to see Lightning from FF 13, I just don't know how SquareEnix would fit her in. As for Disney characters, I would love to see Beast or Jack again. But in KH 3D, I heard there was no NCP's that you could talk to, and obviously, party members are out of the question, you know, Spirits and all. Who would you like to see in a KH game?
  6. I was wondering if you can get Ars Arcanum in KH 3D, and if so, how? Oh, and can you get Zantesuken?
  7. I'm pretty sure you can use the cards on both Sora and Riku and any other new file you make
  8. I think it will be my favorite. Game play-wise and story-wise
  9. So, you know how in earlier games, you would get a keyblade that you would always use until you got Ultima Weapon or a secret keyblade (sweet stack, chaos ripper, void gear)? In the first and second games, I used Oblivion until I got Ultima. I was just wondering what keyblade in KH 3D you guys are using until you get Ultima Weapon. What is the "best" keyblade until Ultima?
  10. Keeba Tiger looks really cool ( I don't have the game yet) so does Aura Lion
  11. I think No Name and Crown Unlimit (BBS FM) look awesome, but I love using Chaos Ripper.
  12. I enjoyed the demo a lot, it's just that now that I've played it so much, it's not as exciting I'm trying very hard not to watch any spoilers for the game. Usually I don't care if I spoil stuff, because I know I'd just find it out anyways, But then my friends spoiled The Dark Knight Rises for me...... Never again
  13. I haven't gotten it yet, but I will probably play as Riku more http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
  14. You'll probably see the design when you tilt the 3ds a little. The light might catch the designs and make them shine
  15. So, I live in a small town, and yesterday I went to K Mart to see if they had gotten Kh 3D yet. Naturally, they didn't, but they said that they normally release video games on Thursdays, so tomorrow I will be going back. If you haven't already gotten Kh 3D (whether you haven't gone to the store yet or you're waiting for it to be delivered), I just wanted to know what you'll be doing in the meantime. I, personally, am going to finish my summer homework and wait patiently. I mean, we've waited for months for this game, I can wait another day. Some other people might not feel that way. Tell me what you think.
  16. So i'm new to Kh13 and I was just wondering how to change the profile picture thing, because I just can't figure it out. Can someone help me please?
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